Are the pathways along which information flows in groups and teams and throughout an organization?

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the sharing of information between two or more individuals or group to reach a common understanding

Importance of Good Communication

Efficiency, improving quality, responsiveness to customers, innovation

2 Phases of Communication Process

Transmission Phase (info is shared) and Feedback Phase (common understanding is ensured)

the person or group wishing to share information

the information the sender wants to share

translating a message into understandable symbols or language

anything that hampers any stage of the communication process

person or group for which message is intended

the pathway through which an encoded message is transmitted to a receiver

interpreting and trying to make sense of a message

encoding of messages into words, either written or spoken

encoding of messages by means of facial expressions, body language, and styles of dress

process through which people select, organize, and interpret sensory input to give meaning and order to the world around them

systematic tendency to use information about others in a way that results in inaccurate perceptions

simplified and often inaccurate beliefs about the characteristics of particular groups of people

the amount of information that a communication medium can carry and the extent to which the medium enables the sender and receiver to reach a common understanding

Factors that Affect Form of Communication

-Info richness, -time, -need for a paper or electronic trail

-face-to-face, -spoken communication electronically transmitted, -personally addressed written communication, and -impersonal written communication (in order of info richness)

Management by Wandering Around

face-to-face communication technique in which a manager walks around a work area and talks informally with employees about issues and concerns

people employed by organizations and work out of offices in their own homes

potential for important information to be ignored or overlooked while tangential information receives attention

web site on which individual, group, or organization posts information, commentary, and opinions and to which readers can often respond with their own commentary and opinions

a website that enabled people to communicate with other with whom they habe some common interest or connection

pathways along which information flows in groups and teams throughout the organization

What are the types of Communication Networks?

Wheel Chain Circle All-channell

Communication Network: Wheel Network

Information flows to and from one central member in the group. Found in groups with pooled interdependence. Found in groups, not teams. Taxi Drivers

Communication Network: Chain Network

members communicate with one another in a predetermined sequence. Found in groups with sequential task interdependence (need to communicate with those immediately preceding and following them). Assembly lines. Not teams

Communication Network: Circle Network

group members communicate with others who are similar to them in experiences, beliefs, areas of expertise, background, office location, or even where they sit when the group meets. Task forces and standing committees. Not teams

Communication Network: All-Channel Network

every team member communicates with every other team member. Reciprocal task interdependence.

Vertical & Horizontal Communication

Vertical: up and down the corporate hierarchy Horizontal: among employees at the same level in the hierarchy

informal communication network along which unofficial information flows

global system of computer networks

company wide system of computer networks

computer software that enables members of groups and teams to share information with one another. 

groupware that promotes and facilitates collaborative, highly interdependent interactions and provides an electronic meeting site for communication among team members

7 skills for managers as senders

-clear & complete messages, -encode messages in symbols receiver understands, -select a medium appropriate for the message, -select medium receiver monitors, -avoid filtering and information distortion, -include feedback mechanism in messages, and -provide accurate info

specialized language that members of an occupation, group, or organization develop to facilitate communication among themselves

withholding part of a message because of the mistaken belief that the receiver does not need or will not want the information

changes in meaning of a message as the message passes through a series of senders and receivers

unofficial pieces of information of interest to organizational members but with no identifiable source

3 skills for managers as receivers

-pay attention, -be a good listener, and -be empathetic

a person's characteristic way of speaking

Cross-cultural differences

Differences in countries and cultures throughout the world

women downplay differences, not concerned about receiving credit, and want to make everyone feel more or less on an equal footing so even poor performers feel valued

Managing differences in linguistic styles

must understand linguistic styles and not try and change them to force people to change their own style

What type of network is characterized as a pathway along which both official and unofficial information flows in groups and teams and throughout the organization?

The pathways along which information flows in groups are called the communication networks of the organization.

Is the amount of information a communication medium can carry and the extent to which the medium enables the sender and receiver to reach a common understanding?

The amount of information that a communication medium can carry and the extent to which the medium enables the sender and receiver to reach a common understanding is known as information richness.

What is the pathway or medium in which communication messages are sent?

The medium through which a communication message travels, is known as channel. The sender sends the message which needs to get delivered through a path which is known as communication channel.

Which of the following types of communication networks do self managed teams within an Organisation typically have?

Cubic networkC. Circle networkD. All-channel networkE. Wheel networkTop management teams, cross-functional teams, and self-managed work teams frequently have all-channel networks.