A nuisance is a(n) __________ interference with the enjoyment of life or property. quizlet

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    Terms in this set (24)


    Interference with another's enjoyment of life or property


    A wrongful act that injures another's reputation with false statements


    The failure to exercise the degree of care that a reasonable person would exercise that results in the proximate cause of actual harm to an innocent person. Accidental or unintentional Tort.


    The tort that results when one person deliberately frightens another person into the reasonable belief that he or she is about to be injured

    Strict liability

    Responsibility to answer for harm that results from an ultra hazardous activity

    Intentional tort

    A wrong that occurs when a person knows and desires the consequences of his or her act


    Ones interference with the rights of another


    Wrongful injury to or interference in the rights of another


    The unlawful, unprivileged touching of another person

    Proximate cause

    The link between unreasonable conduct and an injury in a negligence suit


    False statement or deceptive practice done with intent to injure another


    Unauthorized taking or borrowing of personal property of another for the use of the taker

    False imprisonment

    Unlawful restraint of a person, whether in prison or otherwise


    Wrongful act of injuring another's reputation by making false statements

    Invasion of privacy

    Interference with a persons right to be left alone

    Misuse of legal procedure

    Bringing of legal action with malice and without probable cause

    Infliction of emotional distress

    Intentionally or recklessly causing emotional or mental suffering to others

    The concept of rights

    1. Be free from bodily harm
    2. Enjoy a good rep.
    3.conduct business w/o unwarranted interference


    Person who committed the tort

    Foreseeability test

    The test to see if someone should be held liable to something

    Assumption of risk

    The plaintiff should know the risk involved when entering something and still took the chance of being injured

    Elements of negligence

    Duty of care, breach of duty, proximate cause, actual harm

    Defenses to negligence

    Contributory negligence, comparative negligence, assumption of risk, strict liability

    Two unintentional torts

    Negligence and strict liability

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