A client reports abdominal pain. which action allows the nurse to investigate this complaint?

Which sequence should the nurse follow when collecting data for an abdominal examination?

inspection of the outer appearance, auscultation of bowel and arterial sounds, percussion, and palpation of the tissue and underlying structures

inspection of the outer appearance, percussion and palpation of the tissue and underlying structures, and auscultation of bowel and arterial sounds

inspection of the outer appearance, auscultation of bowel and arterial sounds, and palpation and percussion of the tissue and underlying structures

inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation

The nurse is caring for a client who is concerned about skin cancer. Abnormal characteristics of pigmented skin lesions are defined by the mnemonic ABCDE. What does the mnemonic mean?

asymmetry, black/brown, consistency, diameter, erythema

asymmetry, border, color, diameter, elevation/enlargement

asymmetry, black/brown, consistency, diameter, erythema

ashen, border, color, diameter, elevation/enlargement

A client arrives in the emergency department reporting squeezing, substernal pain that radiates to the left shoulder and jaw. The client also reports nausea, diaphoresis, and shortness of breath. What nursing action is a priority?

Complete the client's registration information, perform an electrocardiogram (ECG), gain I.V. access, and take vital signs.

Administer O2, attach a cardiac monitor, take vital signs, and administer aspirin and sublingual nitroglycerin.

Gain IV access, give sublingual nitroglycerin and a dose of aspirin, and alert the cardiac catheterization team.

Alert the cardiac catheterization team, administer oxygen, attach a cardiac monitor, and notify the primary care provider.

A nurse is caring for a client who underwent a nephrectomy. While gathering data about client's response to the surgery, the nurse should stay alert for which signs and symptoms of hemorrhage?

weak, irregular pulse; cool, moist skin; and hypotension

restlessness, confusion, increased urine output, and warm, dry skin

cyanosis, nausea, vomiting, and constricted pupils

even, unlabored respirations; tachycardia; and hemoptysis

A client with type 1 diabetes has a leg infection that is being treated with antibiotics, wet-to-dry dressings, and whirlpool therapy. Since the infection began, the client's blood glucose levels have been unstable. Which data collected by the nurse indicate a serious complication?

Flushed cheeks, dry mouth, and acetone breath odor

Mental changes, fever, and hand tremors

Headache, sweating, and nervousness

Periods of rapid breathing followed by absence of breathing, picking at the bed linens, and nausea

A nurse is preparing to perform an abdominal assessment. Which sequence would the nurse follow to effectively perform an abdominal examination on a client?

Inspection, auscultation, palpation, and percussion

Inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation

Inspection, percussion, palpation, and auscultation

Inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation

Which sequence should the nurse follow when collecting data for an abdominal examination?

Assessing your patient's abdomen can provide critical information about his internal organs. Always follow this sequence: inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation.

When a nurse enters a client's room the client complains that she is spitting up blood when she coughs when the nurse takes a quick health history it will include?

When an emergency department nurse enters the room, the client complains that she's spitting up blood when she coughs. The nurse performs a quick review of the client's pertinent health history, which should include: 2. the history of the present problem, allergies, medications, and recent major operations.

When Auscultating a client's chest a nurse assesses a second heart sound S2 What would the nurse determine is the cause of this sound?

The first sound (S1) is caused by closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves and the two sounds tend to merge as one. When considered separately, the closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves is called M1 and T1 respectively. The second sound (S2) is caused by closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves.

Which of the following questions would the nurse ask the client when evaluating his preoperative cognitive perceptual pattern?

When evaluating a client's preoperative cognitive-perceptual pattern, which question should the nurse ask the client? "Do you wear glasses?" You just studied 159 terms!


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