A symposium consists of a moderator and several speakers seated together in front of an audience.

A symposium is generally defined as a meeting organized so that experts in a given field can meet, present papers, and discuss issues and trends or make recommendations for a certain course of action. Some definitions of symposium include a degree of audience participation that is less than that of a forum, thus implying a greater structure to the meeting format.

Symposiums have an implied academic aspect that distinguish them from seminars. After a symposium, attendees should come away having gained a greater degree of knowledge about a topic or a deeper understanding of an issue. They may have heard entirely new concepts about an existing subject or have been introduced to something completely new.

First Steps

Often the first step in organizing a symposium is to issue a call for papers on the subject at hand. This process is usually accomplished through trade publications and their corresponding websites, along with relevant social media platforms. An organizing committee can then choose the presenters based on their submissions. The call for papers has to be completed well in advance of the date of the symposium.

If a call for papers is not used, then the organizers of the symposium may pre-select the panel or panels and request that the individuals prepare papers on the subject. Meeting planners should choose a diverse group that is unlikely to repeat the same concepts, preferably reflecting different disciplines within the same field. An example would be a symposium on energy that would feature experts on petroleum, electric, coal, nuclear, and renewable sources.

Format of the Symposium

A symposium can take a number of different formats, which are determined by the number of presenters, subject matter, time for questions, travel, and—quite simply—the budget. However, a standard format follows this order:

  • Welcome remarks delivered by the hosts/organizers of the symposium.
  • Introduction of a moderator for the symposium who will in turn introduce the keynote speaker and the panelists, pose questions, and facilitate discussion.
  • A keynote speaker who will deliver remarks on the overall theme of the symposium. The keynote speech is typically presented before the panel discussion or during or after a luncheon.
  • During the panel discussion, the moderator introduces each presenter with a brief biography. The speaker will have a few minutes to speak on the topic and may give an overview plus his or her personal or professional perspective. After the individual presentations, the moderator guides a roundtable discussion among the panelists, often with pre-selected questions that have been sent to the panelists in advance.
  • The symposium generally concludes with a question and answer period. Often, the hosts simply take microphones into the audience. For a more structured environment, questions can be submitted in writing and read by the moderator.

Outcomes of the Symposium

In addition to publishing the papers submitted by the panelists, a symposium may also publish a comprehensive review of the opinions and any conclusions drawn from the discussions. A less formal review often takes the form of a “Notes from the Symposium” article in the relevant trade journals or online.

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    There are instances where you will be called upon to give an informative speech as part of a group of other informative speakers. This situation may be referred to as a panel or as a symposium. The difference is that in a panel, the focus is on a discussion by experts in front of an audience. The expert speakers may start with an opening statement, but typically the panelists are seated and their opening remarks are designed to present their basic position or stance and the bulk of time is spent in question-and-answer from the audience, from the moderator, or from each other. Some tips for panels are given here. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJG698U2Mvo)

    A symposium is more formal and the experts or presenters have put together prepared speeches on different aspects of an overall topic. For example, they may all be experts on juveniles in the criminal justice system, but they have chosen or been assigned a specific informative topic for the audience, who are probably also professionals in that field. One might speak on challenges with legal representation for juveniles, another on family reconciliation, another on educational opportunities, and so on. While there may be time for question and answers at the end, the bulk of the time is taken up by the prepared speeches.

    The author has used the symposium format in her teaching of the informative speech for over 25 years. The students at first are skeptical, but usually afterward they see the benefit of the experience in the classroom. For one thing, instead of a class of 25-30 separate and unrelated informative speeches in the class, there are four sets of related speeches that explore a topic in more depth. Some popular topics have been physical and mental health issues (diabetes, breast cancer, pets, schizophrenia, phobias), the arts (musical genres, history of film), travel, and food. In those years, there have been topics that didn’t work. Serial killers and sexually transmitted infections were two of them. One speech on that is acceptable. Six or seven, not so much. Just to clarify, the author always assigns the groups but the students pick the topics.

    Here are some pointers if you are assigned to give a symposium-style informative speech.

    1. Spend ample time discussing the topics so that everyone is supportive of the overall topic and the way the topic is broken down into separate speech topics. Do not let one person run the show and insist on a specific topic. A strong personality can sway the rest of the group and then later the other members become unhappy about the topic and resentful of the persuasive member.
    2. Try to develop topics in different ways; for example, let’s take the overall topic of phobias. The temptation is for each separate speech to be a specific phobia. While this is all right, it becomes repetitive to the audience. There are other ways to develop the subtopics (origins, different treatment options, phobias related to certain demographic groups) instead of six or seven speeches on different phobias.
    3. Be in constant communication with your peers so that you know exactly what their topics are and how they are being developed. You don’t want one or two co-presenters to “go rogue” and change their topics without the knowledge of the others in the group. You also do not want to end up overlapping, so that part of your speech is actually in someone else’s speech. Share phone numbers so you can text or call each other, if the members are willing.
    4. You should appoint a moderator who will introduce the speeches and speakers and close or call for questions when the speeches are completed, and possibly summarize the set of speeches at the end. This member does not have to be the first or last speaker in the group.
    5. Be sure the order of speeches is logical, not random.
    6. Be sure to get to the class early so you can set up and feel secure that your team members are present.
    7. If you are required to have a question-and-answer session at the end, the moderator should try to make sure that the participation is balanced and one talkative person doesn’t answer all the questions. There will be questions you cannot answer, so just be honest and say, “I didn’t find that answer in my research.”

    Many instructors use this format because it not only teaches informative speaking skills, but because it emphasizes team work. You will be expected to do many team projects in your educational and professional careers, and this is a good way to start learning effective teamwork skills.


    Learning how to give informative speeches will serve you well in your college career and your future work. Keep in mind the principles in this chapter but also those of the previous chapters: relating to the informational needs of the audience, using clear structure, and incorporating interesting and attention-getting supporting evidence.

    Something to Think About

    Here are three general topics for informative speeches. Write specific purposes for them and explain how you would answer the WIIFM question.

    1. Type 1 diabetes
    2. The psychological effects of using social media
    3. Guitars

    Two outlines for informative speeches are provided on the following pages. They utilize slightly different formats; other outline formats are included in one of the appendices. Your instructor will let you know which one he or she prefers or will provide examples of another format.

    What are functions of the moderator in a symposium quizlet?

    Moderator - introduces the topic and the speakers. Each speaker - delivers a prepared speech on a different aspect of the topic. What is a panel discussion? A structured conversation on a given topic among several people in front of an audience.

    How does a symposium differ from a panel discussion?

    The symposium often consists of scholarly research conducted independently by the different presenters while, a panel discussion frequently is a forum for research or expertise that panelists have gained over a period of time.

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