Is a hacker with minimal technical skill who primarily uses existing attack toolkits.

___ is the insertion of bits into gaps in a data stream to frustrate traffic analysis attempts
a. traffic routing b. traffic control c. traffic integetiy d. traffic padding

A loss of ___ is the unauthorized disclosure of information
a. integrity b. confidentiality c. authenticity d. availability

A ___ is any action that compromises the security of information owned by an individual
a. security policy b. security attack c. security mechanism d. security service

The assurance that data received are exactly as sent by an authorized entity is
a. authentication b. data integrity c. data confidentiality d. access control

Masquerade, falsification, and repudiation are threat actions that cause ___ threat consequences
a. disruption b. deception c. usurpation d. unauthorized discourse

An example of ___ is an attempt by an unauthorized user to gain access to a system by posing as an authorized user
a. interception b. inference c. repudiation d. masquerade

A threat action in which sensitive data are directly released to an unauthorized entity is ___
a. corruption b. intrusion c. exposure d. disruption

A ___ level breach of security breach could be expected to have a severe or catastrophic adverse effect on organizational operations, organizational assets, or individuals
a. high b. normal c. moderate d. low

On average, ____ of all possible keys must be tried to order to achieve success with a brute-force attack
a. two thirds b. three fourths c. on fourth d. half

A ____ is created by using a secure hash function to generate a hash value for a message and then encrypting the hash code with a private key
a. keystream b. one-way has function c. secret key d. digital signature

If the only form of attack that could be made on an encryption algorithm is brute-force, then the way to counter such attacks would be to ____
a. use more keys b. use less keys c. use shorter keys d. user longer keys

The original message or data that is fed into the algorithm is ____
a. encryption algorithm b. secret key c. plain text d. decryption algorithm

The ___ is the encryption algorithm run in reverse
a. decryption algorithm b. encryption algorithm c. plain text d. cipher text

____ is a procedure that allows communicating parties to verity that received or stored messages are authentic
a. decryption b. cryptanalysis c. collision resistance d. message authentication

d. message authentication

The purpose of a ___ is to produce a "fingerprint" of  file, message, or other block of data
a. key stream b. has function c. digital signature d. secret key

___ is the scrambled message produced as output
a. cipher text b. secret key c. cryptanalyst d. plain text

___ is a block cipher in which the plaintext and ciphertext are integers between 0 and n-1 for some n
a. SHA b. RSA c. DSS d. AES

The most important symmetric algorithms, all of which are block ciphers, are the DES, triple DES, and the ____
a. AES b. DSS c. SHA d. RSA

The most common means of human to human identification are ____
a. fingerprints b. facial characteristics c, signatures d. retinal patterns

b. facial characteristics 

The ___ strategy is when users are told the importance of using hard to guess passwords and provided with guidelines for selecting strong passwords
a.protective password checking b. user education c. reactive password checking d. computer-generated password

___ systems identify features of the hand, including shape, and lengths and widths of fingers
a. fingerprint b. signature c. hand geometry d. palm print

A ___ strategy is one in which systems periodically runs its own password cracker to find guessable passwords
a. user education b. reactive password checking c. computer-generated password d. proactive password checking

b. reactive password checking

Presenting or generating authentication information that corroborates the binding between the entity and the identifies is the ____
a. authentication step b. identification step c. corroboration step d. verification step

To counter threats to remote user authentication, systems generally rely on some form of ____ protocol
a. torjan horse b. eavesdropping c. denial-of-service d. challenge-respinse

Recognition by fingerprint, retina, and face are example of ____
a. face recognition b. static bio-metrics c. token authentication d. dynamic bio-metrics

Each individual who is to be included in the database of authorized users must first by ____ in the system
a. authenticated b. identified c. verified d. enrolled

___ defines user authentication as "the process of verifying an identity claimed by or for a system entity"
a. RFC 2328 b. RFC 2493 c. RFC 4949 d. RFC 2298

A ___ is a password guessing program
a. password biometric b. password salt c. password hash d. password cracker

___ implements a security policy that specifies who or what may have access to each specific system resource and the type of access that is permitted in each instance
a. resource control b. access control c. audit control d. system control

___ controls access based on comparing security labels with security clearances
a. DAC b. MAC c. RBAC d. MBAC

The final permission bit is the ___ bit
a. kernel b. sticky c. set user d. superuser

A(n) ___ is a resource to which access is controlled
a. world b. owner c. subject d. object

___ is the granting of a right or permission to a system entity to access a system resource
a. authentication b. monitoring c. control d. authorization

A ___ is an entity capable of accessing objects
a. subject b. owner c. object d. group

___ is the traditional method of implementing access control
a. MAC b. MBAC b. RBAC d. DAC

___ is based on the roles the users assume in a system rather than the user's identity
a. URAC b. DAC c. MAC d. RBAC

___ is verification that the credentials of a user or other system entity are valid
a. authorization b. authentication c. audit d. adequacy

A concept that evolved out of requirements for military information security is ___
a. discretionary input b. reliable input c. open and closed policies d. mandatory access control

d. mandatory access control

An end user who operates on database objects via a particular application but does not own any of the database objects is the ___
a. end user other than application owner b. administrator c. application owner d. foreign key

a. end user other than application owner

The basic building block of a ___ is a table of data, consisting of rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet
a. DBMS b. relational database c. query set d. perturbation

___ encompasses intrusion detection, prevention and response
a. intrusion management b. security assessments c. database access control d. data loss prevention

A ___ is a virtual table
a. DBMS b. tuple c. view d. query

A ___ is defined to be a portion of a row used to uniquely identify a row in a table
a. query b. foreign key c. data perturbation d. primary key

A(n) ___ is a user who has administrative responsibility for part or all of the database
a. administrator b. database relations manager c. end of user other than application owner d. application owner

___ is the process performing authorized queries and deducing unauthorized information from the legitimate responses received
a. compromise b. portioning c. pertubation d. inference

A(n) ___ is a structured collection of data stored for use by one or more applications
a. tuple b. inference c. attribute d. database

A ___ is a person or organization that maintains a business relationship with cloud providers
a. cloud broker b. cloud consumer c. cloud carrier d. cloud auditor

The ___ cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more clouds that remain unique entities but a re bound together by standardized or proprietary technology that enable data and application portability
a. community b. hybrid c. private d. public

True or false?
Email is a common method for spreading macro viruses

True or false?
In addition to propagation, a worm usually carries some form of a payload

True or false?
Metamorphic code is software that can be shipped unchanged to a heterogeneous collection of platforms and execute with identical semantics 

True or false?
Many forms of infection can be blocked by denying normal users the right to modify programs in the system

True or false?
A logic bomb is the event or condition that determines when the payload is activated or delivered

True or false?
A virus that attaches to an executable program can do anything that program is permitted to do

True or false?
It is not possible to spread a virus via USB stick

True or false?
A macro virus infects executable portions of code

True or false?
Malicious software aims to trick users into revealing sensitive personal data

True or false?
Keyware captures keystrokes on a compromised system

True or false?
A program that is covertly inserted into a system with the intent of compromising the integrity or confidentiality of the victim's data is ___
a. malware b. animoto c. adobe d. prezi

During the ___ the virus is idle
a. triggering phase b. dormant phase c. execution phase d. propagation phase

The ___ is when the virus function is performed
a. triggering phase b. dormant phase c. propagation phase d. execution phase

The term "computer virus" is attributed to ___
a. Charles Babbage b. Fred Cohen c. Herman Hollerith d. Albert Einstein

A ___ is code inserted into malware that lies dormant until a predefined condition, which triggers an unauthorized act, is met
a. trapdoor b. logic bomb c. worm d. trojan horse

___ are used to send large volumes of unwanted email
a. down-loaders b. auto-rooter d. rootkits d. spammer programs

___ is the first function in the propagation phase for a network worm
a. propagating b. fingerprinting c. spear phishing d. keylogging

A ___ uses macro or scripting code, typically embedded in a document and triggered when the document is viewed or edited, to run and replicate itself into other such documents
a. boot sector infector b. multipart virus c. file infector d. macro virus

Computer viruses first appeared in the early
a. 1990s b. 1980s c. 1970s d. 1960s

The ___ is what a virus does
a. payload b. trigger c. logic bomb d. infection mechanism

True or false?
Given sufficiently privileged access to the network handling code on a computer system, it is difficult to create packets with a forged source code

True or false?
The attacker needs access to high-volume network connection for a SYN spoof attack

True or false?
The source of the attack is explicitly identified in the classic ping flood attack

True or false?
Flooding attacks take a variety of forms based on which network protocol is being used to implement the attack

True or false?
The SYN spoofing attack targets the table of TCP connections on the server

True or false?
SYN-ACK and ACK packets are transported using IP, which is an unreliable network protocol

True or false?
A denial-of-service attack is an attempt to compromise availability by hindering or blocking completely the provision of some service

True of false?
DOC attacks cause damage or destruction of IT infrastructures

True or false?
A DoS attack targeting application resources typically aims to overload or crash its network handling software

True or false?
A cyberslam is an application attack that consumes significant resources, limiting the server's ability to respond to valid requests from other users

Bots starting form a given HTTP link and then following all links on the provided Web site in a recursive way is called ____
a. spidering b. trailing c. crowding d. spoofing

___ attempts to monopolize all of the available request handling thread in the Web server by sending HTTP requests that have never complete
a. SYN flooding b. reflection attacks c. slowloris d. HTTP

The ___ attacks the ability of a network server to respond the TCP connection requests by overflowing the tables used to manage such connections

a. prison packet attack b. DNS amplification attack c. SYN spoofing attack d. basic flooding attach

A ___ triggers a bug in the system's network handling software causing it to crash and the system can no longer communicate over the network until this software is reloaded
a. echo b. flash flood c. reflection d. poison packet

A characteristic of reflection attack is the lack of ___ traffic
a. three-way b. backscatter c. botnet d. network

___ bandwidth attacks attempt to take advantage of the disproportionally large resource consumption at a server
a. application based b. amplification c. random d. system based

___ relates to the capacity of the network links connecting a server to the wider Internet
a. directed broadcast b. application resource c. network bandwidth d. system payload

Using forged source address is known as ___
a. directed broadcast b. source address spoofing c. random dropping d. a three-way address

b. source address spoofing 

___ is a text-based protocol with a syntax similar to that of HTTP
a. RIP b. DIP c. HIP d. SIP

TCP uses the ___ to establish a connection
a. directed broadcast b. SYN cookie c. zombie d. three-way handshake

True or false?
The primary purpose of an IDS is to detect intrusions, log suspicious events, and send alerts

True or false?
The IDS component responsible for collecting data is the user interface

True or false?
Anomaly detection is effective against misfeasors

True or false?
Those who hack into computers do so for the thrill of it or for status

True or false?
Activists are either individuals or members of an organized crime group with a goal of financial reward 

True or false?
An intruder can also be refereed to as a hacker or cracker

True or false?
Intruders typically use steps from a common attack methodology

True or false?
Signature-based approaches attempt to define normal, or expected, behavior, whereas anomaly approaches attempt to define proper behavior

True or false?
Intrusion detection is based on the assumption that the behavior of the intruder differs from that of a legitimate user is ways that can be quantified

True or false?
Running a packet sniffer on a workstation to capture usernames and passwords is an example of intrusion

The purpose of the ___ module is to collect data on security related events on the host and transmit these to the central manager
a. LAN monitor agent b. central manager agent c. architecture agent d. host agent

A ___ monitors the characteristics of a single host and the events occurring with that host for suspicious activity
a. network-based IDS b. intrusion detection c. host-based IDS d. security intrusion

A ___ is a security event that constitutes a security incident in which an intruder gains access to a system without having authorization to do so
a. criminal enterprise b. intrusion detection c. IDS d. security intrusion

A(n) ___ is a hacker with minimal technical skill who primarily uses existing attack toolkits
a. apprentice b. journeyman c. activist d. master

A(n) ___ event is an alert that is generated when the gossip traffic enable platform to conclude that an attack is under way
a. PEP b. DDI c. IDEP d. IDME

___ is a document that describes the application level protocol for exchanging data between intrusion detection entities
a. RFC 4787 b. RFC 4766 c. RFC 4764 d. RFC 4765

___ involves an attempt to define a set of rules or attack patterns that can be used to decide if a given behavior is that of an intruder
a. profile based-detection b. signature detection c. threshold detection d. anomaly detection

A ___ monitors network traffic for particular network segments or devices and analyzes network, transport, and application protocols to identify suspicious activity
a. network based IDC b. host based IDS c. security intrusion d. intrusion detection

The ___ module analyzes LAN traffic and report the results to the central manager
a. architecture agent b. host agent c. central manager agent d. LAN monitor agent

___ involves the collection of data relating to the behavior of legitimate users over a period of time
a. anomaly detection b. profile based detection c. signature detection d. threshold detection

A(n) ___ is inserted into a network segment so that the traffic that it is monitoring must pass through the sensor
a. LAN sensor b. inline sensor c. analysis sensor d. passive sensor

The ___ is responsible for determining if an intrusion has occurred
a. host b. user interface c. sensor d. analyzer

The __ is the ID component that analyzes the data collected by the sensor for signs of unauthorized of undesired activity or for events that might be interest to the security administrator
a. analyzer b. sensor c. data source d. operator

___ are either individuals or members of a larger group of outside attackers who are motivated by social or political causes
a. others b. cyber criminals c. activists d. state-sponsored organizations

The rule ___ tells Snort what to do when it finds a packet that matches the rule criteria
a. direction b. action c. destination port d. protocol

True or false?
A packet filtering firewall is typically configured to filter packets going in both directions

True or false?
A DMZ is one of the internal firewalls protecting the bulk of the enterprise network

True or false?
The countermeasure to tiny fragment attacks is to discard packets with an inside course address if the packet arrives on an external interface

True or false?
One disadvantage of a packet filtering firewall is its simplicity

True or false?
The prime disadvantage of an application-level gateway is the additional overhead on each connection

True or false?
A firewall can serve as the platform for IPSec

True or false?
The firewall can protect against attacks that bypass the firewall

True or false?
The firewall may be a single computer system or set of two or more systems that cooperate to perform the firewall function

True or false?
The primary role of the personal firewall is to deny unauthorized remote access to the computer

True or false?
A traditional packet filter makes filtering decisions on an individual packet basis and does not take in consideration any higher layer context

A ___ configuration involves stand-alone firewall devices plus host-based firewalls working together under a central administrative control
a. distributed firewall b. stateful inspection firewall c. packet filtering firewall d. personal firewall

___ control determines the types of Internet services that can be accessed, inbound our outbound
a. behavior b. user c. service d. direction

___ control controls access to a service according to which user is attempting to access it
a. user b. service c. behavior d. direction

A ___ gateway sets up two TCP connections, one between itself and a TCP user on inner host and one between itself and a TCP user on an outside host
a. application level b. circuit level c. stateful inspection d. packet filtering

___ control controls how particular services are used
a. user b. behavior c. direction d. service

___ control determines the direction in which particular service requests may be initiated and allowed to flow through the firewall
a. user b. direction c. behavior d. service

Typically, the system in the ___ require or foster external connectivity such a corporate web site, email server, or a DSN server
a. DMZ b. VPN c. boundary firewall d. IP protocol field

A ___ consists of a set of computers that interconnect by means of a relatively unsecure network and makes user of encryption and special protocols to provide security
a. proxy b. UTM c. stateful inspection firewall d. VPN

The ___ defines the transport protocol
a. interface b. source IP address c. destination IP address d. IP protocol field

An example of circuit-level gateway implementation is the ___ package
a. SMTP b. application level c. SOCKS d. stateful inspection

True or false?
IT security management consists of first determining a clear view of an organization's IT security objective and general risk profile

True or false?
IT security management has evolved considerably over the last few decades due to the rise in risks to networked systems

True or false?
Organizational security objectives identify what IT security outcomes should be achieved

True or false?
Detecting and reacting to incidents is not a function of IT security management

True or false?
IT security needs to be a key part of an organization's overall management plan

True or false?
Once the IT management process is in place and working the process never needs to be repeated

A ___ is anything that might hinder or prevent an asset from providing appropriate levels of the key security services
a. control b. threat c. risk d. vulnerability

The ___ has revised and consolidated a number of national and international standard into a consensus of best practice
a. CSI b. ISO c. VSM d. DBI

The purpose of ___ is to determine the basic parameters within which the risk assessment will be conducted and then to identify the assets to be examined
a. control b. establishing the contect c. combing d. risk avoidance

b. establishing the context

The ___ approach involved conducting a risk analysis for the organization's IT systems that exploits the knowledge and expertise of the individuals performing the analysis
a. informal b. baseline c. combined d. detailed

The intent of the ___ is to provide a clear overview of how an organization's IT infrastructure supports its overall business objectives
a. risk register b. threat assessment c. corporate security policy d. vulnerability source 

c. corporate security policy 

___ ensures that critical assets are sufficiently protected in a cost-effective manner
a. IT risk implementations b. IT security management c. IT discipline d. IT control

b. IT security management

___ is choosing to accept a risk level greater than normal for business reasons
a. risk transfer b. reducing likelihood c. risk avoidance d. risk acceptance

The advantages of the ___ approach are that it doesn't require the expenditure of additional resources in conducting a more formal risk assessment and the same measure can be replicated over a range of systems
a. informal b. combined c. detailed d. baseline

___ specification indicated the impact of the organization should be particular threat in question actually eventuate
a. consequence b. threat c. risk d. likelihood

___ include management, operational, and technical processes and procedure that act to reduce the exposure of the organization to some risks by reducing the ability of a threat source to exploit some vulnerabilities
a. risk controls b. none of these c. risk appetite d. security controls

The results of the risk analysis should be documented in a ___
a. journal b. risk register c. consequence d. none of these

Which approach to IDS involves an attempt to define a set of rules or attack patterns that can be used to decide if a given behavior is that of an intruder?

Rule-based detection: Involves an attempt to define a set of rules that can be used to decide that a given behavior is that of an intruder.

Is a security event that constitutes a security incident in which an intruder gains access to a system without having authorization to do so?

Definition(s): A security event, or a combination of multiple security events, that constitutes a security incident in which an intruder gains, or attempts to gain, access to a system or system resource without having authorization to do so.

What tool would you use to attract potential attacks such that you can safely monitor the activity and discover the intentions of the attacker?

A honeypot is a controlled and safe environment for showing how attackers work and examining different types of threats. With a honeypot, security staff won't be distracted by real traffic using the network - they'll be able to focus 100% on the threat. Honeypots can also catch internal threats.

Is running a packet sniffer an example of intrusion?

Running a packet sniffer on a workstation to capture usernames and passwords is an example of intrusion. Intrusion detection is based on the assumption that the behavior of the intruder differs from that of a legitimate user in ways that can be quantified.


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