“communicative competence” is often used instead of “language proficiency” for all except

Language serves as a means of communication, allowing people to interact with each other, to influence each other in the natural conditions of social life. The modern higher educational institutions should pay more attention not only to the education itself, but also to the education of a common cultures, the formation of the culture of communication, and the communicative culture of the individual. The search for the best forms and methods of educating the culture of communication was conducted earlier and is currently being carried out by many domestic educators, psychologists and scientists.

Linguists and applied linguists have not always used the term “competence” in the same way, so a brief discussion of this matter is useful as a preliminary. Taylor points out that among applied linguists, Stern equated “competence” with “proficiency” while Sauvignon viewed competence as dynamic. In contrast, Taylor notes that linguists like Chomsky) use “competence” to refer only to rather static knowledge, which excludes any notion of “capacity” or “ability”. Like Chomsky, Taylor’s views “competence” as a state or product, not a process; he distinguishes between “competence” and “proficiency,” saying that the latter, who describes as the ability to make use of competence, is dynamic and relates to process and function. In 1980, the applied linguists Canel� and Swain published (Canale, M. and Swain, M. 1980) an influential article in which they argued that the ability to communicate required four different sub-competencies:

• grammatical (ability to create grammatically correct utterances),

• sociolinguistic (ability to produce socio linguistically appropriate utterances),

• discourse (ability to produce coherent and cohesive utterances), and

• Strategic (ability to solve communication problems as they arise).

And in PRESETT the term of “intercultural competence” is used instead of “sociolinguistic competence”

The model of development

Chomsky (Chomsky, N. 1980) in “Aspects of the Theory of Syntax” claimed that competence is the perfect knowledge of an ideal speaker-listener of the language in a homogeneous speech community.

Communicative competence is a theory that seeks to understand an individual’s ability to effectively convey meaning within given contexts. The most widely-accepted components of this ability include grammatical competence, discourse competence, sociolinguistic competence, and strategic competence. While the theory of communicative competence has been greatly influential in changing the nature of classroom instruction, some controversy exists over how much students learn from implicit and direct methods of instruction, and over how to best assess communicative competence. Current trends indicate that communicative competence will continue to be an important theory in language classrooms, though the direct instruction of language forms may become more prevalent in the near future.

In methodology the term “competence” is used as characteristics of the achieved level of the language proficiency. D. Hymes introduced the concept of communicative competence as the ability to use the language they are learning appropriately in a given social encounter (Hymes D. 1967).This idea was taken by M. Canale and M. Swain, who develop and elaborate a model of communicative competence (Canale M., Swain M. 1980).Then Van Ek applied it to FL acquisition and turned it into a fundamental concept in the development of communicative language teaching. In other words, with regard to FLT the term “competence” was developed in the frame of the researches done by the Council of Europe to ascertainment of the level of language proficiency. It was defined as ability for fulfillment some activity with the help of acquired knowledge, skills and experience.

In order to form a communicative competence, it is not enough to enrich the lesson with communicative exercises. It is important to provide students with the opportunity to think freely, to solve any problems that give rise to thought, to reason about the various possibilities for solving these problems, so that students focus their attention on the content of their statement, that the focus is on thought, and the language should be in its direct function - the formation and formulation of these thoughts.

When students perceive language as a means of intercultural interaction, it is necessary to search for ways of including them in an active dialogue of cultures so that they can in practice know the features of the functioning of language in a new culture for them. Communicative means the speech orientation of the learning process, which consists in the practical use of language. Practical speech orientation is not only a goal, but also a means to achieve this goal. Based on the communicative approach, in the process of teaching English, students need to acquire a communicative competence.

Communicative competence implies the ability to use all kinds of speech activity: reading, speaking, listening and writing. Communicative competence also includes linguistic competence, sociocultural knowledge, skills. Language competence means the ability to express one’s thoughts or understand the thoughts of others with the help of linguistic means, that is, the skills and habits of using vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation for speech activity. To achieve mutual understanding, knowledge of the sociocultural context, skills and skills of speech and non-verbal behavior, characteristic of native speakers, are also necessary.

The purpose of learning English is to develop a foreign communicative competence in the aggregate of all its components - speech, language, sociocultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive. It should be noted the importance of developing students` need to use a foreign language as a means of communication, cognition, selfrealization and social adaptation.

Each stage of teaching a foreign language, including English, involves the implementation of narrower goals. For instance, at the initial stage it involves the organization of active speech interaction, creation of a sustainable communicative core and maintaining an interest that serves as a stimulus for continuing the study of English in further training. The central characteristics of competence in communication are associated with:

1. The dynamic, interpersonal nature of communicative competence and its dependence on the negotiation of meaning between two or more persons who share to some degree the same symbolic system 2. Its application to both spoken and written language as well as to many other symbolic systems

3. The role of context in determining a specific communicative competence, the infinite variety of situations in which communication takes place, and the dependence of success in a particular role on one’s understanding of the context and on prior experience of a similar kind

4. communicative competence as a relative, not absolute, concept, one dependent on the cooperation of all participants, a situation which makes it reasonable to speak of degrees of communicative competence.

Bachman distinguishes tree models of communicative competence:

1. Language Competence (Organizational Competence or grammatical competence)

2. Textual competence (cohesion/coherence, conversational analysis)

3. Pragmatic Competence r illocutionary competence

Communicative language teaching involves developing language proficiency through interactions embedded in meaningful contexts. This approach to teaching provides authentic opportunities for learning that go beyond repetition and memorization of grammatical patterns in isolation. A central concept of the communicative approach to language teaching is communicative competence: the learner’s ability to understand and use language appropriately to communicate in authentic (rather than simulated) social and school environments.

In teaching process it is essential to organize active speech interaction, activate previously acquired skills in the field of oral communication and mastering practically linguistic-cultural and socio-cultural factors by creating communicative conditions close to natural ones; to renewal and maintenance the interest in learning foreign languages and faith in their strengths and abilities.

Nowadays, students play more interactive role unlike the usual uncommunicative role from traditional approach. Teachers play a role as a facilitator in learner-centered activities such as “problem- solving, discussion, role-plays and debates”, etc. to provide opportunities for all students to participate actively. In that case, we should use tasks based on activities that encourage independent development. The bases of student-centered learning are as follows:

• Task-based learning means helping the students choose a job that they want to do and then let them go out and do it, individually, on their own or within peer-learning a group.

• Student-centered learning means allowing the students the freedom to work on topics of their own choosing, within reasonable guidelines, in accordance with the body of knowledge.

• Self-access learning means letting the students go out and find their own information on their topics from anywhere they can, such as the Internet, books, journals, magazines, newspapers, interviews, and etc.

• Group Activities means allowing the students to form groups of four or five in which they will share the responsibility of getting-the-job-done and of doing the planning, preparation and presentation of their accumulated information as a team, each with an assigned task to fulfill, so they can learn from working with others and from the constructive comments the teacher makes in helping them through the steps of the process.

In such a process, the teacher is seldom at the front of the room, but usually mingling with the students, going from group to group, answering questions and encouraging progress as he/she goes.

In this age of progress the teacher has to come down from his sit at the front of the room to interact with the individuals in the class. Today, the new generation does not want to follow orders and just do as they are told. They will obviously want to participate in the process life and social change in a constructive way. So, we teachers should guess our learners needs and design our lessons, tasks according to their needs.

Table 1.
Students’ needs

The role of modern pedagogical technologies in the formation of linguistic competence in foreign language teaching is indisputable. Modern technologies, which are widely used today in tShe field of international experience, include:

1. Distance education.

2. Blended learning.

3. Master Classes.

4. Webinar technologies.

Distance learning is the most important and increasingly popular form of modern education. Rapid development of information and communication technologies in modern conditions created favorable conditions for their use in the educational process. At the same time, leading foreign countries have rich experience in distance learning. (Muslimov N., et al. 2016)

Distance education is a set of educational and training services for educational services through the use of traditional and innovative forms, methodologies, tools and resources for distribution and delivery of educational products through information and communication means (video, audio, computer, multimedia, radio, TV, etc.) education. This form of teaching involves the goal-oriented interactive process of interaction of trainees and teacher by the means of the teaching tools, in which the learning process does not depend on their geographical area.

Blended learning is an online learning material and a group-based teaching-based learning approach. Master-classes - a form of effective training aimed at promoting advanced pedagogical experiences. Master-classes are one of the most popular forms of modern education.

Webinar technologies (visual webinar - web-based workshop) - 1) a seminar organized on the basis of mutual web technologies and traditional education; 2) The way to organize interactive learning exercises with students (listeners) using Internet technologies and special programs.

These sessions differ from the traditional ones - each student can take active part in discussing the learning material and discussing specific skills and abilities. The success of the workshop depends on the skill of the teacher, the correct organization of the communication process, the audience’s activity, and the targeted choice of the occupation.

Practical use of English in forthcoming professional activity is the main purpose of language teaching. The lack of motivation is one of the main difficulties in some English classes. Moreover, students are also too shy to speak with the friends. Good oral communication is essential to every aspect of life and work. Many surveys have identified it as one of the skills most highly valued by employers.

Concluding, any graduate from the High school should be able to carry the knowledge, which form an integral picture of the world, skills and abilities to work out different types of activities: educational, career and also have modern value orientations and creative experience, be able to use new information technologies, be prepared for interpersonal and intercultural cooperation, both within their own country, and at the international level.

What are the three components of communicative competence quizlet?

a learner's ability to use language to communicate successfully..
knowledge of grammatical principles,.
knowledge of how to use language in a social context to fulfill communicative functions,.
knowledge of how to combine utterances and communicative functions with respect to discourse principles..

What refers to the ability to learn best through language instruction?

Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) refers to a student's ability to effectively understand and use the more advanced and complex language necessary for success in academic endeavors, sometimes referred to as academic language.

In which theory of language acquisition does the social environment play the main role?

The interactionist approach (sociocultural theory) combines ideas from sociology and biology to explain how language is developed. According to this theory, children learn language out of a desire to communicate with the world around them. Language emerges from, and is dependent upon, social interaction.

Which of the following best describes the innatist perspective on language acquisition?

Which of the following best explains the nativist perspective on language? Language is learned through a combination of the environment and an innate ability.


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