Group goals tend to be more important than individual goals in individualistic societies. true false

The ability to form connections and bring people together, characterized by intercultural empathy, interpersonal impact, and diplomacy is known as social capital.

True    False

Societal culture is a social phenomenon that is shared among a society's members.

True    False

Culture is prescriptive, but not descriptive.

True    False

False it is also descriptive

Societal culture is shaped by organizational culture and its values.

True    False

False Societal culture shapes organizational culture.

Societal culture is a by-product of organizational culture.

True    False

False organizational culture is a by-product of societal culture

When a manager manages people at work, the individual's societal culture need not be taken into consideration.

True    False

Ethnocentric consumers prefer domestically produced goods even when the imported alternatives are cheaper and known to be better quality.

True    False

Ethnocentrism" leads to negative outcomes such as "ethnic cleansing".

True    False

Though it is unethical, ethnocentrism is good for business.

True    False

Expatriate managers have fewer difficulties adjusting to their international assignments when their subordinates are ethnocentric.

True    False

Developing cross-cultural skills are among the skills necessary to become an effective global manager.

True    False

Future orientation indicates a person's ability to delay gratification.

True    False

According to Hofstede, power distance refers to how much inequality someone expects in social situations.

True    False

According to Hofstede, the individualism-collectivism dimension refers to how strongly the person desires highly structured situations.

True    False

False, refers to how loosely or closely is the person socially bonded.

According to the dimensions of culture considered by the GLOBE project, global collectivism refers to how much pride and loyalty individuals have for their family or organization.

True    False

False, In-group collectivism refers to how much pride....

Gender egalitarianism is one of the cultural dimensions of the GLOBE project.

True    False

In the GLOBE project, the US managerial sample scored high on assertiveness and performance orientation.

True    False

The GLOBE project was built on the work done by Geert Hofstede.

True    False

In cultures with high power distance, employees are most likely to accept discipline when delivered by someone who is clearly of higher status.

True    False

People in individualistic cultures are more likely to expect others to help them out when they are in trouble than people in collectivist cultures.

True    False

People in collectivist cultures are expected to subordinate their own wishes and goals to those of the relevant social unit.

True    False

In low-context cultures, nonverbal cues such as one's official position, status, or family connections convey messages more powerfully than do spoken words.

True    False

False, In high-context cultures....

In high-context cultures, written and spoken words carry the burden of shared meaning.

True    False

False In low-context cultures...

In high-context cultures, agreements tend to be made on the basis of someone's word or a handshake.

True    False

Germany has precise written rules for even the smallest details of daily life, indicating that it is a low-context culture.

True    False

The more things a person tends to do at once, the more polychronic that person is.

True    False

Tyra is very organized. She makes her timetable for the day every morning and prefers to do one thing at a time. It can be said that Tyra has a polychronic concept of time.

True    False

Intelligence is a universally positive leader attribute.

True    False

Cross-cultural training is only necessary when employees are to be transferred abroad.

True    False

Informational support includes knowledge to assist expatriates' functioning and problem solving in the host country.

True    False

The three competencies that an organization requires to build a global mindset are:


intellectual capital, psychological capital, and social capital.

_____ capital refers to the knowledge of international business and the ability to learn, characterized by global business savvy, cognitive complexity, and cosmopolitan outlook.






_____ capital refers to a person's openness to other cultures and willingness to change, characterized by passion for diversity, thirst for adventure, and self-assurance.






_____ capital refers to the ability to form connections and bring people together, characterized by intercultural empathy, interpersonal impact, and diplomacy.






Which of the following actions indicates that a person is building his intellectual capital?

Being open to other cultures.

Being willing to change

Reading about international businesses

Bringing people together

Developing a passion for diversity

Reading about international businesses

_____ involves beliefs and values about what is desirable and undesirable in a community of people.

Organizational culture

Cultural relativism

Societal culture

Cultural imperialism

Cultural assimilation

____ involves shared values, norms, identities, and interpretations that result from common experiences of members of collectives that are transmitted over time.

Social capital

Cultural relativism

Societal culture

Cultural imperialism

Cultural assimilation

Most cultural lessons are learned through:

reading about various countries.

religious indoctrination.

formal education and training.

observing and imitating role models.

visiting different countries.

observing and imitating role models.

Chloe's remarkable ability to interact with people and get them to work as a team is an invaluable asset to her company. She often travels to her company's branches around the world to help new project teams from different backgrounds interact, work together, and empathize with each other. Chloe's company is capitalizing on her ____.

Jacques, a French national, is the CEO of French Global. The firm has significant operations in Japan and the United States. Jacques recently announced that all employees of the company, no matter which part of the world they may be in, must learn French and communicate in French in official correspondence. This represents an example of:

The belief that one's native country, culture, language, and behavior are superior to all others is known as:



cultural relativism.



_____managers have a preference for putting home-country people in key positions everywhere in the world and rewarding them more handsomely for work, along with a tendency to feel that this group is more intelligent, more capable, or more reliable.






Which of the following is an example of ethnocentrism?

Abed, originally from India, shows a decided preference for candidates of Asian descent, saying that they are more diligent than others

Someone who is considered to possess cultural intelligence will:


use generalizations about cultures but avoid making them stereotypes.

_____ refers to the ability to accurately interpret ambiguous cross-cultural situations.


Cultural intelligence

Cultural relativism


Cultural assimilation

Those interested in developing their cultural intelligence need to first develop their:

knowledge capital.

ethnocentric outlook.

monochronic nature.

polychronic attitude.

emotional intelligence.

Project GLOBE is a massive and ongoing research program to study the impact of cultural variables on leadership behaviors and organizational effectiveness. GLOBE stands for:

Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness.

Project GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) is the brainchild of University of Pennsylvania professor:

Robert J House.

Geert Hofstede.

Christopher Jones.

Elton Mayo.

Mary Parker Follett.

The GLOBE Project studies:

the impact of cultural variables on leadership behaviors and organizational effectiveness.

Which of the following nine cultural dimensions from the GLOBE project deals with how much people rely on social norms and rules to avoid insecurity and limit unpredictability?

Power distance

Uncertainty avoidance

Institutional collectivism

In-group collectivism

Future orientation

It is known that Wellness Inc. prefers to hire men over women because their manager, Carl, feels that men are more productive than women. It can be said that Wellness Inc. scores low on the _____ dimension of the GLOBE project.

gender nonconformity

gender continuum

gender egalitarianism

gender performativity

gender neutrality

A society that scores high on humane orientation would:

reward individuals for economic productivity.

minimize gender discrimination.

encourage and reward people for being kind and friendly.

delay gratification by planning and saving for the future.

avoid uncertainty and limit unpredictability.

encourage and reward people for being kind and friendly.

Which of Hofstede's dimensions is a measure of inequality in social situations?

Power distance



Uncertainty avoidance

High versus low context

How loosely or closely a person is socially bonded reflects Hofstede's dimension of:

power distance.



uncertainty avoidance.

high versus low-context.


If the culture in Japan represents competitive, performance-oriented traits, it is said to be high on the _____ dimension.

power distance



uncertainty avoidance


Hofstede's uncertainty avoidance dimension measures:


how strongly a person desires highly structured situations.

Which of these is one of the cultural dimensions identified by Hofstede?

Future orientation

In-group collectivism



Gender egalitarianism

Which of these, according to the GLOBE project, refers to how much pride and loyalty individuals should have for their family or organization?

Future orientation

In-group collectivism

Power distance


Gender egalitarianism

Which dimension from the GLOBE project refers to how confrontational and dominant individuals are in social relationships?

Future orientation

In-group collectivism

Power distance


Gender egalitarianism

Rebecca has always focused on delaying gratification and saving money for her children's educations and her own retirement. According to dimensions from the GLOBE project, Rebecca's behavior reflects:

future orientation.

in-group collectivism.



gender egalitarianism.

_____ refers to how much leaders should encourage and reward loyalty to the social unit, as opposed to the pursuit of individual goals.

Performance orientation

Power distance

Humane orientation

Institutional collectivism

Future orientation

Institutional collectivism

Researchers studied children's ability to delay gratification in the hope of receiving a greater reward and discovered that those who were able to delay gratification went on to do well in later life. Those children who successfully delayed gratification would rank high on the _____ dimension of the GLOBE dimensions of culture.

_____ cultures, characterized as "I" and "Me" cultures, give priority to freedom and choice for each person.






Senior citizens in the _____ US culture are more likely to see themselves as responsible for their own well-being, in contrast to Europeans, who more often expect help at this stage of their lives.






_____ cultures, also known as "we" and "us" cultures, rank shared goals higher than individual desires and goals.






Rosalie always argues for personal freedom and choice. She has suggested that her beliefs have been shaped by the culture that she grew up in. Based on this information, which of these can be classified as Rosalie's culture?






Which culture emphasizes community goals and interests over personal goals?






Another name for a collectivist culture is:

a high-context culture.

a communitarian culture.

a low power distance culture.

a gender egalitarian culture.

a high-uncertainty avoidance culture.

Managers of Ista International rely heavily on situational cues for meaning when communicating with others. It can be said that they are from a(n) _____ culture.






Which of the following countries displays characteristics of a high-context culture?


Mexicans rely heavily on situational cues for meaning during communication.

Which of the following countries displays characteristics of a low-context culture?


Germany has precise written rules for even the smallest details of daily life.

In _____ cultures, written and spoken words carry the burden of shared meanings.






Maria gets frustrated in dealing with people from different cultures. She says, "Everybody should communicate clearly what is on their mind or should just keep all agreements in writing so there is no confusion and misunderstanding." Based on this information, Maria is most likely to come from a _____ culture.

Which of the following typifies the perception of time in monochronic cultures?

Time is cyclical.

Time is flexible.

Time is fluid.

Time is linear.

Time is multidimensional.

Monochronic time is associated with:

multiple and cyclical activities.

concurrent involvement.

schedule-driven use of time.


a flexible view of time.

schedule-driven use of time.

_____ time refers to the preference for doing one thing at a time because time is limited, precisely segmented, and schedule-driven.






The preference for doing more than one thing at a time indicates that a person most likely follows the _____ view of time.






According to the GLOBE project, which of these is a universally negative leader attribute?


Team builder



Motive arouser

According to the GLOBE project, which of these is universally accepted as a positive attribute for a leader?





Motive arouser

Anyone living or working in a foreign country is called:

an expatriate.

an individualist.

an emigrant.

a collectivist.

a repatriate.

_____ are workers who were previously transferred to another country and then transferred back home.


Third-country nationals

Host-country nationals

Naturalized citizens


_____ has/have proven effective at bringing people's unrealistic expectations about a pending job assignment down to earth by providing a balance of good and bad news.

Job analysis

Realistic job previews

Job sharing



_____ refers to anxiety and doubt caused by an overload of new expectations and cues.

A high-context situation

An individualistic experience

A monochronic time lag

Culture shock

A cultural paradox

Hannah is assigned to help her expatriate colleagues from Japan learn how to navigate daily life in America. She helps them obtain drivers' licences, shop for food, and find their way around the city. Hannah is providing _____ for her colleagues.

_____ support, useful during a foreign assignment, helps expatriates feel better about themselves and their situation when adjustment is difficult or overwhelming.






Which of the following is a value of individualistic cultures?

Most sociologists agree that individualistic cultures value individual choice, personal freedom, and self-actualization (Kemmelmeier 2002). As a result, the needs of individuals dictate social behaviors, rather than the needs of larger groups.

What is an individualistic culture quizlet?

What is an Individualist culture? Cultures that tend to think of themselves as separate entities - individual - and are most concerned with their own needs and rights rather than those of the group.

Which of the following is a characteristics of individualistic cultures?

Individualistic Culture Traits A few common characteristics of individualistic cultures include: Being dependent upon others is often considered shameful or embarrassing. Independence is highly valued. Individual rights take center stage.

Is the most individualistic country or region in the world?

According to a decades-long research project, the U.S. is not only the most individualistic country on earth; we're also high on indulgence, short-term thinking, and masculinity (but low on “uncertainty avoidance,” if that makes you feel better).


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