A scientist determined the rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction by measuring the amount of product





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Terms in this set (32)


A. Testis
B. Lining of small intestine
C. Anterior pituitary
D. Thyroid
E. Pancreas
Releases hormones that control blood sugar levels by stimulating glycogen formation or breakdown


Curve- Linear then straight- x axis- time y = product- linear is 4 min- goes to 40 product- flattens out for rest

A scientist determined the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction by measuring the amount of product formed over time. The following curve was generated from the data collected.
93. Based solely on the curve, what can be said concerning the calculated reaction rates at 1 minute and at 2 minutes?
(A) The rate after 2 minutes is greater than the rate after 1 minute.
(B) The rates are the same at 1 minute and at 2 minutes.
(C) The rates are affected by high concentrations of inhibitors.
(D) The rates are both zero.
(E) The greater the rate, the faster the enzyme is denatured.


(A) Echinoderms
(B) Annelids
(C) Arthropods
(D) Cnidarians (coelenterates)
(E) Chordates

74. These organisms often have both a polyp form and a medusa form in their life cycle.


Which of the following parts of the vertebrate brain is most closely associated with motor (muscular) coordination?
a. The hypothalamus
b. The medulla oblongata
c. The pineal body
d. The thalamus
e. The cerebellum


50. All of the following statements about neurotransmitters are generally true EXCEPT:
(A) They may cause depolarization or hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic membrane.
(B) They are actively transported across the synaptic cleft.
(C) They are released from membrane-bound packets called vesicles.
(D) They may be enzymatically degraded at the postsynaptic membrane.
(E) They bind to specific receptors on the postsynaptic membrane.


Which of the following produces the secondary tissues of trees?
a. Sapwood
b. Cork
c. Vascular cambium
d. Heartwood
e. Cortex


Which of the following is an acctively dividing tissue in plants?
a. Cambium
b. Xylem
c. Endodermis
d. Phloem
e. Pith


A. Testis
B. Lining of small intestine
C. Anterior pituitary
D. Thyroid
E. Pancreas
Secretes the hormones FSH and LH, which control ovulation


In the 1940's, Avery, MacCleod, and McCarty transformed nonencapsulated bacteria into encapsulated forms by growing the nonencapsulated cells in a culture containing an extract made from dead encapsulated cells. The transformed cells produced colonies of encapsulated bacteria. Three different procedures and their results are outlined below.
Procedure I:
Exact made from dead encapsulated cells added to culture medium.
Nonencapsulated bacteria added to culture medium.
Results: Both nonencapsulated and encapsulated bacteria grow.
Procedure II:
Extract made from dead encapsulated cells treated with protein-degrading enzymes before adding exact to culture medium.
Nonencapsulated bacteria added to culture medium.
Results: Both nonencapsulated and encapsulated bacteria grow.
Procedure III:
Extract made from dead encapsulated cells treated with DNAse (an enzyme that selectively destroys DNA) before adding extract to culture medium.
Nonencapsulated bacteria added to culture medium.
Results: Only nonencapsulated bacteria grow.

92. What was the purpose of treating the extract with DNAse in Procedure III ?
(A) To remove the encapsulated bacteria from the extract
(B) To serve as a positive control by demonstrating that a protein in the extract is the transforming factor
(C) To serve as a negative control by demonstrating that transformation does not occur without DNA
(D) To destroy any enzymes in the extract
(E) To destroy any capsules that might be in the extract


All of the following are included in the modern concept of a biological species EXCEPT
a. genetic compatibility
b. viable offspring
c. fertile offspring
d. gene flow inhibition
e. reproductive compatibility


Calvin cycle (lighA. Glycolysis
B. Krebs cycle (critic acid cycle)
C. Calvin cycle (light-independent reactions of photosynthesis)
D. Light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis
E. Chemiosmosis
Process found in both photosynthesis and cellular respiration


This protein functions in muscle contraction.
a. Keratin
b. Hemoglobin
c. Actin
d. Insulin
e. Pepsin


This protein functions optimally in high H+ concentrations.
a. Keratin
b. Hemoglobin
c. Actin
d. Insulin
e. Pepsin


(A) Cytochrome
(C) NAD+
(E) Oxygen (O2)

79. Coenzyme that transfers electrons from the Krebs cycle to the mitochondrial electron-transport chain at a lower energy level than that of electrons entering at the beginning of the chain


A. Annelida
B. Mollusca
C. Arthropoda
D. Echinodermata
E. Chordata
Coelomate; exoskeleton; jointed appendages


Father Mother Child1 Child 2 Child 3 X
x x x
x x x x
x x x
Gel chart

All of the following are likely steps that would lead to the production of these gel patterns EXCEPT
a. isolating the DNA from each individual
b. using a different restriction enzyme to treat the DNA of each individual
c. loading the DNA into separate wells in an agarose gel
d. separating the fragments in an electrical field
e. probing the DNA with an oligonucleotide specific to the short repeating sequence


A) Cytochrome
(C) NAD+
(E) Oxygen (O2)

78. A membrane-bound electron carrier found in the electron transport systems of both aerobic respiration and photosynthesis


A. Glycolysis)
B. Krebs cycle (critic acid cycle)
C. Calvin cycle (light-independent reactions of photosynthesis)
D. Light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis
E. Chemiosmosis
Process in which carbon from CO2 is incorporated into organic molecules


56. Which of the following is true about the production of polar bodies in humans?
(A) It increases genetic variability.
(B) It provides the maximum amount of cytoplasm and resources to the ovum.
(C) It occurs in male and female vertebrates during meiosis I.
(D) It is completed prior to fertilization.
(E) It results in nondisjunction.


Refers to the following diagram of angiosperm reproduction. A is the top of the spoon shaped figure, B is the outer layer of the Ovule, C is the tip where the root stems from, D is the white part in the seed after fertilization, E is the stuff surrounding the seed.
Triploid nutritive tissue (endosperm)


The rate of flow of water through the xylem is regualted by
a. passive transport by the pith
b. the force of transpirational pull
c. the number of companion cells in the phloem
d. active transport by the sieve-tube members
e. active transport by tracheid and vessel cells


Mosses (a) Ferns (b) Conifers (c) Gingkos (d) Cycads Angiosperms (e)
all along evolution line except for d and c which c branches off of d

The embryo sac with seven cells and eight nuclei undergoes double fertilization.

a. Mosses
b. Ferns
c. Conifers
d. Gingkos
e. Angiosperms


A. Testis
B. Lining of small intestine
C. Anterior pituitary
D. Thyroid
E. Pancreas
Secretes steroid hormones that affect secondary sex characteristics


A person with a systolic blood pressure of 120 mm Hg and a diastolic blood pressure of 80 mm Hg typically has a mean arterial blood pressure of 90 mm Hg. Which of the following offers the best explanation for why the mean arterial blood pressure is 90 mm Hg, and not the average of the two pressures (100 mm Hg)?
a. The systolic blood pressure is higher than the diastolic blood pressure.
b. The quantity of fluid in the person's circulatory system must be greater during the diastole.
c. The diastole of the heart lasts longer than the systole of the heart.
d. The systolic blood pressure is not as high as the diastolic blood pressure.
e. Angiotensin, produced from a blood protein by renin, elevates the diastolic blood pressure.


A. Transcription
B. Translation
C. Transformation
D. Replication
E. Reverse transcription
Process in which a protein is assembled at a ribosome


Increases RNA polymerase activity
a. Methylation
b. Enhancer activity
c. RNA capping
d. RNA spliceosome activity
e. Reverse transcription


Catalyzes the formation of cytosolic second-messenger molecules
a. Adenylate cyclase
b. G-protein
c. Carrier protein
d. cAMP
e. Ion channel receptor protein


A. Annelida
B. Mollusca
C. Arthropoda
D. Echinodermata
E. Chordata
Internal calcareous skeleton; deuterostome; water-vascular system


Which of the following statements regarding coenzymes is true?
a. They are essential for metabolic reactions in animals but not in plants
b. They can facilitate metabolic reactions by combining with enzymes at their active sites
c. They are minerals that alter the pH of cells and thus increase the probability of chemical reactions
d. They are synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotic cells
e. They typically work best at temperatures below 37C


Assume that the alleles referred to all assort independently.
(A) 0
(B) 1/16
(C) 1/4
(D) 1/2
(E) 3/4

68. Probability that the genotype Rr will be produced by the parents Rr x rr


A moth's color is controlled by two alleles, G and g, at a single locus. G (gray) is dominant to g (white). A large population of moths was studied, and the frequency of the G allele in the population over time was documented, as shown in the figure below. In 1980 a random sample of 2,000 pupae was collected and moths were allowed to emerge.

Graph- from 1960-65- frequency at .8- drops to .5 from 1965-70
Stays constant from 1970-1980
Y axis- frequency of G alleles in population

107. Assuming that the population was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the G locus, what percentage of moths in the natural population was white in 1962?
(A) 2%
(B) 4%
(C) 8%
(D) 20%
(E) 64%


(A) Echinoderms
(B) Annelids
(C) Arthropods
(D) Cnidarians (coelenterates)
(E) Chordates

77. These organisms have a chitinous exoskeleton and jointed appendages.

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