For which of the following conditions is a client with multiple myeloma (mm) monitored?

1. Which of the following conditions is not a complication of Hodgkin’s disease?

a. Anemia
c. Myocardial Infarction
d. Nausea

2. Which of the following laboratory values is expected for a client just diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia?

a. Elevated sedimentation rate
b. Uncontrolled proliferation of granulocytes
c. Thrombocytopenia and increased lymphocytes
d. Elevated aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase levels.

3. At the time of diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which of the following areas is often involved?

a. Back
b. Chest
c. Groin
d. Neck

4. According to a standard staging classification of Hodgkin’s disease, which of the following criteria reflects stage II?

a. Involvement of extralymphatic organs or tissues
b. Involvement of single lymph node region or structure
c. Involvement of two or more lymph node regions or structures.
d. Involvement of lymph node regions or structures on both sides of the diaphragm.

5. Which of the following statements is correct about the rate of cell growth in relation to chemotherapy?

a. Faster growing cells are less susceptible to chemotherapy.
b. Non-dividing cells are more susceptible to chemotherapy
c. Faster growing cells are more susceptible to chemotherapy
d. Slower growing cells are more susceptible to chemotherapy.

6. Which of the following foods should a client with leukemia avoid?

a. White bread
b. Carrot sticks
c. Stewed apples
d. Medium rare steak

7. A client with leukemia has neutropenia. Which of the following functions must be frequently assessed?

a. Blood pressure
b. Bowel sounds
c. Heart sounds
d. Breath sounds

8. Which of the following clients is most at risk for developing multiple myeloma?

a. A 20-year-old Asian woman
b. A 30-year-old White man
c. A 50-year-old Hispanic woman
d. A 60-year-old Black man

9. Which of the following substances has abnormal values early in the course of multiple myeloma (MM)?

a. Immunoglobulins
b. Platelets
c. Red blood cells
d. White blood cells

10. For which of the following conditions is a client with multiple myeloma (MM) monitored?

a. Hypercalcemia
b. Hyperkalemia
c. Hypernatremia
d. Hypermagnesemia

11. Giving instructions for breast self-examination is particularly important for clients with which of the following medical problems?

a. Cervical dysplasia
b. A dermoid cyst
c. Endometrial polyps
d. Ovarian cancer

12. During a routine physical examination, a firm mass is palpated in the right breast of a 35-year-old woman. Which of the following findings or client history would suggest cancer of the breast as opposed to fibrocystic disease?

a. History of early menarche
b. Cyclic changes in mass size
c. History of anovulatory cycles
d. Increased vascularity of the breast

13. The client with which of the following types of lung cancer has the best prognosis?

a. Adenocarcinoma
b. Oat cell
c. Squamous cell
d. Small cell

14. Warning signs and symptoms of lung cancer include persistent cough, bloody sputum, dyspnea, and which of the other following symptoms?

a. Dizziness
b. Generalized weakness
c. Hypotension
d. Recurrent pleural effusion

15. A centrally located tumor would produce which of the following symptoms?

a. Coughing
b. Hemoptysis
c. Pleuritic pain
d. Shoulder pain

16. Which of the following interventions is the key to increasing the survival rates of clients with lung cancer?

a. Early bronchoscopy
b. Early detection
c. High-dose chemotherapy
d. Smoking cessation

17. A client has been diagnosed with lung cancer and requires a wedge resection. How much of the lung is removed?

a. One entire lung
b. A lobe of the lung
c. A small, localized area near the surface of the lung.
d. A segment of the lung, including a bronchiole and its alveoli.

18. When a client has a lobectomy, what fills the space where the lobe was?

a. The space stays empty.
b. The surgeon fills the space with gel
c. The lung space fills up with serous fluid
d. The remaining lobe or lobes overexpand to fill the space.

19. Which of the following is the primary goal for surgical resection of lung cancer?

a. To remove the tumor and all surrounding tissue.
b. To remove the tumor and as little surrounding tissue as possible.
c. To remove all of the tumor and any collapsed alveoli in the same region.
d. To remove as much as the tumor as possible, without removing any alveoli.

20. If the client with lung cancer also has preexisting pulmonary disease, which of the following statements best describes how the extent of that can be performed?

a. It doesn’t affect it.
b. It may require a whole lung to be removed.
c. The entire tumor may not be able to be removed
d. It may prevent surgery if the client can’t tolerate lung tissue removal.

ANSWERS and RATIONALE – NCLEX Questions for Cancer

What should I monitor for multiple myeloma?

Diagnosing Multiple Myeloma.
High blood calcium level..
Poor kidney function..
Low red blood cell counts (anemia).
Holes in the bones from tumor found on imaging studies (CT, MRI, PET scan).
Increase in one type of light chain in the blood so that one type is 100 times more common than the other..

How do you monitor prognosis for multiple myeloma?

Myeloma cells often secrete the antibody monoclonal immunoglobulin, known as M protein. M protein levels in a patient's blood and urine are used to determine the extent of the disease, as well as to monitor how well treatment is working and whether the disease is progressing or coming back.

What is the most common complication of multiple myeloma?

Frequent infections. Myeloma cells inhibit your body's ability to fight infections..
Bone problems. Multiple myeloma can also affect your bones, leading to bone pain, thinning bones and broken bones..
Reduced kidney function. ... .
Low red blood cell count (anemia)..

What is the major complication that a patient must be concerned if diagnosed with multiple myeloma?

In people with multiple myeloma, the growing number of cancerous cells can interfere with the production of all types of blood cells. Decreased production of red blood cells can result in a complication called anemia. Certain multiple myeloma treatments can contribute to anemia as well.