All of the following are effects of charismatic leadership on followers, except:

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The empirical literature on charismatic or transformational leadership demonstrates that such leadership has profound effects on followers. However, while several versions of charismatic leadership theory predict such effects, none of them explains the process by which these effects are achieved. In this paper we seek to advance leadership theory by addressing this fundamental problem. We offer a self-concept based motivational theory to explain the process by which charismatic leader behaviors cause profound transformational effects on followers. The theory presents the argument that charismatic leadership has its effects by strongly engaging followers' self-concepts in the interest of the mission articulated by the leader. We derive from this theory testable propositions about (a) the behavior of charismatic leaders and their effects on followers, (b) the role of followers' values and orientations in the charismatic relationship, and (c) some of the organizational conditions that favor the emergence and effectiveness of charismatic leaders.

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This unique journal scans the globe for new research that draws upon multiple disciplines or levels of analysis: achieves genuine integration of theory, data, and managment applications; and improves organizational functioning. Artificial Intelligence Communications Theory Economics History Hypercompetition Information Science Organization theory Political Science Psychology Strategic Management Systems Theory

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Organization Science © 1993 INFORMS
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The key organizational factor in abuse of power is: culture of organization
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Theories of charismatic leadership are closely related to which of the other models of leadership? LMX model (leadership relationship)
Charismatic leaders and their followers intense emotional bond, high degree of respect/affection/and esteem for the leader, loyalty and devotion to leader, identification with the leader, high confidence in leader, high-performance expectations, and unquestioning obedience
A charismatic leader possesses all of the following characteristics except: high degree of self-confidence, strong conviction about ideas, high energy and enthusiasm, expressiveness and excellent communication skills, active image building/role modeling/and impression management.
The charismatic leader’s _____________ helps define and frame their vision and the mission of the group and the organization communication skills
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What is the effect of charismatic leadership on followers?

Charismatic leaders inspire their followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes by providing meaning, under- standing, and identification with organizational goals (Shamir et al., 1993). Moreover, they offer support, mentoring, and coaching, which in turn contribute to followers' self-esteem.

Which of the following is not one of the effects of charismatic leadership on followers?

Which of the following is NOT one of the effects of charismatic leadership? Decentralized decision making and power.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of charismatic leadership?

The answer is D) focus on maintaining status quo. Charismatic leaders are typically agents of great change, with bold and compelling visions of the future. They seldom focus on maintaining the status quo.

Which of the following are the characteristics of charismatic leadership?

5 Characteristics of a Charismatic Leader.
Confidence. Many of the most powerful and successful leaders exude confidence. ... .
Creativity. Charismatic leaders often think outside the box and aren't afraid to take risks. ... .
Vision. ... .
Determination. ... .


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