It is recommended that a patient collect ____ specimen(s) for occult blood specimen testing.

Routine urinalysis (UA) is one of the most frequently requested laboratory procedures because

it can provide a useful indication of body health

UA can be performed on a "____ _____" specimen or a "_____" urine specimen

Presence of ketone bodies in urine (ketosis) test results is associated with conditions such as

diabetes mellitus, starvation, vomiting

The chemical analysis for abnormal constituents is determined by using plastic reagent strips impregnated with color-reacting substances that test for the presence of

glucose, protein, blood (red blood cells and hemoglobin), white blood cells, ketones, bacteria, bilirubin, and other constituents 

Example of timed urine specimen type (e.g. 2 hour, 4 hour, 24 hour)

creatinine clearance test; urobilinogen determinations; hormone studies

Other tests that can be performed on urine specimens is 

Other laboratory procedures associated with the urinary system include the ____ ____ ____ to determine the ability of the kidney to remove creatinine from the blood, and the ____ ____ ____ test to measure the amount of urea in the blood

creatine clearance test and blood urea nitrogen (BUN)

The _____ ____ ______ can be collected at any time but with the time recorded on the specimen label

Another type of single-specimen urine test is the urine ____ and _____(C&S). This specimen requires a ____-_____ ______ urine collection

culture and sensitivity, clean-catch midstream

Collecting clean-catch midstream urine specimen minimizes the degree of 

For some laboratory assays, such as the creatinine clearance test, urobilinogen determinations, electrolytes and hormone studies, 

24 hour urine specimens must be obtained

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

is a clear plasma-like fluid that circulates around the outside of the brain, in cavities within the brain and in the space surrounding the spinal cord

Stool (fecal) specimens are commonly collected to detect 

parasites, enteric disease organisms, and viruses

Enteric disease organisms examples

salmonella, shigella, staphylococcus aureus 

Feces for occult blood test-also know as

stool occult blood test, hemoccult test, guaiac smear test, fecal immunochemical test, and fecal occult blood test [FOBT]

Semen is examined in the clinical laboratory to

1. determine the effectiveness of a vasectomy, 2.investigate the possibility of sexual criminal charges, and 3. assess fertility 

Semen specimens must not be exposed to extremes of temperature or light prior to being submitted to the clinical laboratory and should be transported and should be transported within _ hours of collection 

Fluid that bathes the fetus within the amniotic sac is called

_____ _____ surrounds the joints as a filtrate of blood plasma and hyaluronic acid produced by the surrounding joint tissue cells

Body fluids sometimes must be transported to the laboratory include _____ _____ from body cavities

obtained from the lung cavity

from the abdominal cavity

Collecting a sputum specimen procedure

early-morning specimen resulting from a deep cough is needed for diagnostic infection

Nasopharyngeal cultures are often performed to detect carrier states of

neisseria meningitidis, corynebacterium diptheriae, streptococcus pyogenes, haemophilus influenza, and staphylococcus aureus  

Nasopharyngeal cultures may be used to diagnose

whooping cough, croup, and pneumonia

Throat swab collections are most commonly to determine the presence of streptococcal infections either by

screening methods (commercially available rapid strep test) or by microbial culture

On occasion, a nurse or other health care worker may be asked to perform a

Skin test determine whether a patient has ever had contact with a particular antigen and has produced 

antibodies to that antigen

determines how much acid is produced in an individual's stomach

Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria that

damages the stomach or intestinal lining and is linked to ulcers and stomach cancer

The sweat chloride test is used as

the gold standard in the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis 

is a genetic disorder of the exocrine glands

What term is defined as a measure of concentration?

What common non-blood specimen collection tests for specific gravity and PH?

A urinalysis can be requested at as random AND/OR at a specific time? True or false

True. Can be requested for either.

The red, oxygen-carrying portion of red blood cells are known as what?

This urine test is used to detect the growth and identification of micro-organisms

For what urine test is often followed by a sensitivity test to determine which antibiotics effectively kill any detected pathogens?

What type of urine specimen is used for a culture?

Clean-catch (midstream) specimen

Timed urine tests are often used to asses which system in the body?

What is the most common timed urine test?

How many mL in a random urine specimen collection container?

Why must labels not be placed on the lid?

Lid is removed for testing and may be handling multiple containers

Is it preferable to place label on container before or after specimen collection?

What type of urine specimen is the most concentrated?

Fasting (First morning) urine specimen

What urine specimen is likely to be used for pregnancy or glucose testing?

Fasting (first morning) urine specimens

Urine begins to deteriorate how long after collection?

Which urine specimen is mainly used to detect bacteria?

Clean-catch (midstream) urine specimen

What urine specimen can be collected at any time of day for screening purposes with no preparation required?

For clean-catch (midstream) urine collection, how full must the container be?

What type of urine specimen sometimes requires a preservative?

24 hr urine specimen containers should be how many mL?

For a 24 hr urine collection, their first urination should be in the container or the toilet?

Toilet and then record start time.

Is a 24 hr urine collection valid if a patient urinates in the toilet at any point during the 24 hrs?

Invalid if any toilet urination occurs and must be discarded

True or false: During 24 hr urine collection the container should be kept at room temperature?

False. Must be stored in a refrigerator or on ice during 24 hour collection.

Is defined as tests performed at or near the patient or at the patient’s bedside

Point-of-Care (POC) tests

Which urine test is a CLIA-waived test?

Which urine testing involves physical observation of the specimen? Noting color, odor, and clarity?

What 2 reasons lead to misleading results during urine reagent testing?

  1. Excessive urine on the strip
  2. Not adhering to time period that must elapse prior to reading results

What is the normal pH range for a urine specimen?

Bacterial grows more easily in which environment? Alkaline or acidic?

Samples left unrefrigerated become more alkaline or acidic?

A specific gravity below _____ indicates diluted urine?

Highly concentrated urine can be an indicator of what?

White blood cells and nitrates indicate what?

Can Hemoglobin in urine indicate bleeding, infection, cancer, kidney disease, and chemical poisoning in urine? True or false

Yes. Hemoglobin and protein

What can indicate liver disease or red blood cell destruction in urine?

The presence of this in urine can result from diabetes mellitus, starvation or vomiting?

The presence of ____ can indicate inflammation, infection, kidney disease or chemical poisoning

Which urine test is a screening tool requiring further tests to confirm unusual findings?

Urine reagent testing strips

What type of urine collection requires the patient to first urinate into the toilet and then into the collection cup?

What is the most common POC test on stool?

(FOBT) fecal occult blood test

What is the yellow or orange product of the breakdown of hemoglobin called?

What term is Defined as acids that form from the breakdown of fatty acids in the absence of insulin?

What is the most common POC test on stool?

(FOBT) fecal occult blood test

True or false: FOBT test identifies the presence of blood in the stool

True or false: Stool samples should be refrigerated when testing for parasites

False. Do NOT refrigerate

For what test should the patient NOT consume red meat, citrus fruits, raw vegetables, take vitamin C or aspirin for 3 days before collection?

True or False: patients should avoid water from toilet and urine from stool collection?

True. iTunes can prevent further growth of microorganisms being tested.

What is defined as material coughed from lungs?

Is obtaining a smear from toilet tissue acceptable for an FOBT?

Yes. Does not require a lot of stool

Patients with respiratory infections including pneumonia and tuberculosis are often ordered this type of test

Sputum specimen is most accurate when collected at what point in the day?

Morning. Before eating or drinking

How much sputum is needed for testing? The patient should not spit into the container

The semen specimen must reach the laboratory how long after collection?

This urine test requires patients to void and then eat a meal. A urine specimen is collected 2 hrs after a patient eats a prescribed amount of carbs or glucose solution.

This test monitors the effects of of a prescribed insulin dosage

Semen samples may require what 2 pre-testing requirements for several days before collection?

  1. No alcohol
  2. Abstain from sexual activity

glucose tolerance test requires a patient to fast for how long?

Blood and urine tests should be collected together for a GTT how long between intervals?

For culture and sensitivity tests never use _____ for cleansing the area?

Alcohol, peroxide, iodine. Harsh antiseptics can harm the patient or damage tissue

For blood culture tests using a butterfly should aerobic or anaerobic be collected first?

For blood cultures when using a syringe, should aerobic or anaerobic be collected first?

Buffalo swabs are different from throat swabs as they collect from what area? Buccal **

Saliva specimens are used to test for what?

Hormones, alcohol, and drug levels

Throat swabs usually test for what?

What is an ideal sample for many screening tests that require a very small amount of blood?

Capillary sampling from a finger, heel or (rarely) an ear lobe may be performed on patients of any age, for specific tests that require small quantities of blood.

When performing a venipuncture you should ask the patient to clench the first?

It is commonplace for clinical staff tasked with blood sample collection to ask patients to make a fist before venipuncture; it reportedly helps by making veins more visible. Patients may also be asked to maintain a clenched fist during the procedure.

Which of the following terms would be appropriate to describe the clarity of urine?

Turbidity: The turbidity of the urine sample is gauged subjectively and reported as clear, slightly cloudy, cloudy, opaque or flocculent.

Which is a specialized type of urine collection that is indicated when the patient is unable to void?

If a voided specimen cannot be obtained, an in-and-out catheter specimen is recommended. Patients with a short-term indwelling urinary catheter should have the urine specimen obtained by puncture through the catheter port.