How do you fix Dotnet is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file?

Whenever I try to click “Platforms->Windows->‘MY_PC’S_NAME’->Update Device” in the UE5 Editor it says “Installing SDK failed” and I get the following Console Log output:

LogMonitoredProcess: Running Serialized UAT: [ cmd.exe /c ""C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.0/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/RunUAT.bat" -ScriptsForProject="C:/Users/edins/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject/MyProject.uproject" Turnkey -command=VerifySdk -UpdateIfNeeded -platform=Windows -Device=Windows@DESKTOP-B0FALN9 -EditorIO -EditorIOPort=51898 -noturnkeyvariables -utf8output -WaitForUATMutex" -nocompile ] UATHelper: Installing Sdk (Windows): Running AutomationTool... UATHelper: Installing Sdk (Windows): 'dotnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command, UATHelper: Installing Sdk (Windows): operable program or batch file. UATHelper: Installing Sdk (Windows): BUILD FAILED

What I don’t understand is why it doesn’t recognize ‘dotnet’ as a command. Epic says that UE5 has the dotnet binary comes with the UE5 install and exists locally in the “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\DotNet\Windows” folder so that you don’t need to install DotNet yourself.

If I run the “GetDotnetPath.bat” file in “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Build\BatchFiles” it says that it is using the local “built-in” DotNet binary that comes with UE5 (meaning “all is well”) but I still get the error in the console.

I know I am not the only one with this issue but every solution to the problem that I’ve seen is to either install the DotNet runtime on your machine (globally) or to change the path of the “DOTNET_ROOT” environment variable. While first solution works, it is not a proper solution since you are meant to be able to use the dotnet binary that comes with the UE5 install (therefore I refuse to do it, since it it just a “dirty workaround”). I cannot do the second solution since I have no idea what the “DOTNET_ROOT” environment variable is or where I can find it. If I look in the environment variable list in Windows (// it is nowhere to be seen (???).

Can anyone clarify for me where I can find “DOTNET_ROOT” and how I can modify it or see it’s current value?

I also tried adding the dotnet binary location (C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\DotNet\Windows) to my global environment path variable in Windows but it did absolutely nothing. Wtf?

Does anyone here have a proper solution to this problem? I feel like I am making it harder than it’s supposed to be…


Example: dotnet is not recognized as an internal command

26 dotnet.exe is located in C:\Program Files\dotnet> If you are using command prompt and getting message that 'dotnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file" then first check the above path. If you found the above path then just copy it and set it as an environment variable of your PC. Steps: Open control panel>System and Security>System Click on Advanced system settings In advanced section, click in Environment Variables In System variables, select path and edit After semicolon, write "C:\Program Files\dotnet" Click on Ok button till end. now to check whether its working on not. Just open command propmpt and type dotnet --version This will show the dotnet version installed in your PC.


Misc Example


'dotnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command UE5

when package project in UE5 to any platform got error ‘dotnet’ is not recognized as an internal or external command UE5 and this error because Windows not have .NET Core 3.1 Runtime .

Fix ‘dotnet’ is not recognized as an internal or external command UE5

– go to .Net Core 3.1 Runtime .
– in the Run desktop apps choose Download x64 .
– after download the .net core 3.1 runtime install it .
– in taskbar press search and write cmd and write

dotnet --version

– if this message appear

that mean the .net core 3.1 runtime is installed and just restart pc or laptop but if you find in message the number of any version installed go to control panel then programs then uninstall that version then back to cmd and type

dotnet --version

and make sure this message appear

– restart pc or laptop .
– package project in unreal engine .

Tips : Make Sure You have Latest Version From Visual Studio .

Why is dotnet not a recognized command?

net core installed. If still says, 'dotnet' is not recognized then you need to install it. Follow the detailed steps from following official link to get it installed. If you find that dotnet core is already installed, please try to open Visual studio as Administrator and see if that helps.

Where is dotnet command installed?


How do I know if .NET is installed or not?

Open the command prompt. (2) Run the below command If you are on Linux system. type dotnet --version - Doesn't work on windows 10. dotnet --version works though..
Press Windows + R..
Type cmd..
On the command prompt, type dotnet --version..

Is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file windows?

You can resolve this issue in three ways: First, use the full path of the executable file to launch the program. Second, add the program path to Windows environment variables. Finally, move the files to the System32 folder.


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