A client is scheduled for a cabg procedure. what information should the nurse provide to the client?

The nurse meets with nurses or other health care professionals to discuss some aspect of client care.

A nursing care conference is a meeting of nurses to discuss some aspect of a client's care.
Taylor, C.R. Fundamentals of Nursing, 8th ed., Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health, 2015, Chapter 16: Documenting, Reporting, Conferring, and Using Informatics, p. 363.
Chapter 16: Documenting, Reporting, Conferring, and Using Informatics - Page 363

Which of the following principles should guide the nurse's documentation of entries on the patient's medical record?

Which principle should guide the nurse's documentation of entries on the client's health care record? Precise measurements should be used rather than approximations.

What is the primary purpose of the client record?

Explanation: The primary purpose of the client record is to help health care professionals from different disciplines communicate with one another.

What is a meeting of nurses to discuss some aspect of a patient's care?

A nursing care conference is a meeting of nurses to discuss some aspect of a client's care.

Which format would the nurse use for reporting information to a long term care facility?

The nurses who provide care in a large, long-term care facility utilize charting by exception (CBE) as the preferred method of documentation.