Has the same intent as a cracker, but does not have the technical skills and knowledge

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Has the same intent as a cracker, but does not have the technical skills and knowledge

Has the same intent as a cracker, but does not have the technical skills and knowledge

Has the same intent as a cracker, but does not have the technical skills and knowledge

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A ________ has the same intent as a cracker but does not have the technical skills and knowledge.

script kiddie

A ________ is a program that copies itself repeatedly, for example in memory or on a network, using up resources and possibly shutting down the computer or network.


Email ________ occurs when the sender's address or other components of an email header are altered so that it appears that the email message originated from a different sender.


An ________ is a security measure that defines who can access a computer, device, or network; when they can access it; and what actions they can take while accessing it.

access control

A program called a ________ creates software registration numbers and sometimes activation codes.


A(n) ________ provides specific conditions for use of the software, which a user must accept before using the software.

license agreement

A website that uses encryption techniques to secure its data is known as a(n) ________ .

secure site

The notice that guarantees a user or a website is legitimate is called a ________ .

digital certificate

Keeping backup copies ________ means in a location separate from where you typically store or use your computer or mobile device.


________ , in which all data is backed up whenever a change is made, is very expensive and requires a great amount of storage.

continuous data protection

Enabling and configuring the ________ feature specifies the computers and mobile devices that can connect to your network.

MAC address control

________ are the moral guidelines that govern the use of computers, mobile devices, and information systems.

Computer ethics

A common infringement of copyright is ________ , where people illegally copy software, movies, and music.


The United States Department of Energy (DOE) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed the ________ program to help reduce the amount of electricity used by computers and related devices.


Critics contend that the information in a(n) ________ reveals more about an individual than anyone has a right to know.

electronic profile

During ________ browsing, your browser does not keep track of the websites you are visiting.


With ________ , an object that can be clicked on a website, such as a button, image, or link, contains a malicious program.


As related to the use of technology, ________ is defined as gaining unauthorized access to or obtaining confidential information by taking advantage of the trusting human nature of some victims and the naivety of others.

social engineering

Many businesses use ________ to restrict employees' access to certain material.

content filtering

What has the same intent as the cracker but does not have the technical skills and knowledge?

A script kiddie has the same intent as a cracker but does not have the technical skills and knowledge. Script kiddies often are teenagers that use prewritten hacking and cracking programs to break into computers.

Is someone who accesses a computer or network illegally but has the intent of destroying data stealing information or other malicious action?

A cracker also is someone who accesses a computer or network illegally but has the intent of destroying data, stealing information, or other malicious actions.

What is a person called when he or she illegally accesses your computer?

A hacker is an individual who uses computer, networking or other skills to overcome a technical problem. The term also may refer to anyone who uses their abilities to gain unauthorized access to systems or networks in order to commit crimes.

What is the term for a program that performs a repetitive task on a network?

A 'bot' – short for robot – is a software program that performs automated, repetitive, pre-defined tasks. Bots typically imitate or replace human user behavior.