Employees, customers, suppliers, and distributors, and the community are all considered

A stakeholder is a party that has an interest in an organization, and can either influence or be influenced by the business. The primary stakeholders in a typical corporation are its investors, employees, managers, suppliers and customers. Nevertheless, the idea incorporated with the modern theory goes further than this original notion in including additional stakeholders such as a community, government or trade association.

As per corporate social obligations majority of the organizations are especially concerned about stakeholder values rather than shareholder values. Because of this, stakeholder objectives such as better working conditions, salaries to employees, sponsorships and donations to the customers and potential customers, paying

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Shareholders: When operating ethically shareholders would like to maximise their return on investment. They would likewise need to guarantee that supervisors are behaving ethically and not risking investors’ capital by engaging in actions that could hurt the company’s reputation. Shareholder’s may not be happier as the return on investments would be lower when a business attends to operate ethically but it is possible to persuade them by clarifying the long haul results of the business.

Customers: They are the most critical stakeholder for a business. Customers would need new better quality items at sensible prices. Therefore, when operating ethically it’s the company’s obligation to work hard to increase efficiency and effectiveness in order to create loyal customers and attract new ones.

Suppliers and Distributors: When operating Ethically it’s the company’s obligation to pay suppliers fairly and promptly for their inputs. Distributors on the other hand would want to receive quality products at agreed-upon

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* Supplier benefits versus consumer prices/lower costs.

* Survival of the business verses needs of stakeholders.
Anybody capable of making ethical decisions and putting them into action is a moral agent. An association has moral agency stems in part from U.S. Supreme Court decisions declaring that an organization is an individual according to the law. That makes an association responsible for the predictable results of its actions. In practical terms, this implies our small business has an obligation to the public to act ethically.

Power to Act
The source of an association's moral agency is its collective power to act. In other words, because our small business has power, it likewise has the has the responsibility to make ethical decisions. For instance, our organization can pay either low or bearable wages to its employees. Our organization can choose suppliers based on their environmentally sustainable practices, or based on the lowest possible price.

All of our business’s decisions, regardless of whether ethical or not, will influence the world, beginning with our employees and our clients and extending to the larger community. Low wages will probably bring about a low-skilled or unhappy work force. A poorly made or dangerous product could harm a customer. Monitoring the short-and long haul impacts of our organizations decisions to guarantee our association impacts the world

1.Consider a situation in which people are faced with two opposing decisions: one could possibly goagainst people's self-interest, but may help a person or group; or one could possibly hurtsomeone, while helping oneself. This is called an ethical

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2.What must society do first in order to punish undesired behavior?

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3.What would be an accurate statement regarding ethics and legality?

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4.A company's employees, customers, stockholders, suppliers, and distributors are considered thecompany's ______.

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5.True or false. Stockholders buy shares of companies and thereby become owners.

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6.The quandary people find themselves in when they have to decide if they should act in a way thatmight help another person or group even though doing so might go against their own self-interestdefines a(n) ______ dilemma.

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7.What three company resources are managers responsible for in order to increase performanceand, as a result, the company's stock price?

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8.To enforce their views of right or wrong behavior, different groups in society lobby for ______.

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9.True or false: Making a decision concerning which stakeholder group's rights and expectationsshould be emphasized does not create an ethical dilemma for managers.

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10.True or false: A specific behavior that is deemed illegal is not necessarily unethical.

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11.Which of the following best describes the managers' primary concern as a stakeholder group?

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12.Which stakeholders have a claim on and a stake in a company because of the productiveresources they provide? (Choose all that apply.)

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13.Some non-profit organizations pay their top executives ______ per year, despite arguments thatthe compensation is excessive because it is a non-profit organization.

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14.The stakeholder group responsible for choosing the strategic goals that the company shouldpursue in order to benefit all of the company's stakeholders is the ______.

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15.While managers may want to treat all stakeholders equally, in reality, they need to prioritize thetreatment of the various stakeholder groups which may create an ethical _____________ formanagers

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16.True or false: To be fair and equitable towards their employees, companies must create anorganizational structure that rewards them for their contributions.

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17.The issue of fair compensation for top managers is problematic in ______.

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18.Managers and employees must work to increase _____ in order to create loyal customers andattract new ones.

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19.What is the rule in which ethical decisions are made in order to spread the greatest good for thegreatest number of people?

Are distributors considered external stakeholders?

A distributor is a person or an organization that helps another company sell its goods and services to customers. Distributors are considered external stakeholders.

Who are considered internal stakeholders of a company quizlet?

Internal stakeholders = members of the organisation. E.g. employees, managers and directors, shareholders. External stakeholders = not part of the business but have a direct interest or involvement in the organisation. E.g. customers, suppliers, pressure groups.

Who among the following are internal stakeholders?

Internal (primary) stakeholders A company's employees, managers and board of directors make up a business's internal stakeholders.

Which stakeholder group includes a network of relationships that supply?

Suppliers & Distributors: every company is in a network of relationships with other companies that supply it with the inputs that it needs to operate.