How do you apply your knowledge of cephalocaudal and proximodistal patterns in your teaching brainly


  • 22.04.2022

  • English

  • 125

How do you apply your knowledge of cephalocaudal and proximodistal patterns of development in your teaching? Hint:The pencils of pre-K,Kindergartners and Grade 11 pupils are bigger than those of pupils in the higher grade levels.Does this practice have something to do with proximodista patterns of development?

Cephalocaudal pattern is from head to toe development. In teaching, it is important to start first with the head meaning to say you have to supply knowledge first to you students before you let them engage in a certain activities. In proximodistal, your have to help the child develop his/her inner talent, attitude, values since it will be his/her foundation in exploring the world.

Children's and youth education had to be radically modified during the pandemic, but in addition to traditional education, there is another sector that was affected by this crisis: Tutoring. Some children and adolescents have weaknesses in some subjects that cannot be filled with their school teachers and before the pandemic they had to resort to external help. In the context of the pandemic, these mentors have been replaced by websites like Brainly.

Brainly is defined as "a community created to share knowledge, where 350 million students collaborate side by side to solve the most difficult homework". In other words, it is a platform where students can ask basic, math, English, science questions. science and social studies and receive answers from other classmates or teachers.

What makes Brainly different is that it has elements of a video game. Students have a number of "points" that they receive when they register, which they can use to post questions. But on the other hand, they also receive points for correctly answering others' questions. This seeks to create an ecosystem where students are not only collaborating with each other, but also learning through teaching.

Answers are also given a scoring system of stars, which forces users to argue and publish quality content. This has made Brainly become, in essence, a "substitute teacher" in Latin America, where the application is gaining more popularity every day.

Also read: Universities that accept the Duolingo English test

But there are also other good applications to find help with your online tasks besides Brainly. For example:

Go Student

Go Student is a service that offers personalized private classes through a virtual classroom. GoStudent instructors go through a thorough admissions process and are required to be constantly up-to-date in their subject matter. According to their page, they are rigorous and only 2 out of 10 applicants pass their entrance exam. If you're looking for something more akin to traditional tutoring, give Go Student a try.

Khan Academy

This is one of the world's best known resources. Khan Academy is great for practicing with your kids, or teaching them everything they need for their math homework. At Khan Academy you will find, completely free of charge, everything you need to fully help your children. Exercises, explanations and mock exams are available at all learning levels. From learning to count, to the fundamental theorem of calculus, whatever you need to learn about arithmetic and trigonometry is available on Khan Academy.

Lastly, it's worth mentioning that there are several sites online that will do your kids' homework for them for a small fee. There are too many to include here, but we decided not to mention them because the idea is that your children can use their own means to learn correctly. Sites like Brainly, Go Student, and Khan Academy are tools to make your life easier, not to remove all the difficulties you face.

2. How do you apply your knowledge of Cephalocaudal knowledge andProximodistal Pattern of development in the teaching?

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2. How do you apply your knowledge of Cephalocaudal knowledge and

answered • expert verified

Cephalocaudal pattern is from head to toe development. In teaching, it is important to start first with the head meaning to say you have to supply knowledge first to you students before you let them engage in a certain activities. In proximodistal, your have to help the child develop his/her inner talent, attitude, values since it will be his/her foundation in exploring the world.

Hope it helps......

What is cephalocaudal and Proximodistal patterns of development?

cephalocaudal trend -- a pattern of growth occurs from the head downward through the body, the head grows more rapidly than the lower part of the body. proximodistal trend -- a pattern of growth occurs from the center of the body outwards, for instance the arms and legs grow faster than the hands and feet.

Why is cephalocaudal and Proximodistal important?

Cephalocaudal and proximodistal development theories give a directional development to functional motor skills and the physical growth. The difference between these two theories is in the direction of growth they support. In cephalocaudal growth, growth starts from the head and moves down to the feet.

What is an example of cephalocaudal or Proximodistal direction of development?

The cephalocaudal trend acknowledges a top-down growth trend. For example, infants may use their upper limbs before their lower limbs. The proximodistal trend, on the other hand, acknowledges growth from the center of the body outwards. For example, infants use their arms before they can use their fingers effectively.

What is an example of the cephalocaudal pattern of growth and motor development in infants?

An example of a developmental milestone is a baby holding up its head. Babies on average are able to hold up their head at 6 weeks old, and 90% of babies achieve this between 3 weeks and 4 months old.


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