Assessment technique most often associated with evaluation of the cardiovascular system

The anterior chest area that overlies the heart and great vessels is called the

The bicuspid, or mitral valve is located

between the left atrium and the left ventricle

The semilunar valves are located

at the exit of each ventricle at the beginning of the great vessels.

The sinoatrial node of the heart is located on the

posterior wall of the right atrum

The P-wave phase of an electrocardiogram (ECG) represents

conduction of the impulse throughout the atria.

During a cardia examination, the nurse can best hear the S1 heart sound by placing the stethoscope at the client's

The S4 heart Sound can be heard during

An adult client visits the clinic and tells the nurse that she feels chest pain and pain down her left arm. The nurse should refer the client to a physician for possible....

An adult client tells the nurse that his father died of a massive coronary attack at the age of 65. The nurse should explain to the client that one of the risk factors for coronary heart disease is.....

high serum level of low-density lipoproteins.

The nurse is planning a presentation about coronary heart disease for a group of middle-aged adults. Which of the following should be included in the nurse's teaching plan?

Estrogen replacement therapy in postmenopausal women decreases the risk of heart attack.

The nurse is preparing to assess the cardiovascular system of an adult client with emphysem. the nurse anticipates that there may be some difficulty palpating the clients....

The nurse is planning to auscultate a female adult client's carotid arteries. The nurse should plan to....

ask the client to hold her breath.

While assessing an older adult client, the nurse detects a bruit over the carotid artery. The nurse should explain to the client that a bruit is...

associated with occlusive arterial disease.

The nurse assesses a hospitalized adult client and observes that the client's jugular veins are fully extended. The nurse contacts the client's physician because the client's signs are indicative of...

increased central venous pressure.

While palpating the apex, left sternal border, and base in an adult client, the nurse detects a thrill. The nurse should further assess the client for....

The nurse is auscultating the heart sound of an adult client. To auscultate Erb's point, the nurse should place the stethoscope at the....

third to fifth intercostal space at the left sternal border.

While auscultating an adult client's heart rate and rhythm, the nurse detects an irregular pattern. The nurse should...

refer the client to a physician.

The nurse has assessed the heart sounds of an adolescent client and detects the presence of an S3 heart sound at the beginning of the diastolic pause. The nurse should instruct the client that she should....

recognize that this finding is normal in adolescents.

While assessing an adult client, the nurse detects opening snaps early in diastole during auscultation of the heart. The nurse should refer the client to a physician because this is usually indicative of...

The nurse detects paradoxical pulses in an adult client during an examination. The nurse should explain to the client that paradoxical pulses are usually indicative of...

obstructive lung disease.

The nurse is assessing an adult client with a diagnosis of sinus arrhythmia. The nurse should explain to the client that this indicates that the....

heart rate speeds up and slows down during a cycle.

The fourth heart sound, S4, is a...

low-frequency sound best heard with the bell of the stethoscope.

Area of auscultation located at second ICS at left sternal border

part of stethoscope used to auscultate normal heart sounds

localized area of tissur necrosis caused by prolonged anoxia

assessment technique most often associated with evaluation of the cardiovascular system

continuation of the anterior tibial artery on the top of the foot

palpable murmur described as feeling like the throat of a purring cat

abbreciation for area of the chest where the heartbeat is palpated most clearly.

area of auscultation located at the apex and assessing the left ventricle; fourth to fifth ICS at left midclavicular line (MCL)

peripheral pulse felt most often because of its accessibility

Event of the heart when contraction of the ventricles forces blood into major vessels.

Area of auscultation at second ICS and right sternal border

Palpable, diffuse, sustained lift of the chest wall or a portion of the wall

Audible variation between closure of two valves

An abnormally slowed heart rate, usually under 50 beats/minute

Results of turbulent blood flow produced by pathologic condition of valvular or septal wall

peripheral noted just behind the medial malleolus (ankle bone)

Classification of pulses detectable by feeling

Diminished blood supply to an organ or body part.

Pressure waves that temporarily expand the wall of the artery from the propulsion of blood

The portion of the stethoscope used to assess for murmurs.

Event in the heart cycle that involves relaxation of the ventricles

Most frequent location of S3 and S4 heart sounds; "point of the heart"

Area of auscultation location at the fourth to fifth ICS at the left sternal border; evaluates right ventricle

"Point" located at the third ICS at left sternal border; murmurs most often heard here

Audible murmur (a blowing sound heard in auscultating over a peripheral vessel or organ)

Paroxysmal pain in chest, often associated with myocardial ischemia

Blood clot attached to the inner wall of a vessel; usually causes some degree of occulusion

Calf pain associated with rapid dorsiflexion of the foot. Indicates thrombus in the lower extremity

Abreviation for the heart rate that originates within the SA node in right atrium.

The major artery that supplies blood to the arm is the...

The popliteal artery can be palpated at the...

The posterior tibial pulse can be palpated at the...

Blood from the lower trunk and legs drains upward into the inferior vena cava. The percentage of the body's blood volume that is contained in the veins is nearly...

While assessing the peripheral vascular system of an adult client, the nurse detects cold clammy skin and loss of hair on the client's legs. The nurse suspects that the client may be experiencing...

During a physical exam, the nurse detects warm skin and brown pigmentaion around an adult client's ankles. The nurse suspects that the client may be experiencing...

The nurse is assessing the peripheral vascular system of an older adult client. The client tells the nurse that her legs "seem cold all the time and sometimes feel tingly." The nurse suspects that the client may be experiencing...

Intermittent claudication.

The nurse is caring for a client who is employed as a typist and has a history of peripheral vascular disease. The nurse should instruct the client to reduce her risk factors by...

getting regular exercise.

The nurse is perparing to use a Doppler ultrasound probe to detect blood flow in the femoral artery of an adult client. The nurse should...

apply K-Y jelly to the client's skin.

A client visits the clinic and tells the nurse that she had a mastectomy 2 years ago. The nurse should assess the client for...

After palpating the radial pulse of an adult client, the nurse suspects arterial insufficiency. The nurse should next assess the client's...

The nurse is preparing to palpate the epitrochlear lymph nodes of an adult male client. The nurse should instruct the client to ...

Flex his elbow about 90 degrees.

While inspecting the skin color of a male client's legs, the nurse observes that the client's legs are slightly cyanotic while he is sitting on the edge of the exam table. The nurse should refer the client to a physician for possible...

While assessing the inguinal lymph nodes in an older adult client, the nurse detects that the lymph nodes are approximately 3 cm in diameter, nontender, and fixed. The nurse should refer the client to a physician because these findings are generally associated with...

The nurse plancs to assess an adult client for Homans' sign. The nurse should...

flex the client's knee, then dorsiflex the foot.

The nurse is planning to preform the Trendelenburg test on an adult client. The nurse should explain to the client that this test is used to determine the....

competence of the saphenous vein valves.

Used to detect a weak peripheral pulse to monitor blood pressure in infants or children and to measure blood pressure in a lower extremity; it magnififes pulse sounds from the hear and blood vessles

Swelling caused by excess fluid

Diffuse enlargement of terminal phalanges

A vasospastic disorder, primarily affects the hands, characterized by color change from pallor, to cyanosis, to rubor; attacks precipitated by cold or emotional upset and relieved by warmth

The time it takes for color to return to the nail beds after they have been blanched by pressure; a good measure of peripheral perfusion and cardiac output

Determines the patency of the radial and ulnar arteries.

Swollen, distended, and knotted veins; occur most commonly in the legs.

Inflammation of a vein associated with thrombus formation

Calf pain elicited when the calf muscle is compressed against the tibia or when the foot is sharply dorsiflexed against the calf

Usually occur on tips of toes, metatarsal heads, and lateral melleoli; ulcers have pale ischemic base, well-defined edges, and no bleeding.

Usually occur on medial malleoli; ulcers have bleeding uneven edges

Deficient supply of oxygenated arterial blood to a tissue; caused by obstruction of a blood vessel.

Rigid peripheral blood vessels; occurs more commonly in older adults

The abdominal contents are enclosed externally by the abdominal wall musculature-three layers of muscle extending from the back, around the flanks, to the front. The outer muscle layer is the external...

The sigmoid colon is located in this area of the abdomen: the...

The pancreas of an adult client is located...

deep in the upper abdomen and is not normally palpable.

The primary function of the gallbladder is to...

The colon originates in this abdominal area: the...

To percuss the liver of an adult client, the nurse should begin the abdominal assessment at the client's...

To palpate for tenderness of an adult client's appendix, the nurse should begin the abdominal assessment at the client's...

To paplate the spleen of an adult client, the nurse should begin the abdominal assessment of the client at the...

The nurse plans to assess an adult client's kidneys for tenderness. The nurse should assess the area at the...

A client visits the client because she experienced bright hematemesis yesterday. The nurse should refer the client to a physician because this symptom is indicative of...

The nurse is assessing an older adult client who has lost 5 pounds since her last visit 1 year ago. The client tells the nurse that her husband died 2 months ago. The nurse should further assess the client for...

A client visits the clinic for a routine examination. The client tells the nurse that she has become constipated because she is taking iron tablets perscribed for anemia. The nurse has instructed the cleint about the use of iron preparations and possible constipation. The nurse determines that the client has understood the instructions when she says...

"I can decrease the constipation if I eat foods high in fiber and drink water."

The nurse is caring for a female client during her first postoperative day after a temporary colostomy. The client refuses to look at the colostomy bag or the area. A priority nursing diagnosis for this client is...

disturbed body image related to temporary colostomy.

The nurse is preparing to asess the abdomen of a hospitalized client 2 days after abdominal surgery. The nurse should first...

inspect the abdominal area.

The nurse is planning to assess the abdomen of an adult male client. Before the nurse begins the assessment, the nurse should...

aske the client to empty his bladder.

The nurse is assessing the abdomen of an adult client and observes a purple discoloration at the flanks. The nurse should refer the client to a physician for possible...

While assessing an adult client's abdomen, the nurse observes that the client's umbilicus is deviated to the left. The nurse should refer the client to a physician for possible...

While assessing an adult client's abdomen, the nurse observes that the client's umbilicus is enlarded and everted. The nurse should refer the client to a physician for possible...

The nurse assesses an adult male client's abdomen and observes diminished abdominal respiration. The nurse determines that the client should be further assessed for...

The nurse is assessing the bowel sounds of an adult client. After listening to each quadrant, the nurse determines that bowel sounds are not present. The nurse should refer the client to a physician for possible...

While assessing the abdominal sounds of an adult client, the nurse hears high-pitched tingling sounds throughout the distended abdomen. The nurse should refer the client to a physician for possible...

What is the assessment of cardiovascular?

Objective Assessment. The physical examination of the cardiovascular system involves the interpretation of vital signs, inspection, palpation, and auscultation of heart sounds as the nurse evaluates for sufficient perfusion and cardiac output.

What patient positioning is generally used for an examination of the cardiovascular system?

Generally, the examiner should start with the patient in the supine position and listen to all the cardiac areas in the aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid, and mitral regions in the locations previously described for S1 and S2 sounds and any systolic murmurs.

Which cardiac assessment findings are documented as normal?

Documentation of a basic, normal heart exam should look something along the lines of the following: The external chest is normal in appearance without lifts, heaves, or thrills. PMI is not visible and is palpated in the 5th intercostal space at the midclavicular line. Heart rate and rhythm are normal.

What are three techniques used to assess the Precordium and heart sounds?

Inspection, Palpitation, and auscultation are three techniques used to asses the precordium and Vasculature.


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