An example of an app you can use to create letters, reports, and other documents is a ____ program.

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An example of an app you can use to create letters, reports, and other documents is a ____ program.

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When using software such as word you can easily create and edit documents such as letters and reports?

Office Basics, Word Lesson 1 & 2 TEST.

Is a mobile device that allows users to take photos and store the photographed images digitally?

A digital camera is a hardware device that takes photographs and stores the image as data on a memory card. Unlike an analog camera, which exposes film chemicals to light, a digital camera uses digital optical components to register the intensity and color of light, and converts it into pixel data.
Digital Literacy – involves having a current knowledge and understanding of computers, mobile devices, the Internet, and related technologies.

What enable users with computers and mobile devices to connect to the Internet wirelessly?

Wireless Internet access points enable users with computers and mobile devices to connect to the Internet wirelessly.