In what type of Workqueue can you find patient encounters that are missing information in epic?

Workqueues are a cornerstone of Revenue Cycle management in Epic; they can provide powerful functionality to keep business operations running smoothly. However, it is not uncommon for organizations with Epic’s Foundation system to struggle at go-live and thereafter, when team members do not know how to properly and efficiently utilize workqueues.

At no fault of their own, Application Teams work in silos on their build in trying to meet “build bucket deadlines” and as a result, an opportunity to build based on your organizational workflows is lost. Building anything properly the first time always makes life easier, and building workqueues in Epic is no different.  It is much more difficult to correct and clean-up workqueue build once Epic is live than it is to take the initial effort to carefully design, build and test your workflows right at the start.

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you start your build or look at optimizing workqueues:

Workqueues should mimic your workflows – Take your workflows and map out a life of an account across your workqueues. This will ensure the flow from workqueue to workqueue is intuitive and that stakeholders have a workflow to follow.

Use claims from your legacy system to reproduce accounts. Use a mix of very common (diagnostic imaging, etc.) and complex workflows (workers comp, case management, etc.). Ensure that every workflow is accounted for in your build.

Let’s take an example of a patient who comes in with an order for an imaging procedure. In this situation, you might implement the following workqueues:

  • Schedule Order WQ- Capture the order for scheduling the test and then schedule it
  • Patient WQ – Drive the future encounter to a pre-registration workqueue or capture any missed information for a current encounter
  • Patient and Account WQ – After pre-registration you might have someone review the patient’s benefit information, create an estimate for a patient and determine a pre-payment
  • Account, Claim Edits WQ – Coding and Billing would need to review any coding edits or claim edits that were triggered prior to the claim dropping
  • Credit, Adjustment Review and Follow-up WQ – Once the claim is processed, billing may need to follow-up on credits, adjustments, or denials

Ensure that the criteria for why accounts hit a workqueue and why they fall off is clear and well understood – This must be well-defined for testing and support. Trainers can use this information as they develop training criteria.

Test your build– A reminder to test might sound unnecessary, but when rolling out a new build, testing is crucial. Make sure that you include negative results testing as well as positive results testing and ensure that your back-end and front-end edits are in-sync. Any revisions you have on claim edit or account workqueues should also be captured on pre-registration and registration workqueues since they are worked and owned by different sets of users. For example, if a claim requires a referring provider, and that piece of information is captured at registration, it should be reflected in both your patient workqueues as well as your claim edit workqueues.

Assign an owner to every workqueue – Accountability is key. IT will own system issues and Operations will own workflow issues.

Emphasize Workqueue training – Workqueue training is often offered at a very high level during an organization’s initial training, but is always revisited at Go-Live. Workqueues are the way you support and run Revenue Cycle in Epic and it is critical that the users understand the expectations of what is hitting a workqueue, why and how they correct the issues. Create a plan for end users outlining the different types of workqueues and how to work the errors.

When built well, Epic Workqueues can be powerful. Taking the time to ensure that you have each piece of your workflow (scheduling, registration, insurance verification, charging, claims, etc.) accounted for will ensure that you have a streamlined process for your end users to follow.

Click here for more information on Impact Advisors’ revenue cycle optimization services including additional downloadable thought leadership.

On provider's schedule, what color would indicate that a slot had no regular openings, but at least one overbook appt available?
A. Gray
B. Green
C. Red
D. Yellow

The patient's appt is actually scheduled after you:
A. Select the time slot on the provider's schedule
B. Click Accept on the Appointment Review window
C. Close the patient workspace
D. Click Schedule on the provider's schedule

B. Click Accept on the Appt Review window

In what type of workqueue can you find patient encounters that are missing info?
A. Referral
B. Schedule Order
C. Patient
D. Claim

When scheduling an appt, you select a check box on the Make Appt form. The Schedule Scanner disappears and when you click Search, you are taken to the Recommended Solutions form rather than the provider's schedule. What check box was selected.
A. Auto search
B. Joint times
C. Recur
D. Use patient prefs

To be considered a joint appointment, the times scheduled for both providers must be the same, overlap, or touch?

You are pre-registering a patient, she tells you her coverage is no longer effective. What field would you use to terminate the coverage?
A. Member eff to
B. Member eff from
C. Subscriber ID
D. Insurance ID

Time slots reserved for a specific visit type or type of patient are called:
A. Unavailable
B. Blocks
C. Held
D. Public

On a patient's appointment desk, you see multiple future appointments with an 'R' next to them. This indicates that the appt is:
A. A rescheduled appt
B. Part of a recurring series
C. Missing registration info
D. Scheduled from a referral

B. Part of a recurring series

You are able to schedule multiple visit types with different providers in the same entry process?

You can make an existing appt. recur.


1) Right click appt and select 'Recur'
2) Select appt , click 'Recur' on bottom toolbar of Future tab.

A ________ is an insuring entity.
A ________ is a specific set of benefits.
A. plan, payor
B. payor, plan
C. coverage, plan
D. coverage, payor

The guarantor and subscriber can be 2 different people or entities when registering a dependent patient?

You would terminate coverage for a patient if the coverage was once effective, but no longer used.

You can create a new patient record w/o searching for the patient first.

If a guarantor acct is no longer effective, you need to
________________ the account.
A. Inactivate
B. Delete
C. Terminate
D. Remove

From the patient's Appointment Desk, what is the fastest way to determine if they have an order in the system?
A. Look under Patient Options
B. Look for an Orders tab
C. Right-click a future appt and select Link Orders
D. Look in the Patient Summary window

B. Look for an orders tab

The Appointment List activity allows you to assign a referral to a listed appt or schedule a new appt.

The Referral Action activity allows you to assign an existing referral to an appointment or create a new referral.

You can change appt information prior to the appt without rescheduling.

The Cancel Appts activity could be used to both cancel or reschedule an appt.

The top section of the Wait List displays possible solutions while the lower section of the Wait List displays patients who are waiting for appts.

You can add a patient to the Wait List froM the Appointment Desk.

From which report can you sign in a patient's appointment or admission?
A. Sign-In Report
B. Patient Arrival Report
C. Hospital Appointments and Admission Report
D. Today's Patients Report

D. Today's Patient Report

Patient shows his insurance card, he has a copay.
What steps are taken to update info in the system?
A. Select Edit Copay, enter details of copay in Coverage Level Copay table, click Accept.
B. Select Enterprise Pmt, enter details of copay in Copay due field, click Accept.
C. Select Enterprise Pmt, enter details of copay in Balance Paid field, click Accept.
D. Select Copay due field on the Copay form and enter details of the copay.

A. Select Edit Copay enter details of copay in Coverage Level Copay table, click Accept.

You are scheduling patient for a Walk In visit. After you enter ________, the provider's schedule appears.
A. a department
B. a visit type
C. a provider
D. appointment notes

When registering a patient for a new workers' comp visit, which of the following must be created?
A. Claim information record
B. Personal/Family guarantor account
C. Third party liability guarantor account
D. Coverage record for the patient's personal insurance

A. Claim information record

How can you tell by looking at the DAR if an appt has been checked out? The status of the appointment is:
A. Sch
B. Arrived
C. Checked
D. Comp

Patient checked in for appt but had to leave before being seen. To maintain appropriate appt statistics, you must update the appt info by selecting the ___ button on the DAR and changing the _____ field to _____.
A. Change, Change reason, Patient
B. EOD, Status, No Show
C. EOD, Status, Left without seen
D. Cancel, Cancel reason, Left without seen

C. EOD, Status, Left without seen

Patient's copay and non-copay payments can be refunded from the POS Refund activity.

True Appendix A - Training Wheels

Multiple provider schedules can be created from the same pattern

You would like the system to build more schedule for your resources when there are only 3 months of schedule remaining. These schedules were built using patterns. How do you do this?
A. Set the release date to "M+3"
B. Set the release date offset to "3 Monthly"
C. Select the Set Default button in Provider Pattern to configure auto-extension
D. Edit the pattern

C. Select the Set Default button in Provider Pattern to configure auto-extension

The schegistrar can only see 2 days of a provider's schedule, beyond that she sees 'Unrlsd'. Yesterday she was able to see 3 months. What is preventing her from seeing past the 2nd day?
A. Release date
B. Release date offset
C. Recurrence pattern
D. Unavailable time

Patient makes payment toward outstanding balance, but says he needs the money back. You select patient's appointment on the DAR and reopen the Check In activity. What are the next 3 steps?
A. Select Enterprise Pmt, enter amount in Balance paid field and click Accept.
B. Select POS Refund, choose payment that needs to be refunded and click Accept.
C. Select POS Refund, enter value in Reason field, and choose payment that need to be refunded.
D. Select Edit Copay, enter a copay, and click Accept.

C. Select POS Refund, enter value in Reason field, and choose payment that need to be refunded.

A provider needs to make a permanent, recurring change to his schedule and it should take effect today. His schedule was created using a pattern that other providers use. Which activities must be used in order to make this change?
A. Edit Template, Edit Pattern, Provider Pattern
B. Edit Template, Edit Pattern, Edit Provider
C. View Schedule, Edit Pattern, Provider Pattern
D. View Schedule, Edit Template, Provider Pattern.

A. Edit Template, Edit Pattern, Provider Pattern

A provider recently decided to work Saturdays for the next month only. What activity is used to make the change?
A. Edit Slot
B. Edit Template
C. Edit Template for a single day
D. Edit Pattern

B. Edit Template

Schegistrar Supv practice exam
question 38

You can create new slots on a particular day's schedule using the Edit Slot activity.

(edit template?) FIND WHERE THIS IS!

What are the three options for time period when scheduling recurring appointments?

Daily, weekly, monthly

Describe the difference between selecting the End date and Number of occurrences options.

Select end date if you need the appts completed by a certain time.
Select number of occurrences if the provider has ordered a certain number of visits.

Associating a referral with an appointment is called

Assigning a referral.

A Referral Warning appears during scheduling if...

If the patient's insurance plan requires a referral for the visit.

What does the Referral Action activity do?

Shows a list of the patient's referrals. You can create a new referral or assign an existing one.

It indicates the kind of services to be provided. 11.16

Recurring hospital accounts are attached to more than one visit.

A recurring hospital account is created for multiple related outpatient visits.

How can you tell from Audrey's Appointment Desk if she has a referral?

You see the referrals tab 11.25

How do you make an appointment from the Referrals tab?

Select the referral and click the schedule button on the bottom toolbar. 11.25

What are the three options for time period when scheduling recurring appointments?

daily, weekly, monthly 11.25

If you change the time of the first recommended solution for recurring appointments, how can you quickly change the times of the subsequent appointments to match those times?

Click match recurrences 11.26

What kind of hospital account do you need to create for recurring appointments?

Recurring or series 11.26

What letter indicates that an appointment is part of a recurring series?

Where should you click to make an appointment a recurring appointment?

The Recur check box

Do you need a referral to schedule a recurring appointment?

What are two ways to make an existing appointment recur?

Right-click and select Recur. OR
Click Recur on the bottom toolbar of the Future tab.

Referrals for a patient appear on the Appointment Desk activity.

True. They appear on the Referrals tab.

2. When viewing a patient's Appointment Desk activity, how can you tell that a referral has been assigned to an appointment? Choose only ONE answer.

A. An icon appears in the Referral column for that appointment.
B. A green checkmark appears in front of the appointment.
C. A purple square appears in front of the appointment.
D. You cannot tell if a referral has been assigned to an appointment on by looking at the Appointment Desk.

A. An icon appears in the Referral column for that appointment.

The system will prevent users from scheduling an appointment for a referral until it has been marked as "Authorized."

False. Referrals can be scheduled before or after they have been authorized.

You are using a workqueue to schedule appointments for new referrals to your department.
How can you tell if a referral has been assigned to an appointment in the Appointment List activity? Choose only ONE answer.

A. The referral has a status of Assigned.
B. There is a green checkmark next to the referral.
C. A number appears in the Referral # column.
D. The Appt Status column shows Scheduled.

C. A number appears in the Referral # column. 11.38

When scheduling an appointment from a referral, the system will automatically fill in the Visit Type field in the Make Appointment activity.

While viewing the Referral Action activity, how can you tell which referral has been assigned to the appointment? Choose only ONE answer.

A. The referral has a status of Assigned.
B. There is a green checkmark next to the referral.
C. A number appears in the Referral # column.
D. A date appears in the Start column.

B. There is a green checkmark next to the referral.

A Referral Class of Outgoing should be used when referring a patient from your department to a different department within your organization.

False. Outgoing referrals are used when sending your patients to a different organization..

How can you access the Appointment List activity from a Referrals workqueue? Choose only ONE answer.

A. Click the Assign button.
B. Click the Schedule button.
C. Double-click the referral in the workqueue.
D. Right-click the referral and select Make Appointment.

A. Click the Assign button.


Recurring hospital accounts can only be attached to a single visit.

False. Recurring hospital accounts can be attached to multiple visits (recurring).


Which are true about the home workspace? Choose ALL answers that apply.

a. It is the initial activity you see when you log in to Hyperspace.
b. The activity that appears can be different based on the type of user.
c. It is labeled with the name of the user.
d. It always remains open.

a. It is the initial activity you see when you log in to Hyperspace.

b. The activity that appears can be different based on the type of user.

d. It always remains open.


2. Which are true about the patient workspace? Choose ALL answers that apply.

a. It is the initial activity you see when you log in to Hyperspace.
b. It is labeled with the name of the patient with whom you are working.
c. The patient workspace holds more than one patient.
d. It displays information specific to the patient.

b. It is labeled with the name of the patient with whom you are working.

d. It displays information
specific to the patient.


Which of the following elements are required in order to schedule an appointment on the Make Appointment form? Choose ALL answers that apply.

a. Department
b. Appointment notes
c. Visit Type
d. Provider
e. Date

a. Department

c. Visit Type

d. Provider

e. Date


A block is a time slot reserved for a particular type of visit or patient.

What does it mean if a slot is yellow on the provider's schedule? Choose only ONE answer.

a. The provider has time on hold.
b. The time slot has never been used.
c. There are no more openings or overbooks.
d. There are no more regular openings available, but there is at least one overbook.
e. None of the above.

d. There are no more regular openings available, but there is at least one overbook.


Override Held Time security is required to schedule into gray slots.

You can edit appointment notes from the Provider Schedule form if needed.

When you click Accept on the Appointment Review window, you are scheduling the appointment and
creating a contact for the patient in the system. If you cancel at this point instead of
accepting, the appointment is not scheduled.

Which are true about the patient workspace? Choose ALL answers that apply.

a. It is the initial activity you see when you log in to Hyperspace.
b. It is labeled with the name of the patient with whom you are working.
c. The patient workspace holds more than one patient.
d. It displays information specific to the patient

b. It is labeled with the name of the patient with whom you are working.

d. It displays information specific to the patient.


Which are true about the home workspace? Choose ALL answers that apply.

a. It is the initial activity you see when you log in to Hyperspace.
b. The activity that appears can be different based on the type of user.
c. It is labeled with the name of the user.
d. It always remains open.

a. It is the initial activity you see when you log in to Hyperspace.

b. The activity that appears can be different based on the type of user.

d. It always remains open.


Which of the following elements are required in order to schedule an appointment on the Make Appointment form? Choose ALL answers that apply.

a. Department
b. Appointment notes
c. Visit Type
d. Provider
e. Date

a. Department

c. Visit Type

d. Provider

e. Date


What does it mean if a slot is yellow on the provider's schedule? Choose only ONE answer.

a. The provider has time on hold.
b. The time slot has never been used.
c. There are no more openings or overbooks.
d. There are no more regular openings available, but there is at least one overbook.
e. None of the above.

d. There are no more regular openings available, but there is at least one overbook.


The permanent address is where the patient will receive statements.

False: The permanent address is used for sending appointment reminders, letters, and lab results. Statements would be sent to the address of the guarantor (stored in the guarantor account).


You have entered Lyla's patient address. Lyla would like to add her husband Ryan as her patient contact. Which of the following should you do to quickly pull Lyla's address into Ryan's contact information? Choose only ONE answer.

A. Click Pull Info with This patient selected
B. Click Link with This patient select
C. Select Primary? with This patient selected
D. Click Pull Info with Another patient select

A. Click Pull Info with This patient selected


Which of the following is responsible for any balance not covered by insurance? Choose only ONE answer.

A. Patient
B. Subscriber
C. Guarantor
D. Member

1) Each guarantor account can only have one guarantor.

2) One patient can only be linked to one guarantor account.

1) True

2) False: Patients can have multiple types of guarantor accounts linked to them (Personal/Family, Workers Compensation, Third Party Liability, etc.)


Which of the following statements are true about setting the Address link? field on the Guarantor Info form to "Yes"? Choose only ONE answer.

A. It links the patient address to the guarantor address.
B. It links the guarantor address to the subscriber address.
C. It links the patient address to the subscriber address.
D. It links the guarantor employer to the patient employer.

A. It links the patient address to the guarantor address.


True or False: Any balance not covered by insurance will be billed to the patient's subscriber.

False: Any balance not covered by insurance will be billed to the patient's guarantor.

How does Hyperspace alert you when a coverage eligibility response has been received?
Choose only ONE answer.

A. The Response Received button appears.
B. The Create a New Coverage button blinks.
C. "Response Received" appears on the Interactive Face Sheet.
D. The Eligibility Query form appears.

A. The Response Received button appears.

You are scheduling a patient for an office visit. You open the Make Appointment form and a provider appears automatically in the Provider field. Which of the following must be true? Choose only ONE answer.

A. The provider is the one who is most available in that department.
B. Someone else accessed the Make Appointment form for this patient and saved this information for you.
C. The patient has a PCP who has a schedule in the department you're scheduling in.
D. This department only has one provider.

C. The patient has a PCP who has a schedule in the department you're scheduling in.


What indicates an order and diagnosis are associated?

Joined circles icon appears next to the order.

You are transcribing an order but do not see the red and blue interlocking rings next to the placed order. Why? Choose only ONE answer.

a. You selected an incorrect order.
b. You haven't signed the order.
c. You haven't associated a diagnosis with the order.
d. You haven't selected Order Review.

c. You haven't associated a diagnosis with the order.

From Order Review, you can do which of the following? Choose ALL answers that apply.

a. Access the patient's Appointment Desk.
b. Access the Make Appointment activity to schedule the order.
c. Begin transcribing a new order.
d. View if an order has been linked to an appointment.

a. Access the patient's Appointment Desk.

b. Access the Make Appointment activity to schedule the order.

d. View if an order has been linked to an appointment.


A few days after you transcribe his order, Wayne calls to make an appointment for next week.
You open Wayne's Appointment Desk. How can you quickly schedule Wayne's order? Choose only ONE answer.

a. Select Make Appt on the activity toolbar and enter details of the appointment.
b. Select the Orders tab and click Schedule on the bottom toolbar.
c. Select the Orders tab and click Remove on the bottom toolbar.
d. Select One Click on the activity toolbar and select the next available office visit.

b. Select the Orders tab and click Schedule on the bottom toolbar.

When scheduling from an order the scheduler must choose the visit type to schedule.


When scheduling from an order, the system automatically selects the appropriate visit type or prompts you to select an appropriate type) if one is linked.


True or False: A joint appointment is two appointments that are back to back or overlap.

For an appointment to be considered joint, how much time can elapse between the end time of one provider and the start time of the next provider? Choose only ONE answer

A. None, the providers must be at the appointment at the same time
B. Zero minutes
C. Fifteen minutes
D. Thirty minutes

True or False:
If a patient is scheduled with Dr. Jones from 8:00 - 8:30 A.M and Dr. Brown from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M., this is still considered a joint appointment.

Which of the following requires you to schedule a joint appointment: Choose only ONE answer

A. A patient calls and needs to schedule in the therapy department. This patient needs to see both a physical therapist and an occupational therapist in this one appointment.
B. A patient calls and needs to schedule in the therapy department. This patient needs both a physical therapy appointment and an occupational therapy appointment on the same day.
C. A patient calls and needs to schedule in the therapy department. This patient needs to see both a physical therapist and an occupational therapist on different days.

True or False:
You can use the Snapboard to check in patients for their appointments.

Scheduling sequential appointments means: Choose only ONE answer

A. Scheduling two appointments with pools
B. Scheduling multiple appointments in the same scheduling action
C. Scheduling one appointment with multiple providers
D. Scheduling two appointments in the same department

Sequential appointments must be scheduled with the same providers.

If you do not enter a provider for the second visit of sequential appointments, the system will assume you want to use the same provider listed with the first visit type.


Sequential appointments do not have to be scheduled with the same provider. Because they are often scheduled with different providers, you must enter a provider for each visit type.

To schedule a panel you must schedule from an order.

A panel cannot be scheduled without having an order first.


It is possible to schedule panels w/o having an order first. Search for the panel in the Visit type field on the Make Appointment form.

When you schedule a panel, do you need to select a provider for each visit type? Why or why not?

No, you have to click on each to verify providers show up. If Visit Type uses Pools, you do not need to select a Provider - the system will do that automatically when scheduling.

Why is the Auto search check box automatically selected when a panel is entered in the Visit type field?

Panels often have scheduling rules set up behind the scenes and the Auto Scheduler is used to help schedule all visits in the panel correctly.

Group of predefined visit types scheduled together.

If there is no pool associated with a visit type, the system will automatically add a provider for the visit to continue scheduling.

False. You must manually enter a provider for the visit to continue.

A panel is a group of predetermined visit types that are commonly scheduled together.

If you enter an appt note on the Make Appointment form for sequential appointments, what appears in the Appt Notes column of the Appointment Desk for each visit? How would you change what appears?

You see the same note.
Change it by selecting the appt and clicking edit notes. 10.8

How can you tell if an appointment is sequential when you see it on the Appointment Desk?

You see an 'S' on the appt desk.

When you schedule sequential appointments, do you need to select a provider for each visit type listed on the Make Appointment form? If so, how would you do this?

Yes. First select the visit, then add the provider.

What is automatically selected when you enter multiple visits at a time?

Auto Search check box

What are sequential appts?

2 or more visits scheduled at the same time.

What are 2 ways to schedule multiple appointments?

Sequential appointments and panels.

What does a red slot indicate on a provider's schedule?

No more overbooks or regular appts are left; time is outside the template; provider is unavailable.

How can you tell if a slot has been put on hold?

The time slot is gray.

The Comment field allows you to further explain why you are putting time on hold. Why are you required to put in a reason?

So we can see why the time was put on hold. 23.6

You can set time on hold from any view of a provider's schedule if you have the Hold days or time security point.

Why would you put time on hold for a provider?

Becaue he has tentative plans that have not been confirmed yet.

You need to access the View Schedules activity to set this time unavailable. How do you get to this activity?

When slots are marked as held time, appts that were scheduled in those slots are sent to the Reschedule Appointments report.

False. Appts scheduled are NOT sent to the Reschedule Appts report because held time is used for 'tentative' plans.

When you mark slots as time unavailable, appointments that were scheduled in those slots are sent to the Reschedule Appointments report.

True. Time unavailable is used when a provider's plans are definite but do not take up an entire day. Appts that were scheduled in those slots are sent to the Reschedule Appointments report so patients can be notified that they need to reschedule. 23.8

What color do the slots turn after you mark the time unavailable?

1) Users with override held time security may schedule appointments into time on hold.
2) Users with override security may schedule appointments into time unavailable.
3) Users with override security may schedule an appointment into an unavailable day.

1) True

2) True

3) False. No one, regardless of security, may schedule an appointment into an unavailable day. 23.10

How do you change the calendar date in the View Schedule activity?

Click the arrows below the schedule display or click the date on the calendar.

What security do you need to schedule into time unavailable?

Multiple days or weeks can be set as unavailable for a provider.


Use Template Exceptions activity to set multiple days or weeks as
unavailable (or on hold) for a provider. It can be accessed from the Epic button > Scheduling > Templates > Template Exceptions.


When rescheduling an appt from Reschedule Appts report, most of the appointment information appears by default on the Make Appointment form.

The Reschedule Appointments report lists appointments that were scheduled in time and days that are now unavailable. You can only view the appts and cannot cancel or reschedule appts from the report.

False. You can cancel and reschedule appointments from the report.

When a provider becomes unavailable on very short notice, patient appointments must be canceled and then rescheduled quickly.

Patients can be rescheduled quickly by moving appts to another provider on the same day. Instead of using the Reschedule Appointments report, appointments can be moved from one schedule to another in the View Schedules activity by clicking and dragging to another provider.

When time is set on hold for a provider, what happens to appointments that were already scheduled during that time? Choose only ONE answer.

A. The appointments are canceled.
B. The appointments are moved to the Reschedule report.
C. Nothing happens to appointments in held time slots.
D. The appointments are moved to the Cancel Follow Up report.

C. Nothing happens to appointments in held time slots.


Users need special security to set time slots as unavailable.

If appointments were scheduled on a day you set unavailable, you can jump to the Reschedule Appointments report directly from the provider's schedule.

A provider requests 6 vacation days over the next two months. Where could you create those absences all at once? Choose only ONE answer.

A. View Schedule
B. The Appointment Desk
C. The Reschedule report
D. Template Exceptions

D. Template Exceptions allows you to create multiple exceptions at once for a provider.

Which of the following are examples of Cadence Hyperspace Reports? Choose ALL that apply.

a. Department Appointments Report
b. Confirm Appointments Worklist
c. Reschedule Report
d. Workflow Productivity Tracking Report

a. Department Appointments Report

b. Confirm Appointments Worklist

c. Reschedule Report


Clarity reports use real-time data from your Production environment.

Clarity reports use data pulled from the Production server into a Shadow server on a daily or weekly basis.

Which of these are examples of Reporting Workbench templates available to scheduling users? Choose ALL that apply.

a. Appointment Search template
b. Workflow Productivity Tracking Report template
c. Administrative Operating Summary template
d. All of the above

a. Appointment Search template

b. Workflow Productivity Tracking Report template


It is possible to save report settings and report results when using Reporting Workbench reports.

Public Reporting Workbench reports are available only to users who have Public Reports security.

Public reports are available to anyone who can access that group of Reporting Workbench reports.

Administrators create and release private versions of Reporting Workbench reports to specific end users.

Users who have the appropriate security create their own private reports.

From what reports can you sign in a patient's appt?
Select all:
A. Appointment Desk
B. Department Appointment Report
C. Today's patient report
D. Patient's workqueue

_____ is the first step of check in.
A. Verify the patient, guarantor and coverage.
B. Review the Dept Appt Report.
C. Review registration info.
D. Check the My Default Report check box

Steps to check in a patient. Select all that apply:
A. Collect payments
B. Complete check in
C. Review registration info
D. Run Dept Appt Review
E. Collect documents
F. Verify Encounter info
G. Create a hospital account

From what scheduling reports can End of Day Status window be access from. Select all:
A. Workqueue
B. Staff daily schedule
C. Patient history report
D. Appointment list activity
E. Department appointment report

If EOD processing will convert an appt's status incorrectly, you must update the appt status manually using the EOD Status List.


Occasionally appt statistics need to be changed after he appt time has passed. If an appt is not updated immediately or the info is entered incorrectly, you can correct the status before EOD Processing runs by adding the appt to the End of Day Status List.

What is another name for the tab on the patient's appt desk?
A. Home dashboard
B. Home workspace
C. Home activity
D. Home header

In the appt form, a provider can be: Select all
A. Actual person
B. Specialty
C. Resource
D. Department
E. Room
F. Equipment

A patient is having ankle pain, her PCP ordered an evaluation and treatment for her in PT and wants her seen today. What is the common way to schedule this for a specific day?
A. Make appointment form
B. Provider Schedule form
C. Workqueue list
D. Snapboard
E. One Click
F. Department appointment report

To schedule from a referral you have to look up each patient individually.

Sometimes referrals are created and authorized before an appt has been scheduled. You do not need to look up each patient - instead, you can use the Referrals workqueue to find all patients with referrals that are ready to be scheduled.


A ____ indicates what kind of services are going to be received.
A. General form
B. Referral class
C. Referral type
D. Referral action activity

If a patient can be seen only on certain days, what tool can be used to see only the days the patient is available?
A. Recur
B. Joint appt
C. Limit Search by
D. Auto search

What two things alert you that pools are being used? Select 2:
A. Red text in provider field
B. Auto Search box selected
C. Schedule scanner appears
D. Subgroups box selected
E. Provider appears automatically
F. Multiple solutions boc selected

What is a hyperspace-based tool for integrated reporting in Epic?
A. Hyperspace reports
B. Clarity reports
C. Reporting workbench
D. Real time reports

An appt is placed on hold while patient confirms time will work. How can you tell a hold was placed on the wait list?
A. The appt slot disappears
B. Slot is gray
C. Slot is orange
D. A hold tab appears

What registration form is used to enter 'no' in the accident related field?
A. checklist
B. Encounter Info
C. Claim info
D. Visit info
E. Guarantor info

Patient hurt on job yesterday would like to be seen today. What type of workers comp account needs to be created?
A. Walk in account
B. Account questionnaire
C. Guarantor account
D. Claim information account
E. General Claim account

A hospital account needs to be created for a patient, what must be done before creating the hospital account?
A. Create guarantor acct.
B. Finish the hospital account advisor
C. Check for existing Hospital account
D. Select a patient class
F. Select a hospital account for this encounter

Any dept that can see both admitted patients and outpatients for the same treatment or care is considered this:
A. Referral dept
B. Hospital Account Record
C. Hospital Outpatient Dept
D. Hospital Inpatient Dept

Does the Limit Search By pane automatically appear on the Make Appointment form?

No, you have to click the 'Limit Search By' icon to see this.
It is in the lower left corner of the screen (box w/ red lines)


If a slot color is green and there is a positive number in the slot, this shows how many regular openings are already booked.


The positive number tells the scheduler this is how many regular openings are available - NOT filled.


What color is the appointment slot if: at least 1 regular opening has been used, but there is at least 1 regular opening available?

Blue. The positive number is important because it tells the scheduler how many regular openings there are.


What does it mean if there is a zero and the slot color is yellow?

There are no regular openings available, but the provider has at least one open overbook available.

What security is needed to book into a yellow slot?
A. Overbook security
B. Super Overbook security
C. Override security
D. No security is needed.

If a patient’s temporary address is being used, where is this displayed?

Appointment Desk

Found on: Chapter 3, page 9

The General Visit Type list shows visit types that can only be scheduled in your login department.

The Schedule Scanner previews the schedule when the Auto Search check box is selected.

These color/number combinations for a slot on a provider’s schedule are not possible:
Blue with a 0; Yellow with a 1

Chapter 2, pages 19-23, exercise on page 29

A user needs Override security to schedule into slots with negative numbers.

Super Overbook security needed


What type of security do you need to schedule into a slot if the “Pri?” column is blank?

No special security is needed.
Chapter 2, page 26-27

The Reschedule Report shows rescheduled appointments.


Chapter 5, page 10-11 (and go into system to check/experiment, using Chapter 24 as guide to Reporting)

You must enter a cancel reason when rescheduling an appointment from the Cancel Appointments activity.

One report you can use to manually update a patient’s appointment status is

Stacy is a clerk working at the main front desk of a large clinic. When patients come for appointments, she greets them, verifies their demographic information, and indicates in the system that the patient is in the building, before sending them on to the correct department for their appointment. To do this part of her job, Janet could:

Find the patient on the Today’s Patient Report, and click Sign In.

Found on: Chapter 15, page 5-9

You are registering a patient who was hurt on the job. To make sure the appropriate party is billed, what do you need to do?

Create a workers’ compensation guarantor account and create a coverage record for the employer’s insurance.

Chapter 18, page 6-13

An existing patient comes in for a scheduled appointment and says she’ll no longer be using her father’s insurance coverage nor guarantor account. She recently graduated, got a new a job and insurance coverage through her new employer. As a front desk user in this scenario, you need to:

Add a new coverage record; Add a new guarantor account with the patient as the guarantor; Terminate previous insurance for one member

Chapter 17, page 5-7, 8-9

After using the “New Call” button, the number in which column will increase by one?

An appointment can be confirmed from these screens:

Appointment Review and Confirm Appointments Report

Chapter 13, page 4-5, 9

You are scheduling an appointment and enter a visit type. Immediately after doing so, the provider section of the Make Appointment form automatically fills in. Why did this happen?

The visit type uses a pool for scheduling.

Chapter 7, page 8

Any procedure ordered in EpicCare can be scheduled in Cadence.

You can schedule an appointment directly from the Referrals workqueue.


Use Assign button, not Schedule button, to associate a referral with an appointment.

Chapter 11, page 6-7

Any procedure ordered in EpicCare can be scheduled in Cadence.

Not all orders are schedulable in Cadence; only those that are associated with a visit type can be scheduled. Example: an order for a medication or an order for some other procedure our organization does not schedule.


You can schedule an appointment directly from the Referrals workqueue.


Use Assign button, not Schedule button, to associate a referral with an appointment.


What do hospital accounts do?

Determine which insurance company will receive a claim; Determine the guarantor who will receive a bill; and can be used for both visits and admission in a hospital setting.

Chapter 7, page 13

In the Limit Search by pane in the Make Appointment activity, some ways you can modify your search results by include:

Date range, Time range, Slot types

Chapter 6, page 9-10

The “Assign referrals from first occurrence to all occurrences” check box is selected by default on the Recur Appointments activity.

For a patient with a recurring series of therapy visits, the same hospital account can be used for several of the patient’s therapy visits.

What can you not enter on the View Schedule form?

Visit Type, Appointment Notes

Chapter 23, page 4-5 (and go into system to check/experiment)

If there is a zero or a negative number in a red slot on a provider’s schedule, what security do you need to schedule into that slot?

Super Overbook security

Chapter 2, page 22

A provider might attend class and wants to set the next six Thursdays on hold. How could you do this in Epic?

Create multiple exceptions using the Template Exceptions activity.

Chapter 23, page 11, 20-21

You can see a patient's coverage from the Interactive Facesheet.



In the 'If you have time exercise', bullet #10.
This was on the 12/29/14 test.

You can schedule with more than 1 pool.



This was on the 12/29/14 test.

Why are pools useful?
Choose ALL that apply:
A. Speed up scheduling process.
B. Less room for errors
C. Auto Scheduler used to find appts
D. Providers are pulled in automatically.

ALL apply


The Auto Scheduler is used automatically whenever a visit type has a pool of providers or resources attached.

This was on the 12/29/14 test.

Provider requested vacation time, not yet approved, to be put on schedule. How do you mark the provider's schedule?
A. Held
B. Red
C. Unavailable
D. View Only

A. Held

You put time on hold for tentatively unavailable time. You mark the time as Unavailable it it is certain that will happen.


This was on the 12/29/14 test.

On the View Schedule Activity, the following can be done. Choose ALL that apply:
A. Delete held time
B. Create unavailable time.

?? I selected A and B, but there were other answers.

This was on the 12/29/14 test - but I was not able to locate the answers that were on the test.


Only admissions to the hospital must be linked to a hospital account.


Every appointment and admission in the hospital must be linked to a hospital account.


This was on the 12/29/14 test.

Before you can create a hospital account, you must select a _____.
A. Visit type
B. Guarantor account
C. Patient class
D. Hospital Account Advisor

D. Patient class

After you enter the patient class, the form changes to the Hospital Account Advisor.


The verification date indicates the verification duration, which is the length of time after a patient, guarantor, or coverage has been assigned a 'Verified' status that it will remain verified. Once the verfication duration lapses, the info will need to be re-verified in case any info has changed.


Similar question was on 12/29/14 test.


What is a sequential appointment?

Sequential Appointments – Two or more visits on the same day. Recurring Appointments – Creating multiple appointments on a recurring basis. Workflow Process. Patient calls or presents and requires an advanced appointment type to be scheduled.

Can the guarantor and subscriber be two different people?

The guarantor is customarily the person bringing the patient in for treatment. This person is not necessarily the same as the subscriber.

Which activity button should you click from the appointment desk to schedule a basic appointment?

From the patient workspace, clicking on the "Make Appt" button will open the "Make Appointment" form to schedule.


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