How do you think this cartoonist feels about the industrial revolution’s effect on america quizlet

The problems of the poor best be solved by the wealthy becoming an "agent" and "trustee" for the poor, and sharing their wisdom, experience, and help in order to help them improve.
The wealthy could set an example and giving the poor wants and goals in their lives, therefore, influencing them to work harder in order to achieve these goals.
In addition, the wealthy could also consider their surplus earnings as "trust funds", to help the poor in a way they believe will be beneficial.
Therefore, according to Carnegie, the wealthy can take an active role in improving the lives of the poor through example, wisdom, experience, and funded help.

How did the Industrial Revolution affect the United States quizlet?

It created jobs for workers, contributed to the wealth of the nation, increased the production of goods which eventually lead to a raised standard of living, healthier diets, better housing, cheaper mass produced clothing, higher wages, shorter hours and better working conditions after labor unions were formed.

What effects did the industrial movement have on American society?

Industrialization, along with great strides in transportation, drove the growth of U.S. cities and a rapidly expanding market economy. It also shaped the development of a large working class in U.S. society, leading eventually to labor struggles and strikes led by working men and women.

How did members of the working class react to their new experiences in industrial cities?

How did members of the working class react to their new experiences in the industrial cities? The working class experienced social problems like low pay, terrible living conditions but as wages rose cost of railroad travel fell and more people could afford more.

What was the main benefit that labor unions of the late 19th century gained for their members?

What was the main benefit that labor unions of the late 19th century gained for their members? Improved wages and hours.