Match the physical assessment with the data indicating an electrolyte imbalance.


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Match the physical assessment with the data indicating an electrolyte imbalance.

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The nurse is caring for a patient with known hyponatremia. Which are appropriate nursing interventions for the nurse to implement for this patient? Assist the patient to adhere to fluid restriction requirements. Monitor intake and output.
What nursing action is appropriate for a patient experiencing continued hypokalemia despite a week of treatment? Report laboratory values to the primary healthcare provider (PCP).
Match the administration of potassium supplement with the appropriate nursing action. Administer with juice Teach the use of salt-substitutes Never administer by push or bolus. Oral Dietary Intravenous
Which patients would benefit from treatment involving the administration of calcium supplement? A 55-year-old woman who has been through menopause A 79-year-old male patient who resides in a nursing home A 72-year-old female patient who does not take any supplements
Which intervention should the nurse include in the plan of care for a patient who is experiencing hypercalcemia? Calcium restriction
Match the electrolyte imbalance with the appropriate nursing intervention: Monitor intake and output and restrict Monitor ECG and restrict intake of bananas and potatoes. Encourage oral fluid intake and physical activity. Assess deep tendon reflexes. Hyperphosphatemia Hyperkalemia Hypercalcemia Hypermagnesemia
Which interventions should the nurse plan to implement for all patients diagnosed with electrolyte excesses? Monitor ECG Monitor vital signs. Monitor lab data.
Which foods should the nurse teach patients to avoid when diagnosed with hyperkalemia? Broccoli Cabbage Bananas
Which electrolytes are critical to proper cardiac functioning? Sodium Potassium
What purpose of cardiac monitoring should the nurse include in a teaching session for patients diagnosed with electrolyte imbalances? To monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias
Cardiac telemetry monitoring is performed by which method? The nurse attaches to the patient’s chest electrodes connected to a portable monitor which allows patient movement.
Which level of potassium, considered a medical emergency, requires immediate monitoring with cardiac telemetry? 2.1 mEq/L
What is the purpose of dialysis? Provide fluid and electrolyte balance
Which concept should the nurse include in a teaching session for a patient requiring dialysis for the treatment of an electrolyte imbalance? Dialysis may be needed as a result of decreased renal function. Blood is drawn from the body and processed through a series of filters to remove wastes. Dialysis helps maintain normal fluid and electrolyte balance.
Why are patients who are diagnosed with impaired renal function prescribed dialysis for the treatment of electrolyte imbalances? The kidneys are unable to excrete increased electrolytes.
The nurse is providing care for a patient with a blood pressure of 80/40 mm Hg who is scheduled for dialysis later in the day. What should the nurse anticipate that the patient will need? Patient needs IV fluid administration.
Which patient would benefit from ECG monitoring due to an electrolyte imbalance? Hypokalemia Hypocalcemia Hypomagnesemia
Which is the priority consideration for a nurse who is administering IV potassium to a patient who is experiencing acute hypokalemia? Administering the solution slowly
What should the nurse monitor when providing care to a patient who is prescribed the prolonged use of IV normal saline (NS)? Fluid volume excess
The nurse is caring for a patient with known hyponatremia. Which are appropriate nursing interventions for the nurse to implement for this patient? Assist the patient to adhere to fluid restriction requirements. Monitor intake and output.
Which foods should the nurse teach the patient to avoid when prescribed a low sodium diet for hypernatremia? Canned Soup Sports drinks Table salt
The nurse is providing education to a patient diagnosed with hypermagnesemia. Which food should the nurse teach the patient to avoid? Green, leafy vegetables
Which would be an appropriate instruction for a patient experiencing hypermagnesemia? Avoid taking antacids
Which patient potassium level would require the nurse to prepare for cardiac monitoring? 2.4 mEq/L
Which electrolyte excess or deficit will the nurse pay special attention to, given its critical role in maintaining appropriate cardiac functioning? Sodium Potassium
Which advantage of cardiac telemetry should the nurse include in the teaching session for a patient diagnosed with an electrolyte imbalance who requires cardiac monitoring? Allows the patient’s cardiac activity to be monitored remotely without affecting the patient’s mobility
What purpose of cardiac monitoring should the nurse include in a teaching session for patients diagnosed with electrolyte imbalances? To monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias
What nursing actions should be implemented prior to a patient receiving a dialysis treatment? Obtaining vital signs Assessing lab data Providing instruction about what the patient should expect
A patient has a serum potassium level of 7.0 mEq/L and dialysis is ordered. Which should the nurse expect after the dialysis treatment? The serum potassium concentration will decrease.
The nurse completes education for a patient who will receive dialysis to treat an electrolyte imbalance. Which patient statement indicates the correct understanding of the information presented? “Dialysis removes excess wastes and electrolytes from my body.”
Which concept should the nurse include in a teaching session for a patient requiring dialysis for the treatment of an electrolyte imbalance? Dialysis may be needed as a result of decreased renal function. Blood is drawn from the body and processed through a series of filters to remove wastes. Dialysis helps maintain normal fluid and electrolyte balance.

Which signs and symptoms that are associated with this electrolyte imbalance?

What are electrolyte imbalance symptoms?.
Confusion and irritability..
Diarrhea or constipation..
Irregular or fast heart rate (arrhythmia)..
Muscle cramps, muscle spasms or weakness..
Nausea and vomiting..
Numbness or tingling in limbs, fingers and toes..

What should be included in an assessment with a patient with fluid and electrolyte imbalances?

The following are laboratory studies useful in diagnosing fluid and electrolyte imbalances:.
BUN. BUN may be decreased in FVE due to plasma dilution..
Hematocrit. Hematocrit levels in FVD are greater than normal because there is a decreased plasma volume..
Physical examination. ... .
Serum electrolyte levels. ... .
ECG. ... .
ABG analysis..

What is the most common electrolyte imbalance?

Hyponatremia is considered the most common electrolyte imbalance. It can be caused by the decrease of the circulating blood volume, as seen in congestive heart failure and hepatic cirrhosis.

What is electrolyte balance quizlet?

Electrolyte Balance. Important because many cell functions depend on electrolytes. Regulated by daily intake (food & drink) & loss (urine, faeces, breath) To stay in balance the intake of each electrolyte has to be equal to its loss. Acid base balance.