Keeping in mind that all scm systems have three basic components, how do individual systems vary?

What is the practice of gathering data and ensuring that it is uniform, accurate, consistent, and complete, including such entities as customers, suppliers, products, sales, employees, and other critical entities that are commonly integrated across organizational systems?

Information integrity issues

Master data management

Information inconsistency

Data governance

Master data management

How would the healthcare industry use business intelligence?

Compare the demographics of patients with critical illnesses

Predict claim amounts and medical coverage costs

Understand customer credit card usage and nonpayment rates

Analyze popular vacation locations with current flight listings

Compare the demographics of patients with critical illnesses

A database maintains information on ___________.

All of these choices




All of these choices

What is data-driven decision management?

An approach to business governance that values decisions that can be backed up with verifiable data

A business that collects personal information about consumers and sells that information to other organizations

A storage repository that holds a vast amount of raw data in its original format until the business needs it

A technique for establishing a match, or balance, between the source data and the target data warehouse

An approach to business governance that values decisions that can be backed up with verifiable data

What displays information graphically so it can be easily understood?


Data visualization


Business intelligence dashboards


Which of the following are examples of analytical information?

Airline ticket, sales receipts, and packing slips

Packing slips, grocery receipt, and competitor information

Hotel reservation, sales receipts, and packing slips

Future growth analysis, sales projections, and product statistics

Future growth analysis, sales projections, and product statistics

Which of the following represent the four primary traits that help determine the value of information?

Information type, information timeliness, information quality, and information governance

Information type, information chance, information analytics, and information policy

Information timeliness, information quality, information quantity, and information governance policy

Information statistics, information tracking, information quantity, and information governance

Information type, information timeliness, information quality, and information governance

Which of the following occurs during data cleansing?

All of these choices

Clean redundant records

Clean missing records

Clean inaccurate data

All of these choices

What is analysis paralysis?

A business analytics specialist who uses visual tools to help people understand complex data

Focuses on forecasting future trends and producing insights using sophisticated quantitative methods, including statistics, descriptive and predictive data mining, simulation, and optimization

Occurs when the user goes into an emotional state of over-analysis (or over-thinking) a situation so that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the outcome

Processes and manages algorithms across many machines in a computing environment

Occurs when the user goes into an emotional state of over-analysis (or over-thinking) a situation so that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the outcome

Which of the following represents a reason for low-quality information?

Online customers intentionally enter inaccurate information to protect the privacy.

Third-party and external information contains inaccuracies and errors.

All of these choices

Different systems have different information entry standards and formats.

All of these choices

What allows users to work from remote locations such as home or hotel using high-speed Internet to access business applications and data?


Virtual attenuation


Packet header


What is a global positioning system (GPS)?

Uses plastic or conductive polymers instead of silicon-based microchips, allowing them to be washed or exposed to water without damaging the chip

A satellite-based navigation system providing extremely accurate position, time, and speed information

Occurs when a company places active or semi-passive RFID tags on expensive products or assets to gather data on the items' location with little or no manual intervention

A device that measures the acceleration (the rate of change of velocity) of an item and is used to track truck speeds or taxi cab speeds

A satellite-based navigation system providing extremely accurate position, time, and speed information

VoIP allows users to ______________.

Call anyone with a cellular telephone number

Call anyone with a local telephone number

All of these choices

Call anyone with an international telephone number

All of these choices

What is a VPN?

A direct private network that creates a "private tunnel" within the Internet to connect to the corporate server

A direct URL that creates a private tunnel for a company

A direct network provider using a company server

A direct P2P that creates an open access community for a company

A direct private network that creates a "private tunnel" within the Internet to connect to the corporate server

What measures network performance by the maximum amount of data that can pass from one point to another in a unit of time?






What is a restricted network that relies on Internet technologies to provide an Internet-like environment within an organization for information sharing, communications, collaboration, and Web publishing?

Regional ISP

National ISP




Which of the following terms refers to the smallest element of data and has a value of either 0 or 1?



Internet protocol



What are the two most prevalent types of broadband access?

Data subscriber and cable connection

Digital line and client line

Digital subscriber line and cable connection

Digital server and client-server

Digital subscriber line and cable connection

What is an RFID tag?

A transmitter/receiver that reads the contents of RFID tags in the area

An electronic identification device that is made up of a chip and antenna

Do not have a power source

Have their own transmitter and a power source (typically a battery)

An electronic identification device that is made up of a chip and antenna

What is a computer network that relies on the computing power and bandwidth of the participants in the network rather than a centralized server?

Voice over IP (VoIP)

Internet protocol TV (IPTV)

Peer-to-peer (P2P)

All of these choices

Peer-to-peer (P2P)

Which of the following is NOT one of the three most common core ERP components focusing on internal operations?

Accounting and finance

Business intelligence

Production and materials management

Human resources

Business intelligence

What is selling additional products or services to an existing customer?

Customer service and support



Campaign management system


What do many people think might be more disruptive to business than the Internet, due to its potential impact on manufacturing?

CRM systems

The bullwhip effect

3D printing


3D printing

Which of the following is not one of the five basic components of supply chain management?






CRM systems are able to learn about a customer's likes and dislikes based on what they view on the retailer's website and their past purchases. What occurs when a website can know enough about a person's likes and dislikes that it can fashion offers that are more likely to appeal to that person?

List generators CRM

Analytical CRM

Website personalization

Operational CRM

Website personalization

Which of the below metrics represents an unfilled customer order for a product that is out of stock?

Inventory turnover

Inventory cycle time

Customer order cycle time



What is a data integration?

The integration of data from multiple sources, which provides a unified view of all data

Sends information entered into a given system automatically to all downstream systems and processes

Sends information entered into a given system automatically to all upstream systems and processes

The integration of a company's existing management information systems

The integration of data from multiple sources, which provides a unified view of all data

Which of the following is one of the business areas of supply chain management?


All of these choices

Materials management


All of these choices

What is supply chain management (SCM)?

A means of managing all aspects of a customer's relationship with an organization to increase customer loyalty and retention and an organization's profitability

Takes information entered into a given system and sends it automatically to all downstream systems and processes

The management of information flows between and among activities in a supply chain to maximize total supply chain effectiveness and corporate profitability

Connects the plans, methods, and tools aimed at integrating separate enterprise system

The management of information flows between and among activities in a supply chain to maximize total supply chain effectiveness and corporate profitability

What is the maker movement?

Systems are used to create the digital designs and then manufacture the products

A cultural trend that places value on an individual's ability to be a creator of things as well as a consumer of things

Promotes serialization or the ability to track individual items by using the unique serial number associated with each RFID tag

A community center that provides technology, manufacturing equipment, and educational opportunities to the public that would otherwise be inaccessible or unaffordable

A cultural trend that places value on an individual's ability to be a creator of things as well as a consumer of things

Which of the following terms relate to SCM specifically? (Hint: 4 are correct)

Balanced scorecard

Integrating components

RFM (recent, frequent, monetary value) formula

Materials management



Opportunity Management


Eliminating silos



Materials management

Which of the following terms are related to CRM specifically? (Hint: 4 are correct)




Opportunity management

System integration

Materials management

Balanced scorecard



RFM (recent, frequent, monetary value) formula

Eliminating silos

loyalty, systems integration, balanced scorecard, eliminating silos

Which of the following terms relate to ERP specifically? (Hint: 3 are correct)


Balanced scorecard

Eliminating silos



Materials management

Opportunity management


RFM (recent, frequent, monetary value) formula

Systems integration


Opportunity management

RFM (recent, frequent, monetary value) formula

Systems integration

What is the purpose of a supply chain management information system?

To manage the financial aspects of an organization's supply chain management sales

To keep track of customers purchasing products at the end of a supply chain

To manage the flow of materials, products, and data throughout a supply chain

To keep track of suppliers providing raw materials

To manage the flow of materials, products, and data throughout a supply chain


Which two (2) of the following statements about an iPhone is true?

Apple simplified its supply chain by having iPhone orders through a single, central apple warehouse.

iPhone component manufacturers often change due to changes in demand for the phones.

All iPhone components come from and are assembled in China.

Depending on holidays and new version releases, Apple changes the usual shipping method of iPhones from boat to planes, to ensure products are in stores and to customers on time.

Apple simplified its supply chain by having iPhone orders through a single, central apple warehouse.

Depending on holidays and new version releases, Apple changes the usual shipping method of iPhones from boat to planes, to ensure products are in stores and to customers on time.

Why couldn't Target's current supply chain management system be used as-is in the Canadian stores?

Government regulations were very different

The products were very different

Target's current information system wasn't customized for Canadian currency or units of measure

Information systems aren't used in Canadian businesses

Target's current information system wasn't customized for Canadian currency or units of measure

Target decided to create a new supply chain management system for its Canadian retail stores. What went wrong?

The product data wasn't entered accurately

Shelving locations couldn't be computed correctly due to mismatched units of measure

Management wasn't notified when there were low levels of stock

All of these are issues that occurred with Target Canada's supply chain management system

All of these are issues that occurred with Target Canada's supply chain management system

What could Target have done to better prepare for operating multiple stores in a new country?
(Check ALL that apply. Hint 4 are correct.)

Adapted its current supply chain management system to work in the Canadian economic and metric system

Ensured that the shelves were fully stocked before stores were opened

Created/modified and tested the flow of the data in the information systems thoroughly before deploying

Used its current supply chain management system as-is, since it was already working in the US

Offered a wider variety of products with labeling in French

Incrementally opened stores to find and fix issues rather than opening 100+ stores at once

Adapted its current supply chain management system to work in the Canadian economic and metric system

Ensured that the shelves were fully stocked before stores were opened

Offered a wider variety of products with labeling in French

Incrementally opened stores to find and fix issues rather than opening 100+ stores at once

What overall lesson can be learned from the Target Canada debacle, which cost the company 7 billion dollars?

Consultants should always be used to implement a new supply chain management system rather than implementing it with your internal IT staff because they view the company from a different perspective.

Information systems should determine a business' overall corporate strategy.

Consumers in Canada like very different products than consumers in the United States.

Information systems are an integral part of supporting organizations' business processes and should be used strategically and intentionally.

Information systems are an integral part of supporting organizations' business processes and should be used strategically and intentionally.

What is the main purpose of an ERP system?

Store data from an organization, so that the organization's employees, partners and company shareholders can all view current operational data from within the company.

Centralize and manage data from throughout an organization.

Locate all data from an organization with managers and executives so it can be provided to other employees as needed.

To create separate data repositories for each business department, so that the data doesn't get mixed up

Centralize and manage data from throughout an organization.

How do ERP systems work?

They use software to integrate an organization's business processes and smaller specialized information systems, which allows access to centralized data and enhanced communication.

They use software to organize data into separate departmental databases so that each department's data does not get confused with another department's data.

They use software to ensure that each department has a separate copy of the organization's customer information; that way each department can update it with only the information their employees need.

They use software to integrate the steps in each individual business process into a single, larger, more complex process.

They use software to integrate an organization's business processes and smaller specialized information systems, which allows access to centralized data and enhanced communication.

Cloud-based ERP systems are similar to traditional ERP systems. They do have some extra benefits. Which of the options below is a benefit of cloud-based ERP?

More affordable because little or no additional software or hardware are needed to run the system.

Cloud-based ERP systems run faster, so they save cost less for an organization to implement.

All of an organization's IT staff can be eliminated because the organization no longer needs any hardware or software.

Only cloud-based ERP systems can be customized to an organization's specific business needs, so they cost an organization less to implement.

Cloud-based ERP systems run faster, so they save cost less for an organization to implement.

What does Blue-White's ERP system enable them to do?

Handle the complex bill of materials and business processes on the manufacturing shop

Enable real-time visibility for all users throughout the company

Make the business processes more lean, efficient and reduce waste

All of these are capabilities of the ERP

Handle the complex bill of materials and business processes on the manufacturing shop

You may have heard in some of the assigned videos that ERP and SCM systems have some overlapping capabilities. Which of the following statements is true regarding each system's functionality?

SCM and ERP systems have mostly the same function and are used interchangeably.

ERP systems integrate all a company's functionalities and business processes into an organization-wide information system that can be built to integrate many supply chain management functions.

Companies don't really utilize either type of these information systems, so the differences aren't important.

Don't choose this answer. Freebie. :o)

ERP systems integrate all a company's functionalities and business processes into an organization-wide information system that can be built to integrate many supply chain management functions.

What is a project?

The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations from a project

A temporary activity is undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result

Represent key dates when a certain group of activities must be performed

Any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result, or item that is produced to complete a project or part of a project

A temporary activity is undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result

Which type of implementation uses both the legacy system and new system until all users verify that the new system functions correctly?

Parallel implementation

Plunge implementation

Phased implementation

Pilot implementation

Parallel implementation

What are project deliverables?

The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations from a project

A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service

Represent key dates when a certain group of activities must be performed

Any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result, or item that is produced to complete a project or part of a project

Any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result, or item that is produced to complete a project or part of a project

What is the capability of two or more computer systems to share data and resources, even though they are made by different manufacturers?

Loose coupling

Service-oriented architecture




What is the overall process for developing information systems, from planning and analysis through implementation and maintenance?



Off-the-shelf application

Software customization


What is created that highlights how to use the system and how to troubleshoot issues or problems?

All of these choices

Detailed user documentation

Requirements definition document

Scope document

Detailed user documentation

Which phase establishes a high-level plan for the intended project and determines project goals?

Analysis phase

Maintenance phase

Testing phase

Planning phase

Planning phase

Which phase does the firm analyzes its end-user business requirements and refines project goals into defined functions and operations of the intended system?

Analysis phase

Design phase

Development phase

Testing phase

Analysis phase

Who are individuals and organizations actively involved in the project or whose interests might be affected as a result of project execution or project completion?

Executive sponsor

Project manager

All of these choices

Project stakeholders

Project stakeholders

Which of the following does a project manager perform?

Defines and develops the project plan

Tracks the plan to ensure all key project milestones are completed on time

Expert in project planning and management

All of these choices

All of these choices

What can effective and efficient SCM or supply chain management systems like the one at Procter & Gamble enable an organization to accomplish?

Effective and efficient supply chain management systems can enable an organization to decrease the power of its buyers.

Which of the following activities is included in supply chain management?

Supply management is made up of five areas: supply planning, production planning, inventory planning, capacity planning, and distribution planning.

What does supply chain management involve quizlet?

Supply Chain Management (SCM) involves the management of information flows between and among stages in a supply chain to maximize total supply chain effectiveness and profitability. Operations Management. Forecasting, Capacity Planning, Scheduling, Maintaining inventory, assuring quality, and motivating and training.

Which of the following are part of the five basic supply chain activities select five?

The Top-level of this model has five different processes which are also known as components of Supply Chain Management – Plan, Source, Make, Deliver and Return.