How recruitment and selection practices contribute to high performance in an organization?

The study was attempted to examine the role of recruitment and selection on the organizational performance in Mizan Aman Town. The main objective of the study was to assess the role of employee recruitment and selection on the organizational performance in case of Aman Town.) Identify major problem areas and suggest suitable solutions and recommendation to improve recruitment and selection practice. The study was used primary and secondary sources of data to attain the above objective. The primary data was collected directly from the employees of the organization by using unstructured interview and questionnaire. Secondary sources are books, research finding recorded document and annual reports of the organization. Finally the collected data was analyzed and interpreted using statistical techniques such as tabulation and percentages then recommendation and conclusion analysis were made.


Human Resource Management.


Recruiting and selecting the most qualified employees is the most and the key determinates of the organizational capacity to build and achieve its goal. There for we can define recruitment it is the process of generating a pool of candidates for particular job (Luis, 1995). Most people would agree that the most qualified candidates should be hired or promoted. But in the long run, hiring the most qualified candidates contributes tremendous difference to the organizational effectiveness and bottom like performance.

Since the growth and complexity of the organizations are increasing from time to time, effective human resource planning, employee recruiting and selecting process should be carefully analyzed in advance that to day before. Therefore, when an organization are decided to recruit and collect new application, it is mandatory they should have to think that selecting and hiring the best qualified worker is the back bone of their productivity and profitability.

Objectives of the Study

The generally objective of this study is to asses the role of employee recruitment and selection on the organizational performance in case of Aman Town.

Significance of the Study

Under this subtopic the researcher wants to analyze the purpose of research paper. After the completion of this research paper, the organization Aman Town the researcher himself, other researcher and individuals can be benefit from the conclusion and recommendation to correct their errors.

1. The researcher will get experience to do better than when he required doing other researchers and individuals can benefit as reference and document.

2. The study also provide use full information for the corporation Aman Town perform well by considering its performance for failure or encourage them to do all the best to increase the qualification of the human resource planning.

Literature Review

Concepts and Definition Terminology

The quality of the work performed is determined only by these capability of the people performing it so that recruitment is the process of finding qualified people and encouraging them for work to the firm and selection is the process of choosing among those who do apply Together those two facts of human resource management supply is the life blood to the organization (

Alternatives of Organizations to Recruitment

Even when the human resources planning indicate the need for the additional; work force, affirm should decide and consider the increasing size of its work force and the consequential or related expenses Houghton (1995); Noe (1996). Because, if once employees are placed on the payroll, it may be difficult to remove them, even if their performance is marginal. Therefore, affirm must consider its alternative in the recruitment processes (Dessler, 2002).

Recruitment and other Human Resource

Recall the statement earlier about the inter dependent nature of reputation of the organizations like decision regarding employee testing work policies and programs, compensation, benefits and corporate image all can have impact on recruitment ( Mondy, 1999 ).

Organizational Recruitment Process

Ideally the recruitment should ensure that for every position available in the firm, there a sufficient number of qualified applicants. These applicants should include both sex and various social groups. Such as minorities and disable groups. Especially for those larger organizations, recruitment is complex and continuing processes that demand extensive planning and effort (Mitiku, 2005).

Factors Affecting the Recruitment Process

There are different factors affecting organizational employee recruitment process. Organizational factors many factors affecting the success of the organizational recruitment from the organization itself. The most common known organizational factor are Company’s reputation that affect the company's recruitment success interims of product or services over all the company projects a certain image to the community at large and this influence its ability to a fact qualified workers to be attracted. In many cases good advertising and successful public relation effort can increase community knowledge of the company, rise public application and thus makes dramatic impact it can recruitment. Relations with labor unions it can be critical to public perceptions of the firm as can be company's reputations for offering high or low wages. Organizational climate the organizational climate and condition in which the current or existing employees are surviving affect the recruitment success.

They may not have the recourse to interview candidates at colleges out side the region organization may not have financial capacity to pay the travel to analyze the cost involved in the alternative method (French, 2007).

Recruiting Evaluation

Evaluating the success of recruiting effort is important because that is the only ways to find out whether the efforts are cost effective in terms of time and money spent.

General areas of evaluating recruitment are includes Quantity of applicants because the goal of good recruiting is to generate a large pool of applicants from which to choose quantity is natural place to begin evaluation. Equal employment opportunity goals the recruiting program is the key activity used to meet goals for hiring protected class individuals (Harris &Michacl, 1997).


When as recruitment encourages individuals seek employment with the firm, the purpose of selection is to identify and employ the best qualified individuals for specific position.

So that we can define selection as the process of choosing from a group of applicants of individuals those best suited for particular positions (Tyson, & Shoun,1996).

Nature of Selection

The selection process by its nature is the process of choosing individual who have relevant qualification to fill jobs.

In other word, it means, personnel is the process by which companies decide who will or will not be allowed in to their organizations (Noe, 2006 ).

Research Methodology

Sources of Data

Primary data sources are the most valuable to address this particular research which was collected directly from the employees of the organization.

Usefully tools to collect primary data:- are questionnaire and interviews Secondary data is also has great contribution for the definition of research problem. There fore the most common sources of secondary data are books, research finding recorded document and annual reports of the organization.

Sampling Method

Judgmental mental sampling was used to determine sampling size

Data Processing and Analysis

The researcher wants to identify how data’s were processed and analyzed. So after all data were collected, the researcher was used to quantitative methods.

Data Presentation and Analysis

From the above out of 50 total respondents, 45%(27) are said working condition and the rest said relation with labor unions 26%(13) organizational climate 20%(10) and there is no respond who said all factors. Therefore from this data we can conclude that the most internal factor affect the organizational recruitment process is working condition and the manager expect to influence such condition.

Table 1 response on employee evaluation for internal recruitment.

Table 1 Employee Selection Criteria
No Item Respondents
Number % age
1 Which is/are employee selection criteria’s that the organization uses more?    
2 formal education    
3 experience    
4 personal characteristics   16%
5 physical characteristics 8 20%
6 It uses all criteria 10 8%
  4 12%
  6 44%
Total 50 100%

From the above Table 1 out of 50 total respondents, 74% (37) are said yes and the rest 26% (13) are said no that means the evaluation method that that the organization used to recruit from internal is directly job related. There force such evaluation method to recruit from internal of the organization enhance their performance.

From Table 1 above, out of 50 total respondents 44% (22) are said all of criteria’s and the rest are said formal education 16%(8), experience 20%(10), personal characteristics 8%(4), and physical characteristics 12% (6) respectively. Since the majority of respondents are said all criteria are we can say that the organization uses all criteria’s stated above for the purpose of employee selection. From the data depicted on the above Table 1 out of 50 total respondents, 48%(24) and 52%(26) are said yes and no respectively. Which means that the majority of respondents said no that means there is no equal chance for both sex or male and female applicants, because the manager or the concerned body gives priority for females, friends and their relatives. Therefore the researcher can understand that such selection process is forbidden for the organizational performance.

As we see from the above Table 2 out of 50 total respondents, 62% (31) are said medium and the rest are said very high 4% (2), high 26% (13), low 8% (4), and there is no respondent who said very low respectively. Since the majority of respondents are said medium, from these we can conclude that the rate how the organization focuses on the applicant’s experience is medium.

Table 2 The Rate How the Organization Focuses on Employee Selection Criteria’s
No Item Respondents
Number % age
  How much the organization focus applicants experience?
Very high
Very low



Total 50 100%
  How much the organization focus on applicant’s formal education?
Very high
Very low

  Total 50 100%

From the same, out of 50 total respondents, 14%(7) are said very high, 48%(24) are said high, 34%(17) are said medium, and 4%(2) are said low and there is no respondent who said very low that means the majority of the respondents are said that the rate how the organization focus on applicant’s formal education is high and the researcher conclude that the organization gives high attention for applicant’s formal education during selection process in Table 3.

Table 3 Table Applicants Back Ground Investigation Selection Criteria’s
No Item Respondents
Number % age
  How much the organization focus on applicants background investigation
Very high
Very low



Total 50 100%

As we see from the Table 3 above responses on the applicant’s background investigation, out of 50 total respondents, 40% (20) are said medium and the rest are said very high 12% (6), high 22% (11), low 12% (6) and very low 14% (7) respectively. Therefore, since the majority of the respondents said medium the researcher can conclude that the rate how the organization focuses on applicant’s background investigation is medium.


Under this sub topic, the researcher want to put the conclusion of this particular study and forward to the readers there fore the conclusion statements are written as follows as per the data collected and analyzed in the organization the most factors that affect the organization recruitment process are working condition and labor market from internal and external respectively.

1. The organization uses directly job related evaluation methods for internal recruitment of employees. The recruitment activities have equal chance for both sexes male and female. The organization gives nothing special treatment for disable applicants.

2. The rate the organization give attention for internal recruitment is medium and the same for external recruitment.

3. External recruitment has some problem for the organization because of that it needs long training and the related cost

4. A pool or largess of applicants affecting the organization selection criteria such as formal education, experience, personal characteristics and physical characteristics

5. The organization does not providing equal chance of being selected for all applicants. There is a discriminations interms of friendly, blood relationship and give priority for women.

6. The rate how the organizations focus or give attention to selection criteria such as formal education, experience and back ground investigation are high,medium and medium respectively. The organization uses different recruitment methods such as bullet in board and especially it uses new paper advertising. This organization pay less salary range new employees relatively from the existing employees.


1. The manager should give special treatment for disable applicants and must screen as equal as those with full capacity.

2. The manager of this organization should focus and must give high attention for internal recruitment because external recruitment need long training and cost.

3. The manager should avoid and reduce the factor from pool of applicants by using preliminary interview and removing immediately those applicants with least qualified applicants to safe time and to screen the rest carefully.

4. The organization or manager should not use physical characteristics as selection criteria because qualified applicants must be measured in terms of their creativity of new technology, thinking ability and their efficiency.

5. The manager should provide equal selection opportunities for all applicants to be selected as per their quality and must avoid the selection methods related blood relation ship friend ness and giving priority for female applicants because employees hired by such unfair selection method can bring nothing performance for the organization and they are costly for the organization.

6. The manager should avoid using applicant’s background investigation for employee selection process because they misrepresent their background and qualification.

7. The management must avoid the unbalanced payments for existing and new employees having the same status because they may feel discrimination and not do the job as per their ability.


Dessler, (2002), Human Resource Management, in Canada Canada Publishing press, 8th ed.

Noe, R. (2006), Human resource management; Chicago; Irwin press, 5th ed.

Ivancevich, & John, M. (1998), Human resource management, Irwin MC Grwa – Hill, 7th ed.

French, Wendell l, c (2007) Human resource management Bostotn.

Houghton, Miffline company, 7th ed Luis, R. (1995), Human resources management London, Press, 5th ed.

Noe, H.B. (1996) Human resource management, Mayfield Publishing Company, 4th ed.

Tyson, S. (1996), Human rescore management, oxford. Butter worth Heinemann, 3rd ed.

Mondy. (1999) Human recourse management, Har court Brace college publisher, 6th ed.

How does recruitment and selection contribute to high performance?

The more effectively organizations recruit and select candidates, the more likely they are to employ and retain satisfied employees. In addition, the effectiveness of an organization's selection system can influence bottom- line business outcomes, such as productivity and financial performance.

How does recruitment and selection contribute to Organisational success?

An effective recruitment and selection policy not only fulfills the requirements of a job but also ensures that an organization will continue to maintain its commitment to providing equal opportunity to employees. Adherence to such a policy will let you hire the best possible candidates for your organization.

How does recruitment and selection affect employee performance?

However, only recruitment variable that Significantly influence on employee performance. Recruitment is one - the only variable that has direct influence on employee performance. While selection and placement of employees variable do not affect the performance of employees.

How can recruitment improve performance?

How to improve your recruiting process.
Craft clear and attractive job ads..
Boost your candidate sourcing..
Build talent pipelines..
Improve your recruitment efficiency..
Evaluate candidates effectively..
Enhance candidate experience..