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Language: English Mature content filter: None

Another Tatort with a main focus on relationship issues. When a college age woman who was a frequent visitor to a "mature dating site" is viciously murdered by an apparent stalker, the investigation into the killing immediately leads to a small group of men whom she had dated. The story takes an early twist involving identity theft as part of a motive.

The investigating team includes two female field investigators, one a single mother to a teenager, the other recently ended a relationship which left her unenthusiastically pregnant. The two main suspects are broken men, one caring for a dying mother, the other living alone on an impressive estate, neither of the two capable of forming lasting relationships, so they drift from date to date. Is either of them capable of murder? The investigators go "under cover" (literally and possibly inappropriately) to get their man.

The man in charge at the homicide department is a delight. He consistently shows not only dedication to his position as team leader, but is also compassionate and protective of his subordinates. The scenes where he steps in as "babysitter" for the teenager who was grounded by his police woman mother are priceless! Who would have ever suspected, that a man who prefers "Golden Oldies" could ever give Modern Punk Music a chance?

This is a good (not great) Tatort episode. It once again ends with the demise of the killer, something "Tatort" seems to be doing much too often. As an avid watcher of the series, I would much rather see more murderers actually suffer long prison sentences instead of getting the "easy way out" almost as a rule. Let them live...but lose their freedom. Just dying doesn't seem high enough of a price to pay for taking another human being's life. That said, what we have here is a garden variety of lonely people and their ways of still finding joy in life.

Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu Tatort: Wer jetzt allein ist

Handlung von Tatort: Wer jetzt allein ist
Die Dresdner Kommissarinnen Karin Gorniak (Karin Hanczewski) und Henni Sieland (Alwara Höfels) untersuchen den Mord an der 22-jährigen Studentin Doro Meisner. Sie finden heraus, dass Doro unter dem Aliasnamen Birdy in einem Dating-Portal angemeldet war und mehrere Männer gleichzeitig mit falschen Versprechungen an der kurzen Leine hielt. Diese Männer taten sich in einem Chatroom zusammen und planten als "Vogeljäger" eine Hetzjagd auf die Studentin. Tatsächlich starb Doro aber umsonst, denn ihr Profil hatte sie vor einiger Zeit gelöscht. Das Online-Portal nutzte ihre Daten aber weiterhin, um den männlichen Kunden das Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen. Nichtsdestotrotz müssen Gorniak und Sieland den Täter ausfindig machen und begeben sich auf eine gefährliche Undercover-Aktion. (LE)


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