Photoreceptors relay visual information to the brain through which of the following cells?

EMBL scientists have found evidence of an unexpected role for retinal cells in pre-processing visual information; their results provide potential opportunity for future prosthetic visual aids.

Artistic representation of the complex cell circuit forming the retina. From left: green/blue, photoreceptors; yellow, horizontal cells; dark green, bipolar cells; orange, amacrine cells; purple, retinal ganglion cells. Credits: Isabel Romero Calvo/EMBL

Scientists have long known that vision is made possible because our brains decode electrical signals that are sent by the retina. However, recent evidence indicates that retinas may do even more. They too may be deciphering what we actually see.

Located at the back of the eye, the retina is a neuronal tissue that receives visual input to the eye and converts it to electrical signals that travel to the brain. Apart from mapping the outside world, the retina extracts visual features, such as colour, contrast, and motion.

The retinal layers contain diverse and specialised sets of cellular components. When light hits the retina, it stimulates photoreceptors, creating an electric signal that is conveyed through other neurons – horizontal, bipolar, and amacrine cells – to the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs).

The RGCs are located on the inner surface of the retina, where they project visual information to the brain via their axons, which make up the optic nerve. These neurons are at the core of the scientists’ recent findings.  

RGCs have conventionally been considered as a relay, simply integrating incoming visual signals from the eye and conveying them to the brain. However, recent anatomical studies suggest that RGCs may form a more complex network with other retinal neurons through high-speed communication channels.

Scientists in the Asari Group at EMBL Rome found evidence that RGCs can send feedback signals to other retinal cells, and contribute to local computation of visual stimuli by modulating the output signals from the retina. Their results on such a novel gain control mechanism in the retina have been published in the journal PLOS ONE.

Building on the team’s expertise in computational methods, the scientists developed a biologically inspired mathematical model of the retinal network and derived predictions on how RGCs of the same type modulate each other’s activity. They then conducted experiments to confirm those predictions in mouse and salamander retinas.

“Our brain is a predictive machine,” said Hiroki Asari. “It generates a mental model of the outside world based on past evidence and predicts future sensory inputs. When the prediction differs from actual sensory inputs, the brain uses the discrepancies (or ‘surprises’) to update the mental model and adjust our behaviour accordingly. While the brain cortex is commonly assumed to perform such predictive processing, recent evidence suggests that the retina might compute those visual surprises by some unknown mechanisms. We think that the feedback signalling we found at the level of retinal output may play a key role there.”

Understanding exactly how this feedback pathway helps retinal function creates a way for researchers to potentially develop future prosthetic devices that could faithfully mimic the retina’s visual processing.

The study also shows the benefit of combining experimental and theoretical approaches in neurobiological studies. “Conventionally, scientists run experiments first and then build a model to explain the data,” Asari said. “In contrast, we started with a computational model of the retina and derived predictions on the retinal physiology. Then we tested the prediction by performing electrophysiological experiments. This type of theory-driven approach can be applied to other brain areas to better understand their function and is therefore a promising new direction of research.”

Source article(s)

Feedback from retinal ganglion cells to the inner retina

Vlasiuk A., Asari H.

PLoS One 22 July 2021


Tags: asari, neuroscience, retina, rome, theory at embl, vision

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The retina is not designed to record the absolute intensity of the light reaching it, but rather to detect the differences in the intensity of the light striking it at different points.

For you to see anything, your eye must first form a precise image of it on your retina. Then the light energy striking your retina must be converted into nerve impulses by the retina's photoreceptor cells.

The image can then be processed by your nervous system. This processing does not start in the brain, but instead starts immediately in the retina itself. In fact, anatomists regard the retina as a part of the brain that is located outside it, somewhat the way you may regard your home satellite dish as an integral part of your television receiver.

Physically, the retina is a thin layer of nerve tissue with the consistency and thickness of a wet cigarette paper. The neurons of the retina are arranged in 3 main layers separated by 2 intermediate layers whose main purpose is to make connections among the various neurons.

The deepest layer of neurons processes the light first. These neurons are the photoreceptors, the only cells in the retina that can convert light into nerve impulses. The photoreceptor layer then transmits these impulses to the bipolar neurons in the second layer and on to the ganglion neurons in the third layer. It is only the axons of these ganglion neurons that exit the eye and carry the nerve impulses to the first visual relay in the brain.

In addition to this direct pathway from the photoreceptors to the brain, two other kinds of cells contribute to the processing of visual information in the retina. The horizontal cells receive information from the photoreceptors and transmit it to a number of surrounding bipolar neurons. The amacrine cells receive their inputs from the bipolar cells and do the same thing to the ganglion neurons: activate the ones that are in their vicinity.


Each of the neurons in the various layers of the retina "covers" an area in your field of vision. This area in space where the presence of an appropriate stimulus will modify the activity of this neuron is called the receptive field of this neuron.

The receptive field of a single photoreceptor cell, for example, can be said to be limited to the tiny spot of light, within your field of vision, that corresponds to this photoreceptor's precise location on your retina. But in each succeeding layer of the retina, the receptive fields become increasingly complex, and they become even more complex when it comes to the neurons of the visual cortex.

Here is an example of this complexity. The receptive fields of bipolar cells are circular. But the centre and the surrounding area of each circle work in opposite ways: a ray of light that strikes the centre of the field has the opposite effect from one that strikes the area surrounding it (known as the "surround").

In fact, there are two types of bipolar cells, distinguished by the way they respond to light on the centres of their receptive fields. They are called ON-centre cells and OFF-centre cells.

If a light stimulus applied to the centre of a bipolar cells's receptive field has an excitatory effect on that cell, causing it to become depolarized, it is an ON-centre cell. A ray of light that falls only on the surround, however, will have the opposite effect on such a cell, inhibiting (hyperpolarizing) it.

The other kind of bipolar cells, OFF-centre cells, display exactly the reverse behaviour: light on the field's centre has an inhibitory (hyperpolarizing) effect, while light on the surround has an excitatory (depolarizing ) effect.

ON-centre Bipolar Cell

OFF-centre Bipolar Cell

Receptive Field of a Ganglion Cell

Just like bipolar cells, ganglion cells have concentric receptive fields with a centre-surround antagonism. But contrary to the two types of bipolar cells, ON-centre ganglion cells and OFF-centre ganglion cells do not respond by depolarizing or hyperpolarizing, but rather by increasing or decreasing the frequency with which they discharge action potentials.

That said, the response to the stimulation of the centre of the receptive field is always inhibited by the stimulation of the surround.

The receptive fields of the neurons of the primary visual cortex are not circular, but rectangular. They respond especially well to rays of light that are oriented in a particular direction. The cells whose receptive fields thus respond to light with a specific orientation are called simple cells.

These rectangular receptive fields often have an ON centre band that responds positively to light flanked by two OFF side bands that respond to darkness. The diagram here shows that when the beam of light is not oriented to follow the ON band precisely, the stimulus is simply not effective for this cell.

Simple Cell Receptive Fields

The simple cell receptive fields in the primary visual cortex are thought to be the result of the convergence of several adjacent receptive fields of cells in the relay that precedes it, the lateral geniculate nucleus. Note, by the way, that the receptive fields of this nucleus are still circular, like those of its source, the ganglion neurons in the retina.

Other cells in the primary visual cortex have "complex" and "hypercomplex" receptive fields with properties that are even more selective.


The primary visual cortex is the first relay in the visual pathways where information from the two eyes is combined. In other words, a single cell in this cortex may respond just as much to the stimuli presented to one eye as to those presented to the other.

In the visual cortex, the cell bodies of the neurons are divided into six layers that typify the primate neocortex. In this thin envelope of grey matter, about 2 mm thick, the six layers are numbered from I to VI, in Roman numerals, starting from the outside (the layer in contact with the meninges). Each layer is distinguished both by the type of neurons that it contains and by the connections that it makes with other areas of the brain.

Layer IV, for example, contains numerous stellate cells, small neurons with dendrites that radiate out around the cell body and receive connections from the lateral geniculate nucleus. Thus this layer specializes largely in receiving information.

Pyramidal cells are found in several layers of the visual cortex and are the only type of neurons that project axons outside it. Each pyramidal cell has one large dendrite, called the apical dendrite, that branches upward into the higher layers of the cortex, and other dendrites that emerge from the base of the cell. Of course, each pyramidal cell also has an axon, which may be very long to reach distant areas of the brain. Layers III, V, and VI contain large numbers of pyramidal cells and consequently serve as output pathways for the visual cortex.

Layer I contains very few neurons. It is composed of axons and dendrites from cells in the other layers.

With the development of improved staining methods, some of the six layers in the visual cortex have now been classified into sub-layers.

How do photoreceptors relay visual information to the brain?

Located in the retina's outer layer, light passes through ganglion cells and interneurons before reaching rods and cones. Photoreceptors send signals to ganglion cells and interneurons, which process and relay information out of the retina.

How does the retina relay information to the brain?

From the eye to the brain The axons of ganglion cells exit the retina to form the optic nerve, which travels to two places: the thalamus (specifically, the lateral geniculate nucleus, or LGN) and the superior colliculus. The LGN is the main relay for visual information from the retina to reach the cortex.

How visual information is transmitted to the brain?

The image captured by each eye is transmitted to the brain by the optic nerve. This nerve terminates on the cells of the lateral geniculate nucleus, the first relay in the brain's visual pathways. The cells of the lateral geniculate nucleus then project to their main target, the primary visual cortex.

Which nerve carries visual information from the retina to the brain?

Optic nerve: This cranial nerve sends visual information from your retina to your brain. It consists of more than 1 million nerve fibers.


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