IN order for a computer to understand a program, it must be converted into machine language by a n

IN order for a computer to understand a program, it must be converted into machine language by a n
IN order for a computer to understand a program, it must be converted into machine language by a n

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IN order for a computer to understand a program, it must be converted into machine language by a n
IN order for a computer to understand a program, it must be converted into machine language by a n

IN order for a computer to understand a program, it must be converted into machine language by a n
IN order for a computer to understand a program, it must be converted into machine language by a n

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IN order for a computer to understand a program, it must be converted into machine language by a n

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In order for a computer to understand a program, it must be converted into machine language by a(n)__________.

  1. operating system
  2. utility
  3. device driver
  4. language translator

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What is a computer program that converts an entire program into machine language?

A compiler takes the program code (source code) and converts the source code to a machine language module (called an object file).

How does a computer understand a programming language?

The computer doesn't actually learn the language; instead, it parses the language and does what the lines of code tell it to do. To break it down further, the CPU is at the heart of the computer. It only understands something called machine code, which is a language consisting of ones and zeros.

What kind of language can computer understand?

Machine language gives instructions as 0's and 1's and is the only language that the computer understands. Assembly language is more concise but still very cumbersome when programming.

Is machine language a programming language?

Machine language is a low-level programming language made out of binary numbers or bits that can only be read by machines. It is also known as machine code or object code, in which instructions are executed directly by the CPU.