It describes a positive feeling about one’s job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.

“I am angry about how little I am paid” showcases this component of an attitude


Because it references emotion.  The other components of attitude are cognitive (description of situation), and behavioral (describes intended behavior).

A vegetarian eats a burger at a BBQ is an example of what?

Cognitive dissonance

This is a difference between attitude and behavior, and the attempt to lessen the distance.  CD can also be when there is a difference between two attitudes.

This describes the difference between any two attitudes or an attitude and a behavior.

Cognitive Dissonance

When there is a difference betwn the two, and individual tries to create a consistency by altering an attitude or behavior. (ex. Guy likes German cars only, until someone gives him a Ford Mustang, now American cars a pretty good too)

Identify moderating variables that influence cognitive dissonance

importance, accessibility, social pressure, personal experience/connectedness

Does behavior always follow attitude?

Not always, however most recent research shows that attitudes predict future behavior and firmed the idea of ‘moderating variables’ can strengthen the link.

Which job attitudes are the most widely studied?

Organizational commitment and job satisfaction

This describes a positive feeling about a job, resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics

measures an employee’s connection to his/her job, and their perceived performance level as it pertains to self-worth

If I believe I can easily influence my work environment, the work I do, the meaningfulness of the job, I would have a high _______.

Psychological empowerment

This translates to empowering employees to be involved in decision making to improvement job involvement.

If Ron really likes Accenture because he believes in what they do, and wants to be a part of it, he has _______?

Organizational commitment

This is an emotional attachment to an organization and a belief in its values.

Affective commitment, one of three components of organizational commitment

Ex. Animal lover working at doggie day care

If I stay with Coca-Cola because they pay well, and other companies won’t pay as well for a comparable job, what kind of commitment am I exhibiting?

Continuous commitment, one of 3 components of organizational commitment

If Corla got another job 3 weeks before a big project was to launch, she would be exhibiting what kind of organizational commitment if she told her new company she would start after the project launch?

Normative commitment

Stay with the company for a moral or ethical reason

Is there H, M or L level of correlation between organizational commitment and job productivity?


While there is a positive relationship, it is modest.  Studies show the strongest correlation to be with new employees, while much less with seasoned employees (jaded).

This kind of organizational commitment is driven by allegiance

Affective commitment

Ex. This company does great things...

This kind of organizational commitment is driven by obligation

Normative commitment

Ex. Its the right thing to do to finish this project

This kind of organizational commitment is driven by feeling/being tethered

Continuance commitment

...No other options

This is a measure of an employee’s belief that the organization values his/her contribution and cares about his/her well-being.

Perceived organizational support (POS)

When rewards are deemed fair, employees have a voice in decision making and when supervisors are supportive, an employee would have a high level of what?

This represents an individual’s involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the s/he does

What are the effects of a highly engaged employee?

Passion for work, deep connection (job involvement) , higher levels of customer satisfaction, higher profits, lower levels of turnover and accidents

Why does Employee Engagement cause debate?

It is a bit broad, and therefore somewhat ambiguous. Also new, so people are still considering its merits

If a manager was going to seek out one attitude for the most telling information, which would s/he seek out?

What are two popular ways of measuring job satisfaction and which is most effective?

“all things considered, how would you rate your job satisfaction”, and an evaluation based on the various components of one’s job.  The first is better; oddly simplicity wins in this case.

Overall are people satisfied with their jobs?

Yes, though the level of satisfaction varies as you look at the satisfaction of each of the components of the job

Pay has a correlation to satisfaction with poor, middle class or rich people?

Poor.  Once you make $40K pay has less satisfaction impact.

Job satisfaction is derived from the job conditions, and what else?

How does core self-evaluation impact job satisfaction?

Someone who believes in their inner worth and competence are more satisfied with their jobs – they see the job as more fulfilling and challenging… and are more likely to go for a challenging job in the first place.

If an employee is dissatisfied with his job, what are the ways s/he could handle it?

Exit. Voice. Show loyalty. Neglect

Exit – find another gig. Voice – try to work it out. Show loyalty – passively hope it works out. Neglect – disengage

What is the correlation between job satisfaction and job performance?

Happy workers are more likely to be productive. Strong correlation.  Also applicable to organizations; more satisfied employees tend towards a more effective organization

What is the correlation between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship?

Happy workers seem to talk positively about the org, and help others, go above and beyond.  Maybe they go above and beyond b/c they want to reciprocate their positive experience.  Moderate correlation.

What is the correlation between job satisfaction and customer satisfaction?

Satisfied employees provide better service, generating higher levels of customer satisfaction.

What is the correlation between job satisfaction and absenteeism?

Consistent neg. relationship, but it is moderate to weak. There are other factors – like how many days can you take off without penalty that play into the mix. 

How can a manager expect a dissatisfied employee to act in terms of absenteeism if there are many alternative jobs?  If there are not many? How does it differ with satisfied employees?

Many alternative jobs – high absentee rates. Satisfied employees have low absenteeism. Low alternatives – low absenteeism, same as satisfied employees

What is the correlation between job satisfaction and turnover

Especially for more educated employees who perceive more options available to them, there is a correlation. It is influenced also by alternative availability. If there are no other jobs to get, turnover will be less.

If an employee steals sticky notes and pens, what can a manager deduce from this?

Employee is dissatisfied with the job, and is acting out against the company to ‘get back’ at it. This deviant behavior could also take the form of undue socializing, tardiness, unionization

How does employee job satisfaction impact an organization?

High employee satisfaction creates higher customer satisfaction, lower levels or turnover and rif-raf. This can create higher profits, higher stock prices

Should employers determine employee satisfaction on their own, or ask the employees?

Is the concept of job satisfaction a US thing, or pretty universal?

Does pay correlate to satisfaction more outside the US?

No. The relationship appears to hold in other industrialized nations as well as the US

What is the most important thing a manager can do to raise employee satisfaction?

Focus on the intrinsic parts of the job, like making it challenging and interesting.

Why should managers be interested in their employees’ attitudes?

They offer a pulse on the business effectiveness. Can give warning to problems. Such a driver of effectiveness and profitability, they should want to ensure that attitudes are positive

Which describes a positive feeling about a job?

Job satisfaction describes a positive feeling about a job, resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.

What personality characteristics influence job satisfaction?

According to the authors of Five Factor Model of Personality and Job Satisfaction, five personality characteristics have a major impact on job satisfaction. These traits are neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness and agreeableness.

What do you mean by job involvement?

Job involvement has been defined as internalizing values of “goodness and importance of working” among people. It is a subjective condition that makes people devoted to their work (1). It is a desirable feature that makes people spend energy and do their best in their work and organizational roles (2).

How do personal characteristics relate to job satisfaction?

This model states that higher levels of self-esteem and general self-efficacy lead to higher work satisfaction. Having an internal locus of control leads to higher job satisfaction. Lower levels of neuroticism lead to higher job satisfaction.