Describe how you will apply this new knowledge of the dangers of sun exposure to your daily life.

What are the dangers of sun exposure?

The immediate danger of too much sun is sunburn. If you looked at sunburned skin under a strong microscope, you would see that the cells and blood vessels have been damaged. With repeated sun damage, the skin starts to look dry, wrinkled, discolored, and leathery. Although the skin appears to be thicker, it actually has been weakened and, as a result, it will bruise more easily.

However, the sun's most serious threat is that it is the major cause of skin cancer, which is now the most common of all cancers. Doctors believe that most skin cancers can be avoided by preventing sun damage.

Does the sun have benefits?

You may have been taught that you need sunlight for your body to make vitamin D, because vitamin D is not found naturally in most foods. But today, many foods are fortified with vitamin D during the manufacturing process. Thus, sun exposure is not as important for the body's vitamin D supply as it used to be. Of course, being outdoors makes most people feel good. And playing tennis is better for your health than watching television. But you can still protect yourself from the sun's damaging effects while enjoying yourself outdoors.

How can I avoid the harmful effects of the sun?

Staying out of the sun is the best way to avoid sun damage, but most of us go outdoors regularly. So when you go outside, take these precautions:

  • Always wear sunscreen. Apply it on your skin every day. Make it a habit, as you do with brushing your teeth.
  • Avoid sun in the middle of the day, from about 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The ultraviolet rays, which cause sunburn, are strongest during this time.
  • Wear protective clothing. When you do go outdoors, especially for long periods in the middle of the day. Long sleeves and slacks, as well as a wide-brimmed hat, help protect your body against the sun's harmful effects.
  • Wear sunglasses that filter UV light.

What is SPF in a sunscreen?

SPF stands for sun protection factor. The SPF number tells you how well the product will protect you from UVB, the burning rays of the sun. (Most sunscreens also absorb ultraviolet "A" rays, or UVA.) The higher the SPF number, the greater the amount of protection. Everyone should use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. If you have had a skin cancer or precancer, you should use a sunscreen with an even higher SPF. Many of the new sunscreens have SPFs of 45 or higher.

Can I use a sunscreen with a low SPF if I don't burn very often?

If you were only trying to avoid sunburn, the answer would be "yes." But protection from sunburn is not the most important reason for wearing sunscreen. You want to reduce damage from the sun. Your skin can be harmed by constant sun exposure, whether or not you see a burn. Remember, sunburn is an immediate reaction, but damage from the sun occurs over a lifetime. If you have had skin cancer or pre-cancer, you should use an SPF of 30 or higher.

Are all the different types of sunscreens safe for me to use?

Yes. There are 2 types of sunscreens: organic (“chemical”) and inorganic (“physical”). They are both safe and they both protect you from sun damage, just in different ways. The level of protection provided by both types of sunscreens depends on their SPF. Recent studies have looked at the absorption of organic sunscreens into the skin, but no harmful effects have been seen. If absorption into the skin is a concern you have, you can use inorganic sunscreens, which have Titanium dioxide or Zinc oxide as their ingredients. As always, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

Who should use sunscreen?

Anyone who spends time outdoors should use a sunscreen. This includes:

  • Men, women, and children.
  • People who tan easily and those who don't.
  • Fair-skinned and dark-skinned people.
  • People who already have tans and sunbathers, gardeners, and skiers.

Are sunscreens safe for children?

Yes. Not only are sunscreens safe for children over age 6 months, if used regularly in childhood they can prevent skin cancers from developing in later life. Recently, a researcher reported that if sunscreens were used regularly by children through the age of 18, there would be a 72% reduction in the cases of skin cancer later in life.

For children under the age of 6 months, protective clothing and shade should be utilized. If these methods are not available, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends applying a minimal amount of sunscreen with SPF 15 or greater to areas such as the infant’s face and the back of the hands.

How should sunscreen be applied?

Sunscreens are very effective when used properly. Follow these guidelines to give yourself the most protection:

  • Apply the sunscreen at least 20 to 30 minutes before you go outdoors, whenever you will be exposed for 30 minutes or more.
  • Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours while you are outdoors, even if the product is labeled “all-day.” If you get wet or perspire heavily, reapply sunscreen more frequently.
  • Cover all exposed areas, including your ears, lips, face, and back of your hands.
  • Don't skimp; apply a generous layer. Smooth it on rather than rubbing it in. A rule of thumb is that 45 ml (a shot glass) of sunscreen is needed to cover all exposed skin to attain the stated level of protection.
  • Women should apply sunscreens under makeup. If you wait to apply sunscreen until you hit the beach, you may already be perspiring, and moisture makes sunscreens less effective.

Should I skip sunscreen if I have sensitive skin?

Some sunscreens contain ingredients that may irritate the skin. If you know you react to specific ingredients, be sure to check the contents on the label. You can also ask your dermatologist to recommend a sunscreen.

However, the sunscreen may not be causing the reaction. Other products that come into contact with your skin, including perfumes, certain medications, and soaps, may make your skin more sensitive. Think about the products you have been using (especially new products), and stop using these products one by one before you stop using the sunscreen. If you are not sure about the side effects of a medication you are taking, consult with your doctor or local pharmacist.

How can we protect ourselves from the sun?

How can I avoid the harmful effects of the sun?.
Always wear sunscreen. Apply it on your skin every day. ... .
Avoid sun in the middle of the day, from about 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The ultraviolet rays, which cause sunburn, are strongest during this time..
Wear protective clothing. ... .
Wear sunglasses that filter UV light..

Why is it important to protect yourself from the sun?

When kids are outdoors, it's important to protect their skin from too much exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays (UV rays), which can lead to skin cancer, skin damage and aging, and eye injury.

What are ways that we can protect your skin from being exposed to UV rays?

Here are seven simple ways you can limit your UV exposure and protect yourself in the sun..
Choose the right type of sunscreen. ... .
Apply and reapply sunscreen regularly. ... .
Wear protective clothing. ... .
Cover your head with a wide-brimmed hat. ... .
Protect your eyes with sunglasses. ... .
Avoid the sun during peak hours..

What specific dangers to the skin may be brought about by the exposure to the sun explain your answer?

Repeated exposure to the sun's ultraviolet radiation eventually causes skin damage similar to the aging process. Patches of skin become thin and less elastic, and develop blemishes, sun freckles, and wrinkles. These changes may take many years of exposure but when they occur, the damage is irreversible.