In what kind of attack can attackers make use of millions of computers under their control in an attack against a single server or network?


In what kind of attack can attackers make use of millions of computers under their control in an attack against a single server or network availability confidentiality integrity identity automated attack software? Those who wrongfully disclose individually identifiable health information can be fined up to what amount per calendar year? single most expensive malicious attack HIPAA What are script kiddies? Advanced Persistent Threat security manager security engineer What level of security access should a computer user have to do their job What process describes using technology as a basis for controlling the access and usage of sensitive data? cybercriminal

What type of attack is being performed when multiple computers overwhelm a system with fake requests?

A DDoS attack involves multiple connected online devices, collectively known as a botnet, which are used to overwhelm a target website with fake traffic. Unlike other kinds of cyberattacks, DDoS assaults don't attempt to breach your security perimeter.

When an attack is designed to prevent authorized users from accessing a system it is called what kind of attack?

In a denial-of-service (DoS) attack, the attackers overwhelm the victim's system, network or website with network traffic, making it difficult for legitimate users to access those resources. Two ways a DoS attack can occur include: Flooding.
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) But if the attacker would rather directly target a website's users, they may opt for a cross-site scripting attack. Similar to an SQL injection attack, this attack also involves injecting malicious code into a website, but in this case the website itself is not being attacked.

What type of theft involves stealing another person's personal information?

Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain.