During the patient check-out procedure, an maa should take which of the following actions?

  • School Colorado Technical University
  • Course Title HSS 290-1702A-
  • Pages 32

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1.After opening a report from a patient's previous provider,which of the following is the medical administrative assistant'snext step?

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2.When a medical administrative assistant makes arrangementsfor a staff member to attend a conference, which of thefollowing is the most important step for keeping the officeinformed?

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3.A medical administrative assistant in a multi-specialty practiceis scheduling an appointment for a patient who has anarrhythmia. The assistant should schedule an appointmentwith which of the following providers.

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4.Which of the following actions should the medicaladministrative assistant take when closing the office?

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5.Once a physician signs advance directives, the medicaladministrative assistant should have which of the followingwitness the signature?

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6.A collected specimen needs to be sent to an outside laboratory.Which of the following actions is within the scope of practice ofa medical administrative assistant?

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7.Which of the following is the best way for a medicaladministrative assistant to address collection of copayment?

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8.A provider is running 30 min behind schedule because of anearly morning emergency. Which of the following actionsshould the medical administrative assistant take to maintaineffective scheduling in the office?

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9.Which of the following is a court order to mandate appearanceand produce medical records for a trial?

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10.Which of the following actions should a medicaladministrative assistant take it a patient has an existingworkers' compensation case?

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11.Which of the following should a medical administrativeassistant consult to find the proper method of scheduling anappointment for a particular office?

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12.A new patient provides a medical administrative assistantwith her parent's Medicare card. The patient states that she isa dependent and is eligible to use the card. Which of thefollowing actions should the assistant take?

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13.A patient is identified as a smoker in her medical recordand requests a medical record amendment due to her cessationof smoking 15 years earlier. Which of the following sections ofthe patient's bill of rights is the patient exercising?

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14.Prior to a patient leaving the office, she is asked to pay10% of a $100 office visit. Which of the following bestdescribes this fee?

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electronic medical record, Medical Administrative Assistant, following providers

Which of the following actions is appropriate for a MAA to take before scheduling a patient for surgery?

CMAA test review.

What action should a CMAA take when scheduling an off site diagnostic test?

What action should a CMAA take when scheduling an off-site diagnostic test? Receive prior authorization from the insurance carrier. What is the name of the file that a CMAA uses to maintain in order to remind patients of future appointments and procedures?

Which of the following actions is appropriate for a medical administrative assistant to take?

Which of the following actions is appropriate for a medical administrative assistant to take when processing incoming mail? Shred unwanted mail. A patient who has Medicare insurance is covered for both inpatient and outpatient services under the same part of Medicare.

Which of the following actions should a MAA take when scheduling a new patient for a physical examination?