Colin wants to find current research on eating disorders the best place for him to look is in

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Terms in this set (56)

When your textbook describes public speaking as a form of empowerment, it means that public speaking is...

A way to make a difference in something we care about

To say that public speaking is a way to make a difference in something we care about is to recognize that public speaking is...

A form of empowerment

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to deal with nervousness in your speeches?

1. Think of your speech as an act of communication
2. Turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts

As a public speaker, you face ethical issues when...

1. Selecting the topic for your speech
2. Researching your speech
3. Organizing your speech

In public speaking, sound ethical decisions involve weighing a potential course of action against...

A set of ethical guidelines or standards

For his informative speech, Douglas told his classmates how to get free food at a drive-through restaurant. Rather than focusing on legitimate deals, such as student discounts or coupons, Douglas talked about ways to trick employees into believing you had already paid for food when you had not. His instructor gave the speech a poor grade because it violated the ethical criteria for public speaking presented in your textbook. The guideline Douglas violated was:

Make sure your goals are ethically sound

Having spent two years working in a television newsroom, Madison decided to give her informative speech on that topic. Because she knew a lot about it and was comfortable speaking to an audience, she didn't spend much time preparing. As a result, her speech was poorly organized, ran overtime, and did not have a clear message. Which guideline for ethical public speaking did Madison fail to live up to?

Be fully prepared for each speech

Max is smiling and nodding his head as he listens to a toast at a friend's wedding. According to your textbook, Max is engaged in ____ listening.


Gerald is listening to comfort a friend whose apartment has just been burglarized. According to your textbook, Gerald is engaged in ____ listening.


Your textbook recommends that when you develop your first speech, you should look for ways to ____.

1) Make the speech mysterious or suspenseful
2) Use colorful, descriptive language
3) Be creative in structuring your information

Which of the following does your textbook recommend for developing your first classroom speech?

1) Make the speech mysterious or suspenseful
2) Use colorful, descriptive language
3) Be creative in structuring your information

Which of the following does your textbook recommend that you do in the conclusion of your first speech?

1) Let the audience know your speech is ending
2) Reinforce the central idea of your speech
3) End on a clever or thought-provoking note

According to your textbook, the type of delivery in which you plan your speech in detail and learn it well without trying to memorize the exact wording is called ____


When the general purpose of your speech is to ____, you act primarily as a teacher or lecturer.


When the general purpose of your speech is to ____, you act primarily as an advocate.


As your textbook explains, the primary purpose of speech-making is to ____.

Gain a desired response from listeners

The fact that audiences are egocentric means that ____.

1) Listeners interpret what you say on the basis of what they know and believe
2) Listeners are concerned above all with how a speech will affect them

The ____ is the key to finding information in the library.


The library's catalogue allows you to search for books by ____.

1) Author
2) Title
3) Keyword

As part of the research for her informative speech on the Chinese workplace, Dana needs to find recent articles published in scholarly journals. The best resource for her is a(n) ____.

Academic database such as JSTOR or Google Scholar

Colin wants to find scholarly research on eating disorders. The best place for him to look is in ____.

Academic databases

Examples are especially helpful as supporting materials because they ____.

Personalize your ideas

As your textbook explains, examples help a speaker ____.

1) Reinforce ideas
2) Personalize ideas
3) Clarify ideas

Jeff began his speech by saying:

Imagine you are on a deserted island - palm trees sway in the breeze, the warm sun is on your face, and the smell of tropical flowers is in the air. Suddenly, the sound of distant drums breaks your euphoria. What do you do - panic? What would you do if you found yourself in such a situation?

What kind of supporting material did Jeff use in his introduction?

Hypothetical example

According to your textbook, what kind of supporting materials is used in the following excerpt:

Imagine this: You have spent most of the night studying for an exam. But when you get up the next morning ready to take the test, you go to your front door and it won't open. So you head to the back door and it won't open either. You are stuck in the house. It would be pretty frustrating, wouldn't it? This is exactly the kind of frustration wheelchair-bound students feel when they can't get to class because of the snow.

Hypothetical example

Here are the main points for an informative speech about the process of drying and storing garden herbs.

I. The first step is to rinse the herbs.
II. The second step is to dry the herbs.
III. The third step is to strip the dried leaves.
IV. The fourth step is to store the herbs properly.

These main points are arranged in ____ order.


Here are the main points for a speech about the history of golf.

I. The game we know as golf originated in Scotland during the 15th century.
II. Most of golf's rules and traditions developed during the 19th century.
III. Professional golf tours for men and women emerged during the 20th century.
IV. Today golf continues to evolve in response to changes in equipment.

According to your textbook, these main points are arranged in ____ order.


Which of the following is a major objective of a speech introduction?

Reveal the topic

____ is the audience's perception of whether the speaker is qualified to speak on a given topic.


According to your textbook, a speaker who attempts to establish goodwill in the introduction of a speech is aiming to convince the audience that she or he ____.

Has the best interests of the audience in mind

Both a preparation outline and a speaking outline should ____.

Use a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation

All of the following are necessary in a preparation outline except ____.

Directions for delivering the speech

According to your textbook, transitions, internal summaries, and other connectives should be ____.

Included in the preparation outline

It's literal or dictionary meaning. As your textbook explains, connotative meaning gives words their ____ power.


As a speaker, you would probably use more connotative words if you wanted to ____

Arouse an emotional response

Which of the following words is the most concrete and specific?

Beethoven's Ninth Symphony

Good speech delivery ____.

1) Has a conversational quality
2) Does not call attention to itself

In which situation would a speaker be most likely to recite a speech from memory?

When making a toast at a wedding

A speech that is fully prepared in advance but that is delivered from a brief set of notes or a speaking outline is called a(n) ____ speech.


Visual aids can be very useful to a speaker because they ____.

Enhance the clarity of a speaker's ideas.

If you were discussing statistical trends in a speech, what kind of visual aid would probably work best to clarify the trends for listeners?

A graph

A ____ graph is best suited for illustrating simple distribution patterns.


Cre according to your textbook, the credibility of a speaker produced by everything the speaker says or does during the speech itself is called ____.

Derived credibility

According to your textbook, research has shown that ____.

Speakers can enhance their credibility by delivering their speeches fluently and expressively

One main purpose of speech introduction is to ____.

Create a welcoming climate to build enthusiasm for the main speaker

What does it mean to say that a speech of introduction should be "adapted to the main speaker"?

The speech should avoid creating discomfort for the main speaker.

A speaker introducing the president of a university to an audience of prospective students and their families will best accomplish this goal by ____.

Summarizing the president's major accomplishments at the university

Which of the following is an instance of informative speaking?

1) A business manager reporting on next year's budget
2) A teacher lecturing about methods of speech organization

According to your textbook, the questions listeners ask when judging an informative speech include ____.

1) Is the information communicated clearly?
2) Is h information communicated accurately?
3) Is the information made meaningful and interesting to the audience?

As explained in your textbook, "To inform my audience about the steps in creating a rooftop garden" is an example of a specific purpose statement for an informative speech about a(n) ____.


Which of the following is an instance of persuasive speaking?

A developer urging the city council to build a new convention center

As your textbook explains, if you want to persuade a skeptical audience you need to ____.

Answer the reasons for the audience's skepticism

What contemporary researcher term credibility, Aristotle termed ____.


As defined in your textbook, one of the defining traits of a small group is that ____.

Members of the group assemble for a specific purpose

As the vice president for employee relations, Manuel is the only member of his company's executive team attending informal small group meetings where employees are considering proposals to revise the company's personal leave policies. Beginning at its very first meeting, the group looks to Manuel for leadership. What kind of leader is Manuel?

Implied leader

According to your textbook, what are the three kinds of leadership needs faced by all problem-solving small groups?

Task needs, procedural needs, and maintenance needs

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