A product that exhibits perfectly elastic demand has a price elasticity coefficient equal to ______.

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Terms in this set (82)

Which of the following are reasons that economists use percentages rather than absolute amounts to measure consumer responsiveness?

-Using percentages allows economists to correctly determine consumer responsiveness in relation to changes in prices of different products.
-Using absolutes might arbitrarily affect the impression of buyer responsiveness.

How is a buyer's responsiveness to price changes measured?

By the price elasticity of demand coefficient

What type of demand is represented by a given change in price that leads to a larger change in the quantity demanded?


If the quantity demanded changes only slightly in response to a significant change in price, the demand is said to be ______.

relatively inelastic

Calculating the percentage change in quantity demanded for a given product involves dividing the ______ by the ______.

change in quantity demanded; original quantity demanded

If a 4% decrease in the price of coffee leads to a 2% increase in the quantity demanded, the price elasticity of demand for coffee is relatively price ______.


The formula for calculating price elasticity of demand that involves terms for the average of two quantities and the average of two prices is known as the _____.


In measuring consumer responsiveness, we use ______ rather than absolute amounts.


In the price-elasticity coefficient formula, the numerator being greater than the denominator indicates that demand is ______.


What type of price elasticity of demand results from a relatively small percentage change in quantity demanded divided by a relatively larger percentage change in price?


A product for which a small change in price leads to a large change in the amount purchased is considered ______.

relatively elastic

A 5% decline in the price of cut flowers results in a 3% increase in the quantity demanded. Therefore, the demand for cut flowers is ______.


A 3% decrease in the price of sugar causes a 3% increase in the quantity demanded. In this example, the demand for sugar has ____ elasticity.


When demand is unit elastic, the percentage change in quantity demanded is ______ the percentage change in price.

= to

A small percentage change in quantity demanded divided by a larger percentage change in price indicates _______ demand.


When the price elasticity of demand is perfectly_____. a change in price causes no change in the quantity demanded.


A demand curve that runs parallel to the vertical axis indicates a(n) ______.

perfectly inelastic demand

Which of the following is true when the demand is unit elastic?

The percentage change in quantity demanded is equal to the percentage change in price.

What type of price elasticity of demand results from a relatively small percentage change in quantity demanded divided by a relatively larger percentage change in price?


A product for which a small change in price leads to a large change in the amount purchased is considered ______.

relatively elastic

What is represented by the P x Q rectangle lying below a point on a demand curve?

total revenue

When a change in price does not cause a change in the quantity demanded, the price elasticity of demand is considered ______.

perfectly inelastic

Which of the following represents a perfectly elastic demand curve?

A horizontal line

A product that exhibits perfectly elastic demand has a price elasticity coefficient equal to ______.


When prices and total revenue change in opposite directions, the price elasticity of demand is ______.


Total revenue can be graphically evaluated and depicted using the ______ curve.


If product demand is relatively elastic and the price is decreased, total revenue will


When the price elasticity of demand is perfectly _______, a change in price causes no change in the quantity demanded.


A demand curve that runs parallel to the vertical axis indicates a(n) ______.

perfectly inelastic

If product demand is relatively elastic, what will be the effect on the total revenue if the price is increased?

it decreases

When the price elasticity of demand is relatively ______, a price decrease will increase total revenue.


When the demand for a product is and the price is reduced, total revenue will fall.


Total revenue will rise under which of the following circumstances?

When the price falls on a good or service with an elastic price elasticity of demand

When the price elasticity of demand for a product is relatively price elastic and price is ______, total revenue will ______.

increased; decrease

If demand is ______, a price decrease will reduce total revenue.


If the loss in revenue from a lower price is exactly offset by the gain in revenue from the increase in sales, then the price elasticity of demand is ______.

unit elastic

If product demand is relatively elastic and the price is decreased, total revenue will ____________.


When the price elasticity of demand is perfectly ________, a change in price causes no change in the quantity demanded.


A decrease in price will lead to a decrease in total revenue if demand is ______.


When the price elasticity of demand is inelastic, a decrease in price will ______ total revenue.


In the upper-left portion of a linear demand curve, price elasticity of demand tends to be which of the following?


When the price elasticity of demand is perfectly _________ , a change in price causes no change in the quantity demanded.


The demand for Reebok sneakers is relatively price


Which of the following typically varies over the different price ranges of the same demand curve?


Demand for a specific brand of handbag is more price ______ than demand for handbags in general.


Demand is relatively price _______ when price and total revenue change in opposite directions.


Which of the following goods and services would most likely exhibit an inelastic price elasticity of demand coefficient?

-Medical care
-Automobile repairs

Restaurant meals, smartwatches, and concert tickets are all examples of goods that exhibit higher price _____ of demand.


Which of the following goods or services is more likely to be price inelastic?

An appendectomy

The demand for most farm products is ______.

highly inelastic

The more a good or service is considered to be a luxury rather than a necessity, the more ______ the demand for the good.


If the quantity supplied by producers is relatively responsive to price changes, supply is relatively price _______.


A product that is considered to be a necessity would have a _____ price elasticity of demand.


The percentage change in quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in price measures the price elasticity of _______.


If the quantity supplied by producers is relatively insensitive to price changes, supply is ______.

relatively price inelastic

Supply is ______ if the price elasticity coefficient is greater than 1.


We can expect a greater response, and therefore greater elasticity of supply, the ______.

more time the firm has to react to price changes

True or false: The price elasticity of supply is the percentage change in price divided by the percentage change in quantity supplied.


In the ______ period, a farmer would have time to cultivate a crop more intensively by applying more variable inputs, such as labor, fertilizer, and pesticides.


Why is the supply curve more elastic in the long run than in the short run?

Because firms have time to adjust their plant sizes

If the price elasticity coefficient of supply is less than 1, supply is ______.


True or false: When considering the price elasticity of supply, price and total revenue always move together.


What does "shiftability" refer to in economics?

A firm's ability to move resources from the production of one product to another

Which of the following explain the high prices of antiques?

-Strong demand
-Highly inelastic supply
-Limited supply

The price elasticity of supply is much more ________ in the long run than in the short run.


With price elasticity of supply, the supply curve slopes upward because of the positive relationship between which of the following?

Price and amount supplied

By comparing two different products, _____ elasticity of demand provides insight into consumer behavior concerning substitute and complementary goods.


Supply for one-of-a-kind antiques is ______.

perfectly inelastic

The formula for the cross elasticity of demand is written as the percentage change in the quantity demanded of one product by the percentage change in the price of another product. (Do not use symbols)


To calculate the ______, take the percentage change in quantity demanded of product X and divide by the percentage change in the price of product Y.

coefficient for the cross-price elasticity of demand

Larger positive cross elasticity implies greater ______ between two products.


How many products (goods and services) are considered when referring to the cross elasticity of demand formula?


True or false: When an increase in the price of one good decreases the demand for another good, the goods are called complementary goods.


A corporate merger between two firms is more likely to meet with government approval if the cross elasticity coefficient of demand for both firms' products is ______.

near zero

If the cross-price elasticity of demand between two goods is positive, then the pair must be ______.


Which type of elasticity shows how responsive demand is to a change in earnings?

Income elasticity of demand

By comparing two different products, ________ elasticity of demand provides insight into consumer behavior concerning substitute and complementary goods.


Any good for which more is demanded as income rises is a(n) ______ good.


The government uses the idea of the ______ elasticity of demand to determine whether a proposed merger between two firms is a good idea.


The percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in income is the formula for the ______ elasticity of demand.


True or false: A positive income elasticity coefficient designates an inferior good.


If the income elasticity coefficient is positive, then the good is a _________ good.


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What is the elasticity coefficient of perfectly elastic demand?

Perfectly Elastic (PED > 1) If the percentage of change in demand is more than the percentage of change in price, then the demand is perfectly elastic. For instance, if a 10% increase in price causes a 20% drop in demand, then the coefficient of PED is 3, which means that the demand is perfectly elastic.

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Perfectly elastic means the response to price is complete and infinite: a change in price results in the quantity falling to zero.

What does it mean if the price elasticity coefficient is equal to 1?

If the elasticity coefficient is equal to one, demand is unitarily elastic as shown in Figure 3. For example, a 10% quantity change divided by a 10% price change is one. This means that a 1% change in quantity occurs for every 1% change in price.

When the coefficient of demand elasticity is equal to 1 then the demand is?

If the absolute value of the price elasticity of demand is greater than 1, demand is termed price elastic. If it is equal to 1, demand is unit price elastic. And if it is less than 1, demand is price inelastic.


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