The actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers.

Chapter 3 Analyzing the Marketing Environment

  1. You are directed to study the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers-departments within the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and publics. What are you studying? A) the macroenvironment B) the microenvironment C) the marketing environment D) the demographic environment E) the global environment Answer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: 66 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  2. Which of the following terms is used to describe the factors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management's ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers? A) the marketing environment B) the cultural environment C) strategic planning D) target markets E) the marketing mix Answer: A Diff: 1 Page Ref: 66 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  3. You are directed to study the demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural factors that are larger societal forces affecting your company. What are you studying? A) the macroenvironment B) the microenvironment C) the external environment D) the marketing mix E) the global environment Answer: A Diff: 1 Page Ref: 66 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-


  1. Which of the following is NOT a type of factor in a company's macroenvironment? A) demographic B) economic C) technological D) competitive E) political Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 66 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  2. All of the groups within a company are called the ________. A) culture B) diversity C) internal environment D) climate E) range Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 67 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  3. Which type of organization helps companies to stock and move goods from their points of origin to their destination? A) financial intermediaries B) physical distribution firms C) marketing services agencies D) resellers E) suppliers Answer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: 68 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  4. Banks, credit companies, insurance companies, and other businesses that help finance transactions or insure against the risks associated with the buying and selling of goods and services are referred to as ________. A) financial intermediaries B) physical distribution firms C) marketing services agencies D) resellers E) wholesalers Answer: A Diff: 1 Page Ref: 68 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-


  1. A radio station that carries news, features, and editorial opinions about your area is which type of public? A) financial B) media C) citizen-action D) local E) government Answer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: 69 AACSB: Communication Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  2. A consumer organization, environmental group, or minority group has challenged your firm's stand on a local issue. Your firm is being challenged by a ________ public. A) local B) general C) government D) citizen-action E) media Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 69 AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  3. Workers, managers, and members of the board are all part of a company's ________ public. A) general B) internal C) local D) intermediary E) market Answer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: 69 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-


  1. Percy Original caters to a market of individuals and households that buys goods and services for personal consumption. Percy Original caters to a ________ market. A) business B) reseller C) government D) consumer E) marketing intermediary Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 69 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  2. Which type of market buys goods and services for further processing or for use in the production process? A) business B) reseller C) wholesale D) consumer E) retail Answer: A Diff: 2 Page Ref: 69 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  3. Which type of market buys goods and services to produce public services or to transfer them to others who need them? A) government B) reseller C) wholesale D) consumer E) retail Answer: A Diff: 1 Page Ref: 69 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-


  1. As a group, ________ are the most affluent Americans. A) baby boomers B) Generation Xers C) the Millennials D) echo boomers E) seniors Answer: A Diff: 2 Page Ref: 71 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  2. Research has shown that the most important demographic trend in the United States is the ________. A) changing age structure of the population B) mobility of families C) slowing birth rate D) increasing number of professional jobs E) aging population Answer: A Diff: 3 Page Ref: 71 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  3. The youngest of the baby boomers are now in their ________. A) late 20s B) mid-20s C) mid-40s D) early 50s E) early 60s Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 71 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-


  1. Which of the following descriptions most accurately characterizes the baby boomers? A) They are increasingly likely to retire early. B) They are a shrinking market for new housing and home remodeling. C) They are past their peak earning and spending years. D) They hold 75% of the country's assets. E) They are uninterested in adapting new technologies. Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 71 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  2. Which of the following descriptions most accurately characterizes Gen Xers? A) There are more Gen Xers than Millennials. B) They were the first generation of latchkey kids. C) They grew up during times of great economic growth. D) They are more interested in acquiring goods than having experiences. E) They rarely research a product before purchasing it. Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 72 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  3. Which demographic group is also referred to as the echo boomers? A) Generation X B) Millennials C) Generation Z D) baby boomers E) baby busters Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 74 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-


  1. Which of the following demographic groups has NOT seen a percentage increase in the past 50 years? A) women staying at home with their children B) men staying at home with their children C) nontraditional households D) nonfamily households E) women working outside of the home Answer: A Diff: 3 Page Ref: 75- AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  2. Ameriprise Financial has published a Dream Book guide, one of the first steps in their Dream > Plan > Track approach to financial planning, as part of their strategy to attract ________ as customers. A) baby boomers B) Gen Xers C) echo boomers D) Millennials E) professionals Answer: A Diff: 2 Page Ref: 73 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  3. "Dreams don't retire" is the theme of a(n) ________ marketing campaign aimed at baby boomers. A) financial services B) anti-aging products C) travel and entertainment D) fitness products E) technological products Answer: A Diff: 2 Page Ref: 73 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-


  1. In 1950, women made up under 40 percent of the workforce; now they make up ________ percent. A) 35 B) 40 C) 43 D) 46 E) 59 Answer: E Diff: 3 Page Ref: 75 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  2. Which of the following is a trend that depicts the increasingly nontraditional nature of today's American family? A) working women making up a smaller percentage of the workforce B) the falling percentage of married couples with children C) dual-income families declining in number D) stay-at-home dads declining in number E) the declining reliance on convenience foods and services Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 75 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  3. Over the past two decades, the U. population has shifted most heavily toward the ________ states. A) Midwestern B) Northern C) Sunbelt D) Southeastern E) Northeastern Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 76 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-


  1. Nearly 10 percent of American workers currently work out of their homes with technological conveniences such as PCs, Internet access, and fax machines. These workers are referred to as the ________ market. A) micropolitan B) SOHO C) mobile D) independent E) contract Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 76 AACSB: Use of IT Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  2. Which of the following groups of workers is projected to become smaller over the next ten years? A) white collar workers B) manufacturing workers C) managers D) telecommuters E) professional workers Answer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: 77 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  3. Because of increasing ________, Americans will demand higher quality products, books, magazines, travel, personal computers, and Internet services. A) numbers of nontraditional families B) family size C) levels of education D) social class awareness E) ethnic diversity Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 77 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-


  1. Which of the following is an accurate statement about the diversity of the American population? A) African Americans represent the largest non-white segment of the population. B) More than 12 percent of people living in the United States were born in another country. C) The Asian American percentage of the population is expected to remain steady in the next 50 years. D) In terms of ethnic diversity, the United States is about average in comparison to other countries with populations of a comparable size. E) American ethnic populations are expected to slowly increase in the next few decades. Answer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: 77 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  2. Of the following, which is the fastest-growing ethnic minority in the United States? A) African Americans B) Asian Americans C) Hispanics D) Native Americans E) Arab Americans Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 77 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  3. With an expected increase in ethnic populations, marketers are likely to place a greater emphasis on ________. A) geographic segmentation B) targeted advertising messages C) mass marketing D) mainstream advertising E) cause-related marketing Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 77 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-


  1. A country with a(n) ________ economy consumes most of its own agricultural and industrial outputs and offers few market opportunities. A) industrial B) service C) technological D) subsistence E) rural Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 79 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  2. A country with a(n) ________ economy has rich markets for many different kinds of goods. A) industrial B) service C) developing D) subsistence E) multicultural Answer: A Diff: 2 Page Ref: 79 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  3. Which of the following factors has NOT contributed to today's age of the "tapped-out consumer"? A) rising incomes in the upper class B) debt repayment C) increasing household expenses D) savings for college tuition E) savings for retirement Answer: A Diff: 2 Page Ref: 80 AACSB: Analytic Skills Skill: Concept Objective: 3-


  1. Value marketing is the strategy of offering consumers ________. A) high quality at a high price B) luxury quality at a high price C) lesser quality at a low price D) reasonable quality at a fair price E) little quality at a low price Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 80 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  2. Which of the following statements about income distribution in the United States is NOT true? A) In recent decades, the rich have gotten richer. B) In recent decades, the middle class has grown. C) In recent decades, the poor have remained poor. D) The top 10 percent of American earners account for almost half of all American income. E) The top one percent of American earners receive a higher percentage of the nation's total income than do the bottom 50 percent of American earners. Answer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: 80 AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  3. In a tiered market, companies target which of the following? A) affluent consumers only B) consumers of modest means only C) the middle class only D) consumers at all levels of income distribution E) professionals only Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 80 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  4. Which of the following groups of expenses uses up the most household income? A) food, housing, retirement planning B) housing, insurance, taxes C) food, housing, transportation D) housing, taxes, transportation E) food, travel, savings Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 81 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-


  1. Which of the following has encouraged marketers to pursue environmentally sustainable strategies? A) the EPA B) the black market C) the green movement D) deregulation E) green intervention Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 82 AACSB: Ethical Reasoning Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  2. Which of the following is a result of regulations set up by the Food and Drug Administration and the Consumer Product Safety Commission? A) The time between new product ideas and their introduction to the market has decreased. B) Spending on research and development has decreased. C) Research costs for companies have grown. D) More companies have failed to meet safety standards. E) Companies are more focused on making practical, affordable versions of products. Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 83 AACSB: Ethical Reasoning Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  3. Marketers should be aware of laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence or limit various organizations and individuals in a given society. This is most accurately described as the ________ environment. A) socio-legal B) cultural C) political D) legal-technological E) economic Answer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: 84 AACSB: Ethical Reasoning Skill: Concept Objective: 3-


  1. Even the most liberal advocates of free-market economies agree that the system works best with ________ regulation. A) private B) maximum C) intermittent D) at least some E) no Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 84 AACSB: Ethical Reasoning Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  2. Legislation affecting business around the world will continue to ________. A) become standardized B) increase C) remain steady D) decrease E) threaten the American domestic economy Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 84 Skill: Concept Objective: 3-

  3. The legislation created to limit the number of commercials aired during children's programming is called the ________ A) Children's Online Privacy Protection Act B) Child Protection Act C) Fair Packaging and Labeling Act D) Children's Television Act E) Consumer Product Safety Act Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 85 AACSB: Communication Skill: Concept Objective: 3-


Are the forces close to a company that affect its ability to serve its customers the company market channel firms customer markets competitors and the public?

The microenvironment consists of the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers, the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and publics.

What are the actors and the forces in the marketing environment?

The elements that play a role in the marketing process can be divided into three groups: customers, distributors, and facilitators.

Which term refers to the actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management's ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers?

Marketing Environment – Consists of the actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management's ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers.

Who is the most important actors in your company's microenvironment?

The most important actors in the company's microenvironment are its customers. The whole of value delivery network aims to engage the target customers and create strong relationships with them.