In what ways did both the Soviet Union and the US seek to maintain influence during the Cold War quizlet?

1-With the encouragement of the Soviet Union and Communist China, North Korean forces invade South Korea.

2-The UN Security Council endorses military intervention to preserve international peace and to remove North Korean troops from South Korea.

3-UN forces, led by General MacArthur, land at Inch'ŏn.
UN forces capture P'yŏngyang and move toward the Chinese border with North Korea.

4-China enters the war on behalf of the North Koreans.

5-Truman fires MacArthur.

6-The war ends with a truce between the opposing forces, leaving the peninsula divided roughly how it had been when the North Koreans launched their war effort.

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Terms in this set (42)

[T/F] Mao Zedong was a well-known Chinese civil rights activist.


What was the Cold War?

The Cold War was a global, multifaceted ideological conflict between the U.S. sphere and the Soviet sphere.

What is the term for the process by which the African and Asian territories of European empires asserted themselves as independent countries?


What was the name of the post-World War II military alliance that united Russia and the nations of Eastern Europe?

Warsaw Pact

Which regions of the world became theaters for actual fighting during World War II?

- North Africa
- Indonesia and Southeast Asia

- South America
- West Africa

Although peoples in Latin America, Africa, and Asia had very differing histories and experiences, leaders in those areas frequently shared common goals in the decades immediately after World War II.
What were these shared goals?

- They wanted to develop political and economic systems that promoted justice and preserved local cultural values.
- They wanted to escape the direct control of colonial powers and the strong influence of multinational corporations.
- They wanted to develop local economies in ways that would improve the lives of their people.

- They wanted to align firmly with the Soviet Union and reject all connection to European nations and Western-style capitalism.

The image on the left depicts Nagasaki, Japan, shortly after its destruction by a nuclear blast. The image on the right shows schoolchildren in New York City doing an A-bomb drill in 1951, by which time the United States had developed substantially more powerful weapons than the Nagasaki bomb.
What does the combination of these two images show?

A-bomb drills acknowledged the dangers of nuclear destruction, but offered little in the way of true protection.

In Primary Source 20.1, "New Democracy" (1940), Mao Zedong calls for a two-part revolution in China. What are the two stages of this revolution?

First, China will become a new-democratic society. Then it will transition into a socialist society.

What kinds of problems did activists seek to address in the United States and Western Europe during the three decades from 1945 to 1975?

- Women faced sexism at home and in the workplace.
- Economic and governmental practices destroyed ecosystems and harmed humans.
- Nuclear weapons deployed across Western Europe.

- International practices limited free speech and artistic expression on the Internet.

The United States planned to kill Fidel Castro for his adherence to communist ideology; he retaliated with overt Soviet alignment, precipitating the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Revolutionaries overthrew repressive local dictatorships and tried to minimize U.S. economic influence.

Multinational corporations, such as United Fruit Company, used their political clout to protect their cash-crop operations from local competition.

Reformers wanted to foster the growth of local businesses.

When people who favored socialism got elected, the United States helped local elites overthrow them, as happened with Allende in Chile.

Reformers wanted free elections and more responsive governments.

African and Asian countries became part of the Third World as they gained independence from their former colonizers. Why did this wave of decolonization happen in the twenty years following World War II?

- The events of World War II led to violent upheaval in some places, ending colonization and revolutionizing the society at the same time.
- Some regions that came under Axis control during the war resisted recolonization by their former Allied colonial powers.
- Because they had just fought a war, European colonial powers lacked the money and the will to resist most independence movements.

- The United States invaded and liberated a number of former French and British colonies in defense of democratic ideals.

These photographs depict the devastation of Stalingrad (USSR) and Nagasaki (Japan), respectively. These two images reflect the fate of many others during the war.
What can you infer about the conduct during and effects of the war, based on the destruction depicted in these images?

- Both the Allies and the Axis extensively bombed civilian populations during the war.
- Rebuilding after the war required massive amounts of both resources and labor

- After the war, the world was thrown back into preindustrial forms of production because European urban centers had been destroyed.
- Conventional bombs and atomic weapons had the same effect.

How did the conflict over Israel and Palestine develop? Place the following events, covering the period from 1900 to 1956, in chronological order.

- In the spirit of European nationalist ideals, Zionist European Jews sought a Jewish state
- During WWI, British diplomats issued conflicting territorial assurances to European Jews in Palestinian Arabs
- Long standing tensions over Jewish immigration to Palestine peaked as European Jews desperately sought escape from the holocaust
-The United Nations voted to partition the region of Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state; the Arab-Isreali war resulted
- Arab defeat, plus anger over continued European influence in Arab countries, coalesced and the triumph of Nasser in Egypt and Egyptian control of the Suez Canal

Which of these countries experienced a civil war between Soviet-backed forces and U.S.-backed forces?

- Vietnam
- Korea
- China

- Ghana
- India

What methods did the USSR use to extend and maintain its influence during the Cold War?

- The USSR limited free speech and protest in Soviet bloc countries.
- Stalin separated the Soviet economic sphere from the U.S. sphere by refusing Marshall Plan funds and pressuring other Warsaw Pact countries to do the same.
- The USSR provided weapons and other aid to communist leaders and rebels around the world.

- The USSR maintained nuclear weapons in Cuba, successfully challenging U.S. power in Latin America.

[T/F] Despite their commitment to capitalism and democracy, First World governments periodically supported oppressive dictators.


This photograph was taken in 1941 by Life magazine photographer George Rodger.
*Free French troops train in Bouar [Central African Republic].*

What conclusion can you draw about the role of France's African colonies in World War II?

French leaders prevailed upon their African subjects to help them fight against Germany.

This is a British war recruitment poster, aimed at enlisting the military service of young men throughout the British Empire.

What messages does this image convey about the war effort?

- Even though it includes diverse peoples, the British Empire is strongly united.
- Even though it is a diverse, global entity, people of European descent have a special place in the British Empire.

- Indian and African subjects are not welcome in the Allied armed forces.
- The Indian and African subjects of the British Empire are taking advantage of the war with Germany to seek independence.

First World powers indirectly funded economic projects in Third World countries through _____________. They also intervened in currency crises through _____________. Additionally, multinational corporations like the United Fruit Company exercised significant political influence. This was seen, for example, when the United Fruit Company and local elites received CIA aid in overthrowing the government of _____________.

The World Bank
The International Monetary Fund

Well into the 1970s, planners in the Soviet Union prioritized industrial production over _____________. For example, robust steel production at Magnitogorsk came at the cost of _____________ for people in the region surrounding the factory. Despite its negative environmental effects, _____________ continued to be used by Soviet farmers to kill insects. And _____________ shrank by two-thirds because the water that fed it was diverted by irrigation and dams. Despite Soviet censorship, these problems generated environmental activism.

Environmental safety
Bronchitis, asthma, and cancers
The Aral Sea

As leaders in South Asia looked forward to Indian independence, Jawaharlal Nehru commented on the goals of a newly independent state in "A Note to the Members of the National Planning Committee" (1940):
"To realize the social objectives, the state has to plan through its representatives for the nation...and to co-ordinate the various activities of the nation...This planning will deal with production, distribution, consumption, investment, trade, income, social services... In India our standards are so terribly low and poverty is so appalling that this question of raising standards is of the most vital importance."
What did Nehru argue in this excerpt?

- The most pressing issues for the new government of India are poverty and low standards of living.
- The new government should actively coordinate the growth of important sectors of the Indian economy.

- Poverty is a problem in India because we have low standards for our people and we allow them to believe that unemployment is acceptable.
- To solve its economic problems, India will need to completely redistribute property and the state will need to take ownership of industries and farms.

One of the most striking features of the Cold War was the fear of global nuclear destruction it fueled. Place the following events related to the dawn of the nuclear age in order.

- The United States detonated atomic bombs in Japan, destroying both Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
- The Soviet Union tested its first nuclear bomb.
- The United States and the USSR engaged in indirect conflict with each other in Korea.
- The United States and the Soviet Union came close to nuclear confrontation when the USSR moved to install nuclear missiles in Cuba.

India and Indonesia received World Bank loans to build infrastructure, but lost autonomous control of their economies as part of the loan process.

Governments needed funds to support infrastructure projects.

In China, Mao inaugurated the Cultural Revolution, using Chinese youth to rebuild his own power and reject both Western influence and China's pre-Maoist past.

Leaders sought to retain power and feared a return to old ideologies or Western influence.

The Nigerian government sought help maintaining its territorial integrity, which it managed through Soviet military aid and a brutal civil war.

Newly independent states included regions that did not want to be part of the country.

Leaders welcomed multinational corporations into their countries, but found that they harmed local businesses and exercised political influence through business decisions.

Countries sought modern production technologies to help build their economies.

How did Japan become part of the First World?

- The United States maintained very close ties with Japan, through occupation, significant economic investment, and military protection after 1945.

- Japan developed nuclear weapons technologies.
- Japan adopted free trade practices and American-style corporate structures.

What methods did the United States use to extend and maintain its influence during the Cold War?

- The United States funded the World Bank and the IMF to foster capitalist economies and win friends in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
- The United States helped overthrow Latin American leaders who adopted socialist policies or policies that conflicted with American multinational corporations

- The United States encouraged open debate about communism, confident that dissent would not tempt people away from capitalism or democracy.
- The United States invaded Eastern European countries such as Poland and Romania in order to liberate them from Soviet control.

American women were active agents of social change, engaging in political protest like ____________ and writing highly influential books like Rachel Carson's Silent Spring and ____________ 's The Feminine Mystique.
A major scientific development of the time, ____________, gave women significant control over their own bodies, freeing them to make social and sexual choices that had never been available to them before.

Rosa Parks
Betty Friedan
The birth control pill

In Primary Source 20.1, "New Democracy" (1940), Mao Zedong describes the new-democratic society he envisions for China. According to Mao, which elements would be included in a new-democratic society?

- State control of banks, railways, and airlines
- Universal suffrage, regardless of sex, creed, property, or education

- All farming done in agricultural communes
- Preservation of all traditional Chinese culture and rejection of all western cultures

Trace the movement for African American civil rights by putting the following events in chronological order.

1) The NAACP won court victories that mandated the legal desegregation of schools
2) Civil rights activists used the Montgomery bus strike and nonviolent civil disobedience to publicly protest racial segregation
3)The federal civil rights act and racial segregation in public spaces such as transit restaurants and entertainment venues
4)The federal voting rights act enabled African-Americans to practice their right to vote
5) for a variety of reasons including white flight to the suburbs most American schools and neighborhoods stayed racially homogenous

In his 1940 work "New Democracy," Mao Zedong compared Maoist analysis of European ideas and old Chinese ideas to human digestion, cautioning that these ideas needed to be carefully deconstructed so that Maoists could retain the useful parts and discard the "waste matter."
How does Mao's guidance in 1940 relate to all the events of the Cultural Revolution more than twenty-five years later?

- Mao believed that by 1966 old and foreign ideas had been exhausted and that the Cultural Revolution was needed to root out the "raw" ideas and "waste matter" that people persisted in believing.
- In 1940 Mao sought to win supporters from many walks of life, but by 1966 he was concerned more with retaining his immense power and destroying those with ideas that conflicted with his own.

- Mao encouraged the Red Guards to engage in violent, chaotic activities, but they resisted and remained calm.
- The young women in this image exemplified the Red Guards' style of calm activities and thoughtful debate.

In the 1930s, Mao and the communist rebels who followed him gained genuine widespread support, especially in poor, rural areas. What ideas did early Chinese communists promote?

- outlaw arranged marriage and allow divorce to help women
- lower taxes and institute cooperative farming to help peasant farmers

- facilitate travel abroad to make Chinese peasants more internationally competitive
- teach Confucianism to help restore local cultural pride

How did individual people in the USSR and the Soviet bloc address their desires for social and political change after Stalin's death?

- Students and workers publicly advocated for freedom of expression and political discussion.
- Frustrated individuals renewed their faith and participation in the Orthodox church, an institution that predated communism.
- Dissidents wrote books challenging Soviet practices and underground reading groups coalesced to read and discuss reformist ideas.

- Reformers joined competing political parties and elected noncommunist candidates in elections.

After World War II, the countries of the world gradually split into three main camps, referred to by some as the First World, the Second World, and the Third World.

What were the First, Second, and Third Worlds?

These "worlds" were conceptual categories that helped to describe the relationships of different countries to the two superpowers: the United States and the USSR

United States

- Racial minorities used lawsuits and civil disobedience to contest long-standing inequalities.
- Anticommunist hysteria led to public campaigns to root out and expose communists.

Western Europe

- Education and health care were available to almost all citizens.

Both (US and Western Europe)

- Industrial production rose and households had access to more consumer goods than ever before.

In what ways were German and Japanese war aims and tactics similar to one another?

- Both countries sought to build resource-rich empires.
- Both countries developed national ideologies based on their own racial superiority.

- Both countries refused to surrender until their capital cities were invaded by Allied troops.
- Both countries used the tactic of assaults by tanks, then motorized infantry, then foot soldiers.

[T/F] Even though the Cold War did not involve direct engagement between U.S. and Soviet forces, it did involve violent conflict.


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In what ways did the Soviet Union seek to maintain influence during the Cold War?

The Cold War started in Europe. From 1945 to 1953, the USSR expanded its influence by creating the Eastern Bloc across states like Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. Stalin set up puppet communist governments that he could control. He repressed anyone who resisted.

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The United States and the Soviet Union both contributed to the rise of the Cold War. They were ideological nation-states with incompatible and mutually exclusive ideologies. The founding purpose of the Soviet Union was global domination, and it actively sought the destruction of the United States and its allies.

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Throughout the Cold War the United States and the Soviet Union avoided direct military confrontation in Europe and engaged in actual combat operations only to keep allies from defecting to the other side or to overthrow them after they had done so.

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In what way did the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union change after World War II? The two countries changed from being fierce rivals to being friendly allies. The two countries changed from being neutral toward each other to being rivals.