Once a neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired with another signal it becomes a(n) __________.

Habituation is the result of two processes that balance each other: The first response is a quick, automatic, involuntary response (an unconditioned response or UCR) to the drug. The second (or opponent) process is a response that follows and counteracts the first

When a person is taking addictive drugs, this opponent response can be learned, or conditioned. So if the unconditioned response to a drug injection includes an increase in body temperature, the conditioned response will include a opponent process that reduces body temperature somewhat, creating the sensation of "chills." As the addict continues drug injecting day after day, the learned opponent process ("chills") gets stronger and occurs sooner. As this CR (conditioned response) strengthens, the rise in temperature caused by the drug gets smaller, resulting in habituation.

When the neutral stimulus is paired repeatedly with the original stimulus it is called?

In this case, the sound of the whistle is the conditioned stimulus. The during conditioning phase involves repeatedly pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus. Eventually, the neutral stimulus becomes the conditioned stimulus.

Is a neutral stimulus that becomes reinforcing After repeated pairings with other reinforcers?

The conditioned stimulus (CS) is a neutral stimulus that, after being repeatedly presented prior to the unconditioned stimulus, evokes a similar response as the unconditioned stimulus.

What does a neutral stimulus produce?

A neutral stimulus is a stimulus which initially produces no specific response other than focusing attention. In classical conditioning, when used together with an unconditioned stimulus, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus.

When a neutral stimulus NS is paired with an already established CS and the NS becomes a CS this is called?

In what is called overshadowing (Pavlov, 1927), two neutral stimuli are presented at the same time and the more salient of the two becomes a CS. Let's say a green light and high-pitched tone were both presented at the same time and paired with the US of food which elicits salivation (UR).