Because of its flexibility, ________ are the most common technique of collecting primary data

Data collection for marketing research is a detailed process where a planned search for all relevant data is made by a researcher. The success of marketing research is contingent on the integrity and relevance of the data. And to a high degree, the quality of the data depends on the methods of data collection used. The selection and use of methods for conducting marketing research require a great deal of experience and expertise in order to correctly gage suitability.
These methods fall into two types of research categories, which are Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research. Qualitative Research is generally used to develop an initial understanding of the problem. It is non-statistical in nature and the answers are derived from the data itself. It is used in exploratory and descriptive research designs. Qualitative data can be procured through a variety of forms like interview transcripts; documents, diaries, and notes made while observing. Quantitative Research, on the other hand, quantifies the data and generalizes the results from the sample to the population.
There are two types of data:

  • Primary Data – Data that is collected first hand by the researcher. This data is specifically collected for the purpose of the study and addresses the current problem. This is original data that is collected by the researcher first hand.
  • Secondary Data – Data from other sources that has been already collected and is readily available. This data is less expensive and more quickly attainable from various published sources. Secondary data is extremely useful when primary data cannot be obtained at all.

The challenge lies in the case of method selection for collecting primary data. The method has to be relevant and appropriate. This will be the most important decision prior to beginning market research.
The market research process consists of 6 distinct steps:

  • Step 1 – Determine the research problem and objectives
  • Step 2 – Cultivate the overall research plan
  • Step 3 – Collect the data
  • Step 4 – Analyze the data
  • Step 5 – Present or publish the findings
  • Step 6 – Use the findings to make an informed decision

To further explore Step 3, here a few effective methods of data collection:

1. Telephone interviews

The biggest advantage of telephone interviews is that saves cost and time. Today, accessing people via telephone is so much easier because almost everyone has one. Another advantage is fewer interviewers are required in order to conduct telephone interviews than face-to-face interviews.

2. Online surveys

Given the current myriad of technological developments, the use of online surveys has rapidly increased. It may well be the least expensive way to reach the greatest amount of people – all over the world. Once an online survey has been designed, it can be stored easily, revised and reused as needed from time to time. The key is in the design and layout of the survey so that respondents don’t overlook a survey in their crowded inboxes. The response time is quick so online surveys have become the preferred method of data collection for many consumer satisfaction surveys and product and service feedback. It is easy to track respondents, non-respondents, and results through the data collection process. Electronic reminders can be sent easily at a very low cost. Respondents have the option to begin the survey, stop, save the responses at a later more convenient time. Research shows that respondents tend to answer questions more truthfully than when engaged through other methods.

3. Face to face interviews

This method is one of the most flexible ways to gather data and gain trust and cooperation from the respondents. Besides that, interviewing respondents in person means their non-verbal language can be observed as well. It is especially useful to detect discomfort when respondents are discussing sensitive issues. Respondents have more time to consider their answers and the interviewer can gain a deeper understanding of the validity of a response. It is also easier to maintain their interest and focus for a longer period. Focus Group Interviews entail more respondents at one time.
Face to face interviews can also take place via Intercept Interviews as well. These interviews can take place on the spot at shopping malls, street corners or even at the threshold of people’s homes. It is understandable why these types of interviews must be brief, to the point and free of from distasteful questions as there is a strong risk of the potential respondent leaving. These face to face interactions can be time-consuming so enlist a trusted company like Dattel Asia to provide the data needed with unprecedented levels of transparency. Dattel Asia is ASEAN’s leading data collection company that utilizes tablets, digital tools, and artificial machine learning systems for data collection. A reliable face-to-face data collection service provider that has over 250 skilled Field Data Associates and more than 310,000 unique and verified respondents in their data repository.
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What is primary data collection and why is it important?

Primary data collection is the process of gathering data directly from a first-hand source. In other words, it’s data that’s collected by the organization that expects to use it. Methods include surveys, interviews, observation, and focus groups. For example, The World Bank tracked the impact of COVID-19 in Afghanistan through 14,000 phone surveys.

What are the two main categories of primary data?

The two main categories of primary data are qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitative data is data that can be measured. Here are some concrete examples of quantitative data: Qualitative data, on the other hand, is data that cannot be quantified or measured. For example:

What are the other features of Quizlet?

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What technological devices have been developed to provide insight into consumers?

21) Give an example of the different technological devices that have been developed to provide insight into the consumers' behavior to the researchers. There has been much interest in recent years in various technological devices. Galvanometers can measure the interest or emotions aroused by exposure to a specific ad or picture.

When researchers can gather fresh data by observing the relevant actors and settings unobtrusively as they shop or consume products this is called?

Observational Research: Researchers can gather fresh data by observing the relevant actors and settings unobtrusively as they shop or consume products. Focus Group Research: A focus group is a gathering of 6 to 10 people carefully selected by researchers.

Which of the following is considered to be the last step in the market research process?

The final step in the market research process is to present your survey research findings and draw conclusions.

Are data that were collected for another purpose and already exist somewhere?

Secondary data: Information collected for another purpose which already exists.

What provides diagnostic information about how and why we observe certain effects in the marketplace and what they mean to marketers?

provide diagnostic information about how and why we observe certain effects in the marketplace, and what that means to marketers. the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.