How did the Granger movement seek to help farmers across the South and the Great Plains alleviate some of the hardships caused by a shrinking money supply quizlet?





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Terms in this set (19)

president Cleveland's veto of Congress' attempt to provide seeds to texas farmers was a testament to his devotion to the spoils system


america's prosperity and the promise of political and religious freedom attracted waves of new immigrants.
what percentage of urban residents were foreign born at the beginning of the 20th century


why did millions of americans migrate from the country to the city during the gilded age

correct answers:
-new industries in the cities created abundant job opportunities that attracted many individuals who sought work
-many migrants sought to escape the monotony of the countryside and and experience the cultural excitement of the city
-a reduced demand for farm labor pushed many rural workers to find work in the city

incorrect answers:
-many rural workers were fascinated by the new agricultural machinery originating in the cities and sought to learn technologies to replicate it

match the various groups of americans with their typical views of u.s. monetary policy

supported the expansion of the money supply

supported a 'sound money' monetary policy that focused on restricting the money supply

what role did saloons play in urban life, and what types of customers usually frequented these destinations

correct answers:
-they served as a social club for working men
-they provided refuge for the homeless
-they provided an environment for men to engage in political discussion

incorrect answers:
-they usually served protestant republicans seeking relief from primarily catholic destinations, such as dance halls

in the post civil war era, what were some of the circumstances that contributed to the difficult economic conditions form farmers in the south and the great plains?

-the development of national and international market economies forced farmers to pay high shipping and storage fees
-the decline in the money supply made it difficult to pay off their debts
-farmers had to buy manufactured goods protected by tariffs while simultaneously selling their crops on the open market
-increased competition from national and international supply while lowering food prices

complete the passage regarding the role of ring bosses in big city politics during the gilded age

ring bosses established large patronage networks that they used to reward loyal followers and generous donors.
ring bosses would become so influential as to prompt requests for bribes from the president of the united states during the grant administration.

what were some of the duties and responsibilities of party bosses?

correct answers:
-party bosses organized campaign workers
-party bosses distributed contacts to financial supporters and government jobs to loyal members of their ring
-party bosses provided financial assistance to the needy

incorrect answers:
-party bosses shared power over their ring with a council of supporters drawn from their neighborhood
-party bosses strictly enforced the prohibition on alcohol

how did the granger movement seek to help farmers across the south and the great plains alleviate some of the hardships caused by a shrinking money supply

correct answers:
-it helped establish granger laws that provided additional protections to small farmers
-it helped farmers organize, develop "cooperatives", and reduce storage and transportation fees
-it was the first to help isolated farmers politically organize for policies that would change the money supply

incorrect answers:
-it unified black and white tenant farmers across the country against their perceived oppressors

put the following events in the order they occurred during the gilded age

-president Hayes attempts to implement civil service reform with limited success
-president garfield is assassinated by someone who had failed to receive a government job and blamed garfield's civil service reforms
-the pendleton civil service reform act mandated that many federal jobs be filled on the basis of competitive tests rather than patronage
-senator james gillespie blaine of maine receives the republican nomination for the presidency
-democrat grover cleveland won the presidency as a reform candidate

the granger movement subsided and was largely replaced by the farmer's alliances as the latter focused more on political action and increasing the power of farmers nationally, in addition to the social and educational functions of the granger movement


speaking of campaign contributions to members of congress, a california railroad tycoon said, "of you have to pay money to have the right thing done, then it is only just and fair to do it."
this quotation illustrates which of the following aspects of gilded age politics

correct answers:
-their wealth allowed 'robber barons' to buy favors from legislators and government officials
-corruption was a regular feature of american politics

incorrect answers:
-democratic reformers sought to do anything to ensure the closure of saloons, including bribery
-special interest had little influence on american politics due to the pendleton act, a civil service reform bill passed in 1883

match the following gilded age legislation to its appropriate description

-sherman anti trust: this passed in 1890 to prohibit companies from establishing monopolies in their industries
-bland allison act: passed in 1878, it expanded the nation's money supply through an increase of silver coins
-mckinley tariff act: it protected american businesses from foreign competitors and encouraged domestic companies to raise their prices
-dependent pension act: this repaid harrison's debt to civil war veterans who proved critical in his election
-pendleton civil service reform act: it imposed a system of competitive tests for the attainment of federal jobs

complete the passage below to describe a new aspect of evolution

in his book, dynamic sociology, lester frank ward focuses his attention on the (human brain) and its various functions for human interactions and adaption.
ward argued that humans, like animals, compete with one another, but also have the ability to (collaborate) with each other and plan for future events.
they are not simply idle subjects of (evolutionary forces), but play an active role in "shaping and directing social change."
ward directly challenged spencer's (social darwinism) by claiming that cooperation, not competition, would advance society, and his ideas came to be called (reform darwinism).

match 'old' and 'new' immigration to their appropriate descriptions

-mainly from northern and western europe
-generally protestants and roman catholics

-generally practiced judaism, roman catholicism, and easter orthodox religions
-seen by some as seeking to make money and then return to their home country

the following events occurred as part of the financial debate between advocates of "sound money" policies and supporters of an expansion of the money supply.
put the events in chronological order to illustrate how the money question became the most important political issue of the late nineteenth century

-"the crime of '73"
-sherman silver purchase act
-people's party platform of 1892
-panic of 1893
-president cleveland convincing congress to return the nation's money supply to a solely gold standard by repealing the sherman silver purchase act
-democratic nomination of the pro silver bryan as their presidential candidate
-mckinley inaugurated as president

while voter participation was high during the gilded age, the two parties often had few substantive differences on the issues.
instead, ethnic, religious, and geographic divisions were often the key factors that determined party loyalty.
identify some of the types of people who voted for the democratic party

correct answers:
-roman catholics
-southern whites
-new immigrants

incorrect answers:
-the grand army of the republic
-americans of british protestant ancestry

complete the passage below to describe housing conditions in cities during the gilded age

the housing supply in cities could not keep up with the dramatic increase in (migrants) from rural communities and immigrants from overseas.
these new urban residents, unable to afford homes, opted for cheaper apartments called (tenements).
these buildings were extremely (cramped), with many residents living in small, confined spaces.
the units had poor (lighting) and ventilation and were usually inhabited by poor (immigrants) who had only their (labor) to sell.
these conditions sparked efforts by (sanitary platforms) to bring water and sewage systems and regular trash collection to american cities.

identify some of the elements that shaped the political climate during the gilded age, as well as how they contributed to the political stalemate

correct answers:
-politics was dominated by party bosses who used political machines and patronage to turn out voters
-the two major parties avoided issues that could negatively affect the party because neither party was politically dominant during this period
-national political parties exercised more power because of the central roll politics played in the lives of most americans. voter participation in the political process was very high
-the republican and democratic parties were nearly equal in political strength

incorrect answers:
-during this period, strong presidents led political change
-the federal government led by an impactful level of government
-republicans often put forward bold policy initiatives because democrats had only occupied the white house for two terms between the end of the civil war and the turn of the century

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