It is a safe practice to decrease the sid to 30 inches (77 cm) for the oblique sternum projection.

  • Q57:

    A PA radiograph of the sternoclavicular (SC) joints demonstrates unequal distance from the SC joints to the midline of the spine.The left SC joint is farther from the sternum than the right.What specific positioning error is present on this radiograph? A)Slight right rotation (right side toward the image receptor) B)Slight left rotation (left side toward the image receptor) C)Tilt of the upper thorax D)Excessive angulation of the CR

  • Q58:

    A patient enters the ED with blunt trauma to the sternum.The patient is in great pain and cannot lie prone on the table or stand erect.Which of the following positioning routines would be best for the sternum examination in this situation? A)RPO and lateral recumbent projections B)AP and horizontal beam lateral projections C)LPO and horizontal beam lateral projections D)LPO and lateral recumbent projections

  • Q59:

    Which of the following landmarks can be palpated to locate the upper margin of the sternum on the obese patient? A)Vertebra prominens B)Sternal angle C)Jugular notch D)Thyroid cartilage

  • Q60:

    A radiograph of a lateral projection of the sternum reveals that the patient's ribs are superimposed over the sternum.What needs to be done to correct this problem during the repeat exposure? A)Increase the SID. B)Angle the CR 5° anterior. C)Ensure that the patient is not rotated. D)Increase the kV.

  • Q61:

    A right or left side marker may be taped over the area of interest to indicate the location of the trauma to the ribs.

  • Q62:

    Both bony and soft tissue anatomy may be evaluated by CT for pathology involving the sternum or the sternoclavicular joints.

  • Q63:

    Both nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies can be performed to evaluate metastatic rib lesions before conventional rib radiographic examination.

  • Q64:

    An erect lateral projection of the sternum requires that respiration be suspended on expiration.

  • Q65:

    The use of 125 kV is recommended for AP and PA projections of the ribs to reduce skin dose.

  • Q66:

    Multiple myeloma is seen often in the flat bones of the bony thorax.

CR is directed to center of sternum (midway between the jugular notch and xiphoid process). what is the recommended SID for a lateral sternum? SID of 60 to 72 inches (150 to 180 cm) is recommended to reduce magnification of sternum caused by increased OID.

How much should the body be rotated for a PA oblique projection of the sternum?

On average, rotation of 15-20 degrees is required. The patient's body should be aligned to center the long axis of the sternum on the midline of the grid.

What is the joint space between the manubrium and the body of the sternum called?

The manubriosternal joint (manubriosternal angle or angle of Louis) is a secondary cartilaginous joint (symphysis) between two parts of the sternum; the manubrium and the body of sternum.

What is the reason a source to image distance of less than 40 inches should not be used for sternum radiography?

Questions and Answers.