Sony, a firm once synonymous with portable music, has ceded its market dominance to apple because:

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Sony, a firm once synonymous with portable music, has ceded its market dominance to apple because:

Transcribed Image Text:Sony, a firm once synonymous with portable music, has ceded its market dominance to Apple because it attempted to straddle the twin markets of online music retail and electronic music players, and could not capitalize on either, its technology offerings were too futuristic and out of sync with the waves of computing to appeal to customers. it failed to take advantage of opportunities presented by Moore's Law. it did not provide tracks from Sony Music artists to the Apple iTunes store. its music players contradicted the price/performance phenomenon predicted by Moore's Law.

Sony, a firm once synonymous with portable music, has ceded its market dominance to apple because:

Sony, a firm once synonymous with portable music, has ceded its market dominance to apple because:

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A: Human resource management is the process of recruiting, selecting, hiring, training and managing…

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A: A management information system (MIS) is best for managers as it can help them make informed…

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A: Interview- It is a well-structured conversation where one participant asks questions to the other…

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A: MOTIVATION: Motivation is the process of boosting employee morale for high performance and…

Q: ..Takes resources from the environment and processes them to produce outputs

A: INTRODUCTION:  An organization is a group of people or things that are put together in a systematic…

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A: RISK MANAGEMENT: Risk management is the process of identifying, evaluating, and controlling the…

Q: Why managers find difficult to discuss negative appraisals

A: Appraisal  means   judging  or  giving  opinions  about   something.   It  means  providing  opinion…

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A: Quality management systems have been around for decades, though the concept of Total Quality…

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A: Leadership refers to the ability of a person to influence and motivate his team members and to…

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A: Ethics refers to the moral principles and values that govern the behaviour of an individual. It…

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A: SWOT analysis :                    Swot analysis help to analyse the internal  strength ,weakness…

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A: Since you have asked multiple questions we will solve the first question for you if you want any…

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A: Performance appraisal is known as entire procedure for regularly reporting employees' performance…

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A: About Organization - Organization, is a kind of concept, which is defined as a type of entity which…

Q: What is meant by job enrichment?

A: Motivation is the need of every organization. An attention on designing a job is one of the most…

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