An action imposed by the government to stop the export or import of a product completely

Before you export, you need to determine whether your product, technology, or service might need an export license. The following video provides an overview of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) as administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security, as well as the role of the U.S. State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, and the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control in export licensing.

An action imposed by the government to stop the export or import of a product completely

Export Administration Regulations Training

Learn first-hand from experienced U.S. Government officials about export control policies, regulations and procedures with the Bureau of Industry and Security’s (BIS) training on Export Administration Regulations. BIS offers in-depth courses, seminars, conferences and resources on special topics of interest to the exporting community. 

U.S. Export Controls

The Export Administration Regulations (EAR) govern the export and re-export of some commodities, software and technology.

Reporting Export Sales

Federal law requires exporters to use the Automated Export System (AES) to report shipments valued at $2,500+ or if it requires an export license.

Obtaining an Export License

Learn when you need an Export License and from whom in order to ship your products from the United States.

Checking the Foreign Buyer and End-User

The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) discloses persons or entities have been denied export privileges, or to find restrictions on certain exports, reexports or transfers of items.

Other Legal Requirements

Sometimes there are special cases with other legal obligations to consider.

An action imposed by the government to stop the export or import of a product completely
Image source, Getty Images

The US has introduced new sanctions against Russia, after President Putin signed treaties to annex regions of Ukraine.

EU countries are also considering further sanctions, to limit Russia's ability to pay for war.

What are sanctions?

Sanctions are penalties imposed by one country on another, to stop them acting aggressively or breaking international law.

They are among the toughest actions nations can take, short of going to war.

What are the latest US and EU measures?

The US is imposing sanctions on 278 members of Russia's parliament, for enabling the referendums to annex four regions of Ukraine. It is also targeting 14 people connected with its defence industries.

The US says it will also target organisations outside Russia which provide support for its military, or its annexation of Ukrainian territory.

A new round of sanctions, drawn up by the European Commission, proposes a further ban on Russian imports. It would also ban more hi-tech goods from being exported.

What sanctions have been imposed on Russia?

Western nations are trying to limit Russia's access to money.

The US has barred Russia from making debt payments using foreign currency held in US banks.

Major Russian banks have been removed from the international financial messaging system Swift. This has delayed payments to Russia for its oil and gas exports.

The UK has excluded key Russian banks from the UK financial system, frozen the assets of all Russian banks, barred Russian firms from borrowing money and placed limits on deposits Russians can make at UK banks.

Western nations have announced these sanctions:

  • The European Union (EU) will ban imports of Russian oil brought in by sea from December
  • The EU will ban all imports of refined oil products from Russia in February 2023
  • The US is banning all Russian oil and gas imports
  • The UK will phase out Russian oil by the end of 2022. It no longer imports Russian gas
  • Germany has frozen plans for the opening of the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline from Russia
  • The EU has stopped importing Russian coal

From December, the EU and G7 also want to cap the price countries pay for Russian oil.

They are telling importers of Russian crude oil that western insurers will not cover oil shipments if they pay more than the cap.

The EU has not imposed sanctions on Russian gas, because it relies on it for about 40% of its gas needs.

The US, EU, UK and other countries have sanctioned more than 1,000 Russian individuals and businesses - including so-called oligarchs.

Image source, Reuters

Image caption,

Roman Abramovich is the former owner of Chelsea FC

Assets belonging to President Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov have been frozen in the US, EU, UK and Canada.

Superyachts linked to sanctioned Russians have been seized.

The UK has stopped the sale of "golden visas", which allowed wealthy Russians to get British residency rights.

What other sanctions have been imposed on goods and services?

  • A ban on the export of dual-use goods - items with both a civilian and military purpose, such as vehicle parts - by the UK, EU and US
  • A ban on all Russian flights from US, UK, EU and Canadian airspace
  • An import ban on Russian gold
  • A ban on the export of luxury goods to Russia
  • The UK has imposed a 35% tax on some imports, including vodka

Many international companies have either suspended trading in Russia, or withdrawn altogether.

Are sanctions hurting Russia?

Russia's ability to fund the war has been helped by high oil and gas prices.

David Fyfe, chief economist at research organisation Argus Media, says its crude oil revenues rose 41% over the past year.

"Oil sales make up 40% of Russia's total exports, and so they are helping greatly to fund the war," he says.

However, Mr Fyfe says sanctions are weakening Russia in other ways, "especially by blocking its access to the hi-tech components that its military sector needs".

An action imposed by the government to stop the export or import of a product completely

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Russia's economy in numbers*

  • 17.1%Annual inflation in May

  • 8-9%Retail trade set to fall this year

  • 83.5%Car sales fall in May 2022

  • 7.8%Official forecast of fall in Russian GDP in 2022

  • 30%Unofficial forecast of GDP collapse by IIF

*Official sources: Akort; economy ministry; AEB; Rosstat

How has Russia reacted?

Russia has banned exports of more than 200 goods, including telecoms, medical, vehicle, agricultural, electrical equipment and timber products.

It is blocking interest payments to foreign holders of government bonds, and banning Russian firms from paying overseas shareholders.

And it has stopped foreign investors who hold billions of dollars worth of Russian investments from selling them.

What is a government action that completely stops the importing and exporting of a certain product?

The most direct barrier to trade is an embargo– a blockade or political agreement that limits a foreign country's ability to export or import. Embargoes still exist, but they are difficult to enforce and are not common except in situations of war.

What is the government policy about import and export called?

EXIM Policy: Indian Foreign Trade Policy | Import and Export Policy.

What is a complete ban on imports called?

An embargo is a trade restriction, typically adopted by a government, a group of countries or an international organization as an economic sanction. Embargoes can bar all trade, or may apply only to some of it, for example to arms imports.

What is it called when a country bans imports from another country?

Protectionism, sometimes referred to as trade protectionism, is the economic policy of restricting imports from other countries through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, import quotas, and a variety of other government regulations.