The appointment book is a(n) ________ document that can be subpoenaed by the court.

Misfeasance refers to a failure to perform an act that is one's required duty or that is required by law.

If an employee is covered under the doctor's malpractice insurance, the employee does not need additional malpractice insurance. 

Prejudices can allow individuals (such as physicians and pharmacists) to deny certain medical services based on religious reasons or conscience.

A physician's appointment book is considered a legal document.

A living will is intended to help families of terminally ill patients deal with the inevitable outcome and limit unnecessary medical costs.

Ethics can be defined as a consistent set of universal rules that are widely published, generally accepted, and usually enforced.

A healthcare employee who refuses the HBV vaccination must sign a waiver. 

Numerous laws have been enacted to protect employees against what society perceives as unethical behavior in the workplace. These laws are administered by the United States Department of Labor

Grand theft is an example of a felony. 

Ethics deal with issues that arise related to medical advances. 

A physician may bill for both direct and indirect services.

It is illegal for a patient to be denied a copy of his chart if he is unable to pay the fee to obtain it.

Even if the patient wants to disclose information, it is ethical for the physician not to do so.

A blood-borne pathogen can be transmitted through skin that is broken or through mucous membranes.

HBV is a highly contagious and potentially fatal disease that causes inflammation of the liver.

A physician may choose to withdraw from a case when a personality conflict develops between the physician and the patient that cannot be resolved.

Universal Precautions prevent medical professionals from exposing themselves and others to bloodborne pathogens

Only the patient can waive the right to confidentiality.

An implied contract is one that is created by specific and written words.

A ____ is a rule of conduct established and enforced by an authority or governing body, such as the federal government.

Another name for terminating care of a patient is

A health-care professional who stops care without providing an equally qualified substitute can be charged with

The appropriate way for a physician to terminate the care of a patient is to:

send the patient a certified letter 

Someone who makes decisions regarding medical care on a patient's behalf, if the patient is unable to do so, is

a durable power of attorney 

A physician cannot be held responsible for the actions of employees.

A written court order addressed to a specific person, requiring that person's presence in court at a specific time, is:

Which of the following is demonstrated when a patient's leg healed incorrectly because of the way the cast had been applied?

A breach of some obligation that causes harm or injury to someone is called:

A process in which the opposing sides choose a person outside the court system, with special knowledge in the field, to hear and decide a dispute is:

_______ is a method of reducing the risk of liability through institutional policies/practices.

Malpractice lawsuits are part of _____ law.

An employee who is considered to be acting on the doctor's behalf while performing professional tasks is:

A physician is said to have been ____ if a patient shows that the physician failed to comply with the standards of the profession.

An unlawful act of misconduct refers to:

There are two types of law that pertain to healthcare practitioners, they are

the term res ipsa loquitor refers to cases in which

the doctor's mistake is completely obvious 

lt was discovered in the recovery room that a physician removed the left lung of a lung cancer patient scheduled to have the right lung removed. This is an example of:

A court order to produce documents is:

_____refers to failure to perform an act that is one's required duty or that is required by law.

To use the form of treatment believed to be best for the patient, to refrain from harmful actions, and to keep a patient's private information confidential are part of:

A legal document addressed to the patient's family and physicians stating what type of treatment the patient wishes or does not wish when terminally ill is:

A physician reports a case of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) to the state. This is called:

Which of the following is the appropriate way for the assistant to leave a message for patients at their place of employment?

leave a message that the patient's doctor's office is calling 

______refers to a lawful act that is done incorrectly.

The appropriate way for a patient to donate organs upon death is to:

complete a uniform donor card 

What agency is responsible for enforcing the HIPAA Privacy Rule, Security Rule and the confidentiality provisions of the Patient Safety Rule?

The HIPAA Security Rule covers protected health information in any medium. The HIPAA Security Rule specifically covers protected health information in what format?

The highest priority of all the HIPAA law is:

Violations of HIPAA laws are investigated by a division of the US Department of:

Health and Human Services 

The party against whom a lawsuit is brought, whether it be a doctor, a medical facility, or a hospital, is known as the:

The act of billing an insurance company for tests and procedures that were never performed may result in a case being brought against the medical facility for:

The Americans with Disabilities Act is concerned with:

providing opportunities for physically challenged persons 

Medical Practice Acts are:

______is required in dealing with illiteracy.

Each state regulates medical care and certain other health care professions through a group of laws known as the:

When a medical worker starts a new job, the employer is required to offer the worker the HBV vaccination within__ days.

How often must every employee who may be exposed to hazardous or infectious substances on the job, be given free information and training during working hours?

The source of information to find out if a hazardous substance causes cancer and which lists other possible risks and states OSHA requirements for controlling exposure is called:

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 

The first step In ethical problem-solving is to facts.

This program makes sure a health care organization is not out of compliance with mandatory requirements

When an exposure incident occurs, the role of the employer is:

An employee agrees to give a blood sample after being exposed to HIV but refuses to be tested. The blood sample must be kept for in case the employee later develops symptoms or decides to be tested.

Which of the following does OSHA recommend in caring for an employee who sustained an eye injury such as a burn or chemical splash?

According to OSHA regulations, employee medical, and exposure records must be kept on file:     

OSHA's record-keeping and documentation requirements in a medical office are:

OSHA Form 300, a log of occupation injuries and illness, must be kept for:

To maintain a license to practice, most states require doctors to accumulate at least:

A quality assurance program must include which of the following?

The document established by the American Hospital Association in 1973 and revised in 1992 that lists ethical principles protecting the patient is the:

Establishing and maintaining policies and procedures that protect the medical office and staff from lawsuits is called:

Drawing a single line though the error, writing the correction above the error, dating the change, and then initialing it are:

Which of the following services is it ethical for a physician to bill for?

Refers to any individually identifiable information that relates to all past, present, and future physical or mental conditions or the provision of healthcare to an individual:

protected health information (PHI) Definition

A situation in which the patient automatically gives up the right to confidentiality is when the patient:

The rules or standards of behavior applicable to one's place of employment is:

A physician's appointment book is considered a legal document.

What is Wave booking?

Jul 13, 2022. Wave scheduling is defined as an appointment scheduling method that involves assigning patient appointments at the same time. With a wave schedule, two or more patients arrive at the beginning of the hour and others at the bottom of the hour.

For which of the following tasks might a medical assistant be responsible?

Greet patients Assist patients with paperwork. Answer phones and emails Schedule patient appointments. Order office and medical supplies from vendors. Take patient vital signs.

Which is a disadvantage of computerized appointment system?

Computerized schedules work very well only when all participants are committed to keeping their calendars current. When some users of the system are unaware of how to keep their calendars up-to-date, the system can fall apart.