According to Erikson, which conflict might 14-year old Hannah face in her developmental stage

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Terms in this set (15)

Daniel excitedly yells from the backseat of the car to his mom, telling her to look at the bg crawling on his seat. He doesn't yet understand that his mom can't see his carseat while she's driving. This inability to see from another perspective is known as

A. egocentrism
B. conservation
C. cognitive empathy
D. accommodation

A. egocentrism

Marilyn is interested in how memory evolves throughout a lifetime; her main research focus is how the different types of memory (i.e., explicit vs. implicit) evolve in childhood and throughout adulthood. Marilyn most likely focuses on which domain of development?

A. Biological
B. Emotional
C. Cognitive
D. Psychosocial

C. Cognitive

What is Erikson's primary developmental conflict of early adulthood?

A. industry vs. inferiority
B. identity vs. role confusion
C. intimacy vs. isolation
D. trust vs. mistrust

C. intimacy vs. isolation

Developmental psychologist study the ________ that occur throughout life.

A. personality, psychoanalytical, and cognitive changes
B. mental and psychosocial changes
C. physical and mental changes
D. physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes

D. physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes

Because she is so cute, Elise's neighbor gives her a king-size Hershey's bar on Halloween. Her brother, Jack, is extremely jealous so he offers her a trade: two Tootsie rolls for her Hershey bar. She gladly accepts because she doesn't yet understand

A. abstract reasoning
B. that Tootsie rolls are the worst Halloween candy!
C. conservation
D. object permanence

C. conservation

Zeke has just realized that subtraction is simply the opposite or reverse of addition, so 2 + 2 = 4 is closely related to 4 - 2 = 2. Wow! What stage of cognitive development is Zeke going through?

A. Sensorimotor
B. Preoperational
C. Formal operational
D. Concrete operational

D. Concrete operational

According to Vygotsky, the zone of proximal development refers to the level of development or amount of knowledge

A. just below a learner's current abilities, reached only through the learner's hard work
B. just above a learner's current abilities, reached with help from another
C. just above a learner's current abilities, reached only through the learner's hard work
D. outside the learner's current abilities, reached with the significant help from. another

B. just above a learner's current abilities, reached with help from another

Dr. Wilkinson, a pediatric doctor, tells her patients (or rather, their parents): "It's really about following a child over time and making sure that they're making progress in skills, rather than asking whether they have a skill at an exact time point."
Based on this quote, Dr. Wilkinson most likely believes that development is:

A. continuos
B. based primarily on nature
C. discontinuous
D. universal

A. continuous

Rhonda, mother of three, insists that development takes place gradually and at its own pace, whereas Carolyn, mother of four, insists that development happens in distinct stages. Rhonda argues for ________ development but Carolyn sees development as________.

A. continuous; constant
B. discontinuous; continuous
C. continuous; discontinuous
D. contant; staggered

C. continuous; discontinuous

Allein understands that his introduction to Psychology course, he will be learning about the mind and behavior. Importantly, he understand that we can understand and explain mental processes without being able to physically observe those processes. Thus, he has developed

A. conservation
B. concrete reasoning
C. abstract reasoning
D. egocentrism

C. abstract reasoning

Through his Psychosocial Theory of Development, Erik Erikson proposed that at each stage oof development there is a/an

A. schema which we must assimilate or accommodate
B. erogenous zone where pleasure-seeking behavior is focused
C. reasoning for why a given action is considered morally justified
D. milestone or skill that we work to achieve

D. milestone or skill that we work to achieve

Theories which propose that the sequence of development is the same for everyone regardless of their specific environmental or biological factors are considered

A. continuous
B. unique to each person
C. universal
D. culturally dependent

C. universal

Piaget's Cognitive Theory of Development and Erikson's Psychosocial Theory of Development are similar in that:

A. both view development as universal; however, Piaget suggests that development is continuous whereas Erikson purports a discontinuous process
B. there are no similarities between these two theories of development
C. both view development as universal and discontinuous
D. both view development as discontinuous; however, Piaget suggests that development is universal whereas Erikson emphasizes culture-specific influences

C. both view development as universal and discontinuous

According to Erikson, which conflict might 14-year old Hannah face in her development stage?

A. identity vs. role confusion
B. intimacy vs. isolation
C. intimacy vs. isolation
D.. trust vs mistrust

A. identity vs. role confusion

A child sees a guinea pig for the first time and says, "rabbit!" After explanation that it is fact not a bunny rabbit, the child modifies her _____ of rabbits to include only animals with long ears. This is an example of _______

A. accommodation; assimilation
B. schemata; accommodation
C. assimilation; accommodation
D. schemata; assimilation

B. schemata; accommodation

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What is Erikson's primary developmental conflict of middle adulthood?

Erikson stated that the primary psychosocial task of middle adult‐ hood—ages 45 to 65—is to develop generativity, or the desire to expand one's influence and commitment to family, society, and future generations. In other words, the middle adult is concerned with forming and guiding the next generation.

Which of Erikson's stages of psychosocial development occurs in middle adulthood?

stagnation is the seventh stage of Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development. This stage takes place during middle adulthood, between the approximate ages of 40 and 65.

Which of Piaget's stages occurs from about age 11 through adulthood and is characterized by abstract and idealistic thinking?

The formal operational stage begins at approximately age twelve and lasts into adulthood. As adolescents enter this stage, they gain the ability to think in an abstract manner by manipulating ideas in their head, without any dependence on concrete manipulation (Inhelder & Piaget, 1958).

At what age does Erikson's stage of identity versus role confusion occur quizlet?

In adolescence (ages 12-18), children face the task of identity vs. role confusion. According to Erikson, an adolescent's main task is developing a sense of self.

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