How are the careers of environmental activist environmental lawyer and environmental journalist similar Brainly?

How are the careers of environmental activist, environmental lawyer, and environmental journalist similar? These careers all deal with the interface between researchers and society. Environmental scientists study ways society can use up natural resources and are not concerned with preserving them for the future.

How are the careers of environmental activist?

How are the careers of environmental activist, environmental laywer, and journalists similar? These careers all deal with the interface between researchers and society. The loss of a plant, or producer, in an ecosystem can cause a decline in the animals that rely on it for food.

What is the difference between an environmentalist environmental scientist and an environmental activist?

The latter group of people are called environmentalists based on their concern for the environment. Environmental scientists, sometimes called ecologists, study the physical, chemical and biological conditions of the environment and how these conditions impact organisms.

What are possible future career fields in environmental science?

And the field of environmental science is continually expanding and may include future careers in psychology, public relations, and environmental design.

How are the careers of an oceanographer and hydrologist similar and how are they different?

Both the hydrologist and oceanographer are concerned with water pollution and decontamination. The oceanographer will study all aspects of marine life, not just the water. Hydrologists, on the other hand, are concerned only with water and how availability of water and use of water impact the environment.

How are the careers of an oceanographer and hydrologist How are they different?

An oceanographer is one who studies the attributes of the ocean like temperature, waves, currents and tides geology of the sea floor. And a hydrologist is one who researches the distribution, circulation and physical properties of underground and surface waters.

What does an Ecopsychologist study?

The relationship between a person’s mental health and environment.

What does an environmental lawyer do?

Environmental lawyers are lawyers who specialise in environmental legislation and case law to advocate for the protection of communities and the environment.

How are the careers of environmental activist environmental lawyer and environmental journalist similar?

How are the careers of environmental activist, environmental lawyer, and environmental journalist similar? These careers all deal with the interface between researchers and society.

What does an environmental lawyer do?

What does an environmental lawyer do? When acting for corporate clients, environmental lawyers give advice on the possible environmental consequences of pursuing particular corporate activities. These results could include health and safety implications or increased pollution and carbon emissions for example.