During which of the five steps in the nursing process does the nurse analyze data critically?

Arrange the steps of the nursing process in the sequence in which they generally occur.
A. Assessment
B. Evaluation
C. Planning outcomes
D. Planning interventions
E. Diagnosis
1) E, B, A, D, C
2) A, B, C, D, E
3) A, E, C, D, B
4) D, A, B, E, C

3) A, E, C, D, B

Logically, the steps are assessment, diagnosis, planning outcomes, planning interventions, and evaluation. Keep in mind that steps are not always performed in this order, depending on the patient's needs, and that steps overlap

1) Influences on the nurse's problem-solving and decision making

Cognitive skills are used in complex thinking processes, such as problem-solving and decision making. Critical-thinking attitudes determine how a person uses her cognitive skills. Critical-thinking attitudes are traits of the mind, such as independent thinking, intellectual curiosity, intellectual humility, and fair-mindedness, to name a few. Critical-thinking skills refer to the cognitive activities used in complex thinking processes. A few examples of these skills involve recognizing the need for more information, recognizing gaps in one's own knowledge, and separating relevant from irrelevant data. Critical thinking, which consists of intellectual skills and attitudes, can be used in all aspects of life.

2) Self-knowledge

Personal knowledge is self-understanding—awareness of one's beliefs, values, biases, and so on. That best describes the nurse's awareness that her bias can affect her patient care. Theoretical knowledge consists of information, facts, principles, and theories in nursing and related disciplines; it consists of research findings and rationally constructed explanations of phenomena. Using reliable resources is a critical-thinking skill. The nursing process is a problem-solving process consisting of the steps of assessing, diagnosing, planning outcomes, planning interventions, implementing, and evaluating. The nurse has not yet met this patient, so she could not have begun the nursing process.

Which phase of nursing process is most critical?

Assessment is the first and most crucial step in the nursing process and involves critical thinking skills for obtaining data.

What are the 5 stages of the nursing process?

The common thread uniting different types of nurses who work in varied areas is the nursing process—the essential core of practice for the registered nurse to deliver holistic, patient-focused care. Assessment. ... .
Diagnosis. ... .
Outcomes / Planning. ... .
Implementation. ... .

What are the steps for analyzing data in nursing?

The Nursing Process.
Data Collection..
Data Organization and Analysis..
Nursing Diagnosis..

During what stage of the nursing process does data collection occur?

Nurses collect data during the assessment phase by communicating with the patient, spouse, and caregivers, reading patient records, nursing observation, and collecting measurable data such as vital signs.