Dragon ball xenoverse 2 super saiyan blue freischalten deutsch

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Dragon ball xenoverse 2 super saiyan blue freischalten deutsch

Du kannst Super Sayajin, Super Vegeta, Zukunft Sayajin Transformation und du hast zwar gesagt keine DLC aber der DLC ist ja kostenlos und da kannst du Whis als Mentor haben musst aber mit ihm Freundschaft voll haben und auf Level 85 oder 90 war das(ja okay, das wird drin erklärt) sein und sprich mit ihm und du erhältst die Super Sayajin Blue Transformation

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A new free Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 update has recently been released, allowing players to unlock a totally new transformation for their characters. This is the new Super Saiyan Blue (SSGSS) transformation usually exclusive to Saiyans, but which can be acquired by any race in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.

The game does indeed specify :

The Saiyan-exclusive Awoken Skill « Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan » can be acquired by any race by speaking with the instructor Whis after reaching Level 90 or higher and maxing out their friendship with Whis.

If you don’t know how to proceed to get this Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (SSGSS Blue) transformation in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, we’ll tell you all about it on this page. Hang on your belt, it’s time for the ultimate transformation guide (the awoken skill) of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.

How to unlock the Super Saiyan Blue (SSGSS) in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 :

→ Firtst, have Whis as master and maxing out their friendship with him :

First of all, you will have to have Whis as instructor, it is accessible as master from the LVL 80. If your character is not yet at level 80, you will need some experience to approach Whis.

Dragon ball xenoverse 2 super saiyan blue freischalten deutsch

Alternatively, you can also download the DLC master / instructor pack for free which will give you immediate access to the following 5 masters : Whis, Cooler, C-16, Future Gohan and Bardock.

Once Whis has become the instructor of your character, you must maxing out their friendship gauge. To do this, talk to him and fight in parallel quests. Be careful, be sure to choose your character and take Whis as an ally for your fights. Assign 2 Whis to your group. Every time he fights alongside you, it’ll raise his friendship gauge. After a few fights, think about going to Whis and choosing the « talk » option to raise the Friendship Gauge.

Up your character on level 90 :

Finally, the second condition to unlock the Super Saiyan Blue (SSGSS) and awakening ability for your character, you will have to reach the LVL 90. There are three ways to pass levels for your character, either you stuff XP in expert battles or you search for Dragon Balls in the parallel quests of the game. Otherwise, the third method you can use is to go and see the new NPC Tosok on the assembly map in Conton City (see screenshot for its location).

Dragon ball xenoverse 2 super saiyan blue freischalten deutsch

With Tosok you can easily raise the level of your character to 90… Just talk to him and give him zenis or TP medals to quickly raise the levels of your character. You can use zenis if your character is at level 80 or lower and TP medals to increase the levels of your character from LVL 81 or higher.

→ Unlock the awoken skill of the Super Saiyan Blue (SSGSS) :

Once your friendship with Whis is at its maximum and you’ve reached level 90 with your Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 character, all you have to do is go and see Whis again to unlock the awoken skill of your character, which will allow you to transform yourself into Super Saiyan Blue or Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (SSGSS) depending on the denomination you prefer !

When you open your menu, you will see that your character has a new skill « awoken ».

With a card that indicates :

Transform into a Super Saiyan shrouded in divine energy ! This form gives you a massive power-up, but also gradually drains your ki !

In welcher Folge kommt super saiyajin Blue?

12: Super-Saiyajin Blue.

Wie bekommt man den Super Saiyajin in Dragonball Xenoverse 2?

Also, Super Saiyajin werden, Level 60 erreichen und Vegeta besiegen, dann habt ihr es geschafft. Ob ihr in 1 oder 2 transformiert hängt von eurem KI-Level ab, für 2 braucht ihr KI-Level 5. Super Vegeta ist die perfekte Transformation für alle, die ihr KI-Kräfte lieben.

Wann kommt Xenoverse 3 raus?

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3 angeblich in Arbeit Als Releasetermin sei angeblich das Jahr 2024 angepeilt. Erscheinen soll der Titel für Next-Gen-Konsolen, gemeint sind vermutlich PlayStation 5 und Xbox Series X. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3 is in development. Expect it to release around 2024.

Wer ist der saiyajin Gott?

Was ist SSJ Gott? Die Super Saiyajin Gott-Form ist eine besondere Transformationsstufe, die die Saiyajins eigentlich nicht allein und aus eigener Kraft erreichen können. Dafür brauchen sie in der Regel fünf andere Saiyajins, die noch dazu ein reines Herz haben müssen.