The audit of the acquisition and payment cycle often takes ____ time to audit than other cycles.

False Purchases Camouflage Overstated Profits

Comptronix Corporation announced that senior members of its manage -

ment team overstated profits, and there would be material adjustments to

the prior years’ audited financial state ments. Central to the fraud was the

use of fictitious purchases of large equipment items to overstate fixed

assets and hide fictitious sales.

The senior executives circumvented Comptronix’s existing internal controls

by bypassing the purchasing and receiving departments so that no one at

Comptronix could discover the scheme. Comptronix employees usually

created a fairly extensive paper trail for equipment purchases. Company

internal controls over acquisition and cash disbursement transactions

typically required a purchase order, receiving report, and vendor invoice

before payment could be authorized by the Chief Operating Officer or the

controller/treasurer, who were both participants in the fraud. As a result,

the executives were able to bypass controls over cash disbursements and

authorize payment for nonexistent purchases without creating any docu -

ments for the fictitious transactions.

The company also created fictitious sales and related receivables. The company issued checks to pay for the false

purchase transactions. The checks were then redeposited into the company’s bank account and recorded as

collections on the fictitious receivables. As a result, it appeared that the fictitious sales were collected, and that

payments were made to support the false fixed asset purchases.

The fraud scheme grossly exaggerated the company’s performance by reporting profits when the company was

actually incurring losses. On the day that the public announcement of the fraud was made, Comptronix’s common

stock price declined abruptly by 72 percent! The SEC ultimately charged the executives with violating the antifraud

provisions of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The SEC permanently barred the

executives from serving as officers or directors of any public company, ordered them to repay bonuses and trading

losses avoided, and imposed civil monetary penalties against them.

Source:Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Release No. 543, Commerce Clearing House, Inc., Chicago.








After studying this chapter,

you should be able to


Identify the accounts and the

classes of transactions in the

acquisition and payment cycle.


Describe the business functions

and the related documents and

records in the acquisition and

payment cycle.


Understand internal control,

and design and perform tests of

controls and substantive tests of

transactions for the acquisition

and payment cycle.


Describe the methodology for

designing tests of details of

balances for accounts payable

using the audit risk model.


Design and perform analytical

procedures for accounts payable.


Design and perform tests of

details of balances for accounts

payable, including out-of-period

liability tests.


Distinguish the reliability of

vendors’ invoices, vendors’

statements, and confirmations

of accounts payable as audit



Also known as Purchases, Payables, and Payments (PPP) Cycle

What is the Acquisition and Payment Cycle?

The Acquisition and Payment Cycle (also referred to as the PPP Cycle for Purchases, Payables, and Payments) consists mainly of two classes of transactions. The first class is the acquisition class. The typical journal entry for this class of transactions is a debit to inventory or an expense and a credit to accounts payable. The classification assertion is highly important in this scenario because there are many possible debits that can fulfill the journal entry.

The second class of transactions in the acquisition and payment cycle is the cash disbursements class. The typical journal entry for this class is simply a debit to accounts payable and a credit to cash. All in all, this cycle is mainly about incurring payables and paying off those payables with cash.

Typical Business Functions and Important Documents

Although many companies follow different internal processes and use electronic-based methods, the following flowchart is a typical business process in the acquisition and payment cycle.

The process generally starts with a purchase requisition that an employee of the company generates. The purchase requisition is a document that describes the product needed and the quantity required. The document is then sent to the purchasing department that generates a purchase order. The purchase order lists the product to purchase, the quantity to order, and the price the company is willing to pay.

Typically, employees are only permitted to buy from an approved vendor’s list. Once the ordered goods have been received by the next department, the company issues a receiving report. The report should reconcile with the purchase order and is sent to the accounts payable team in the accounting department. Here, the employee reconciles the received goods with the vendor invoice, and the journal entry to accounts payable is recorded. Finally, the payment is processed by treasury, and the cash is actually paid out.

General Methodology for Auditing Cycles

When auditing cycles for different companies, the typical approach is to:

  • Understand the entity and its environment
  • For each cycle, identify internal controls that exist
  • Assess control risk and the risk of material misstatement
  • Evaluate the cost-benefit analysis of testing controls and following a combined audit approach vs. a purely substantive audit approach

Important Internal Controls For Acquisitions and Disbursements

Remember that for classes of transactions, there are five applicable assertions: cut-off, classification, completeness, occurrence, and accuracy.

Internal control pertaining to the occurrence assertion is that each purchase is accompanied by the necessary supporting documents, such as the purchase requisition, purchase order, receiving report, and vendor’s invoice. Without such documents, a purchase cannot “occur” and hence should not have been recorded. Other controls include the approvals of purchase orders by higher-level staff, the cancellation of documents once a transaction has been recorded/accounted for, and approving any changes to the vendor’s list.

In terms of the completeness assertion, purchase orders and receiving reports are typically pre-numbered and accounted for. If a number has been recorded twice or there is a missing number from the list, it will be easy to figure out the problem.

Finally, in terms of the classification assertion, some controls include adequate approval from a supervisor for journal entries, an adequate list/chart of accounts with descriptions of each, and comparing balances with budgeted amounts. In terms of the cash disbursements, important controls are mainly the segregation of duties and frequent bank reconciliations.

The Auditor’s Role

Substantive analytical procedures are typically trend and ratio analysis against industry data, prior year data, and expected results. Substantive analytical procedures are usually sufficient and appropriate as audit evidence because the amounts are not significant and very often involve relatively trivial balances such as general and administrative expenses.

However, for more judgmental and more complex accounting issues with regards to legal expenses, repairs, maintenance expense, and lease expense, for example, auditors will want to obtain more assurance and perform tests of details of balances.

Related Readings

Thank you for reading CFI’s guide to the acquisition and payment cycle. We offer the following free resources for more information.

  • Accounts Receivables
  • Retained Earnings
  • Income Statement
  • Financial Modeling Certification

What is acquisition cycle in auditing?

The main activities of the acquisition cycle is: 1) purchase requisition, 2) authorized acquisition of materials, 3) receive of materials, 4) transaction recording in accounting, 5) bill payment authorization, 6) cash disbursement.

Which of the following audit tests is usually the most costly to perform?

Analytical procedures are the most expensive type of audit test to perform because of the expertise and training required to properly use them. The results of tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions affect the design of tests of details of balances.

Which of the following is the main focus of an auditor in verifying liability balances?

The main focus taken by the auditor in verifying liability balances is on the discovery of: unrecorded liabilities. are included in accounts payable, the auditor is testing for: unrecorded obligations.


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