One managerial implication of the justice model is that managers should base their decisions on

Dissimilarities among people due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, education, experience, physical appearance, capabilities/disabilities, and any other characteristic that is used to distinguish between people defines ______________.

An organization's code of ethics derives from three principal sources in the organizational environment: societal ethics, professional ethics, and the individual ethics of the organization's managers and employees.
• Societal ethics are standards of how members of a society should treat one another in matters involving issues such as fairness, justice, and individual rights. They derive from a society's laws, customs, practices, norms, and values.
• Professional ethics govern how members of a profession, trade, or craft should conduct themselves when performing work-related activities. They derive from professional training and socialization.
• Individual ethics are personal standards and values that determine how individuals should act when self-interest is a stake. They derive from family, peers, upbringing, and experience.

The two basic forms of sexual harassment are quid pro quo sexual harassment and hostile work environment sexual harassment.
Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when a harasser asks or forces an employee to perform sexual favors to keep a job, receive a promotion, receive a raise, obtain some other work-related opportunity, or avoid receiving negative consequences such as demotion or dismissal.
Hostile work environment sexual harassment is more subtle. It occurs when organizational members face an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment because of their sex. Lewd jokes, sexually oriented comments or innuendos, vulgar language, displays of pornography, displays or distribution of sexually oriented objects, and sexually oriented remarks about one's physical appearance are examples of hostile work environment sexual harassment.

• Develop and clearly communicate a sexual harassment policy endorsed by top management - This policy should include prohibitions against both quid pro quo and hostile work environment sexual harassment. It should contain (a) examples of types of behavior that are unacceptable, (b) a procedure for employees to use to report instances of harassment, (c) a discussion of the disciplinary actions that will be taken when harassment has taken place, and (d) a commitment to educate and train organizational members about sexual harassment.
• Use a fair complaint procedure to investigate charges of sexual harassment - Such a procedure should (a) be managed by a neutral third party, (b) ensure that complaints are dealt with promptly and thoroughly, (c) protect and fairly treat victims, and (d) ensure that alleged harassers are fairly treated.
• Take corrective actions as soon as possible - These actions can vary depending on the severity of the harassment. When harassment is extensive, prolonged over a period of time, of a quid pro quo nature, or severely objectionable in some other manner, corrective action may include firing the harasser.
• Provide sexual harassment education and training to all organizational members, including managers - The majority of Fortune 500 firms currently provide this education and training for their employees. Managers stress to employees that they do not have to tolerate sexual harassment or get involved in situations in which harassment is likely to occur.

Sets with similar terms

When an ethical decision is based on maintaining and protecting the fundamental or inalienable rights and privileges of people which ethical rule is being applied?

Under the moral rights rule, an ethical decision is one that best maintains and protects the fundamental or inalienable rights and privileges of the people affected by it.

Which of the following stakeholder group's individual ethics are important in shaping the organizational code of ethics?

The individual ethics of a company's founders and top managers are especially important in shaping the organization's code of ethics.

When managers are faced with a work environment that they find personally offensive because of their gender Which of the following has occurred?

Hostile work environment sexual harassment is more subtle. It occurs when organizational members face an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment because of their sex.

What is the most critical stakeholder group?

Research reveals the most important stakeholder group of organizations are employees – who come ahead of customers, suppliers, community groups, and especially far ahead of shareholders.