The belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes is called Quizlet

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When Robert says, "I have brown eyes and black hair", it reflects Robert's _____.

a) self-control

b) self-concept

c) self-efficacy

d) self-esteem

b) self-concept

Harish thinks that he is good at mathematics. This is a reflection of Harish's _____.

a) self-concept

b) self-control

c) self-efficacy

d) self-esteem

a) self-concept

Many of today's children grow up receiving praise for mediocre or even poor performance. What could be a possible consequence of this?

a) They tend to undervalue the rewards that aggression can bring.

b) The increased self-esteem produces better school performance.

c) They are increasingly prone to develop antisocial actions.

d) They may have difficulty handling competition and criticism.

d) They may have difficulty handling competition and criticism.

The belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes is called _____.

a) self-concept

b) self-confidence

c) self-efficacy

d) self-esteem

c) self-efficacy

_____ is the belief that "I can"; helplessness is the belief that "I cannot".

a) Self-esteem

b) Self-awareness

c) Self-concept

d) Self-efficacy

d) Self-efficacy

A student who says, "I can't do this work", is exhibiting _____.

a) high self-efficacy

b) low self-efficacy

c) high moral development

d) low moral development

b) low self-efficacy

Darren is a 12-year-old active boy. Sometimes when his friend Simon cheats on the game, he tends to get irritated. However, Darren controls his anger and tries explaining to Simon why it is bad practice to cheat. Which developmental aspect is Darren displaying in his actions?

a) Low self-esteem

b) Self-regulation

c) High self-esteem

d) Self-efficacy

b) Self-regulation

Julio, 12, cannot get his science project to work. In fact, it seems to him that nothing he makes ever works properly. According to Erik Erikson, Julio is at risk for developing a sense of:

a) stagnation.

b) inferiority.

c) shame and doubt.

d) identity diffusion.

b) inferiority.

The term _____ expresses a dominant theme of middle and late childhood: Children become interested in how things are made and how they work.

a) stagnation

b) industry

c) transitivity

d) identity diffusion

b) industry

At which stage of Kohlberg's theory of moral development do individuals value trust, caring, and loyalty to others as a basis of moral judgments?

a) Individualism, instrumental purpose, and exchange

b) Punishment and obedience orientation

c) Mutual interpersonal expectations, relationships, and interpersonal conformity

d) Social contract or utility and individual rights

c) Mutual interpersonal expectations, relationships, and interpersonal conformity

When faced with a conflict between law and conscience, a person who is at the _____ stage in Kohlberg's theory of moral development will follow conscience, even though the decision might involve personal risk.

a) universal ethical principles

b) social systems morality

c) individualism, instrumental purpose, and exchange

d) punishment and obedience orientation

a) universal ethical principles

Which of the following statements represents a criticism of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

a) Kohlberg's theory is based on the prevention of suffering of others.

b) Compassion is given too much importance in Kohlberg's theory.

c) There is too much emphasis on moral thought and not enough emphasis on moral behavior.

d) There is no emphasis on the need for justice in matters of morality.

c) There is too much emphasis on moral thought and not enough emphasis on moral behavior.

Nasrin believes that in regards to morality, the focus should be on abstract principals rather than relationships and others. Therefore, she has a _____ orientation.

a) prosocial

b) care

c) justice

d) unconventional

c) justice

Across childhood and adolescence, research suggests that:

a) females engage in more prosocial behavior.

b) males engage in more prosocial behavior.

c) girls are likely to be more aggressive than boys.

d) boys are better at reading and writing than girls.

a) females engage in more prosocial behavior.

According to Pollack, what is the result of the traditional ways of raising boys?

a) A "chauvinistic determinism"

b) A "gender-disparate society"

c) A "national crisis of boyhood"

d) A "gender-based cultural nationalism"

c) A "national crisis of boyhood"

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the differences in helping behavior of males versus females?

a) Females are helpful irrespective of the situation.

b) Males are more helpful when the context is masculine in nature.

c) Males are more likely to engage in caregiving behavior.

d) Females are more likely to help when the other person involved is a female.

b) Males are more helpful when the context is masculine in nature.

Which of the following statements about stepfamilies is NOT true?

a) The largest number of stepfamilies is preceded by death of a spouse.

b) In stepmother families, the father usually has custody of his children.

c) In stepfather families, the mother usually has custody of her children.

d) In blended families, both parents bring children from previous marriages to the newly formed stepfamily.

a) The largest number of stepfamilies is preceded by death of a spouse.

Peer competence in middle and late childhood has been linked to:

a) better satisfaction in marriage in early adulthood.

b) less depression in middle adulthood.

c) better job performance in middle adulthood.

d) better relationships with coworkers in early adulthood.

d) better relationships with coworkers in early adulthood.

The term that describes the extent to which children are liked or disliked by their peer group is:

a) psychometric status.

b) socioeconomic status.

c) popularity status.

d) sociometric status.

d) sociometric status.

All of the following are peer statuses EXCEPT _____.

a) rejected

b) neglected

c) controversial

d) conforming

d) conforming

Bellah sits in the back of the room, and very few of the children in class even know his name. He does not have any best friends, but he is not disliked by his classmates. Which of the following is Bellah's probable sociometric status?

a) Popular

b) Neglected

c) Rejected

d) Controversial

b) Neglected

Most of Blanca's classmates call her a "bully", and many say that they "don't like her at all". Very few children consider her to be a friend. Which of the following is Blanca's probable sociometric status?

a) Popular

b) Neglected

c) Rejected

d) Controversial

c) Rejected

_____ children give out reinforcements, listen carefully, maintain open lines of communication with peers, are happy, control their negative emotions, act like themselves, show enthusiasm and concern for others, and are self-confident without being conceited.

a) Rejected

b) Controversial

c) Average

d) Popular

d) Popular

Gavin is rarely nominated as a best friend but his peers don't dislike him. He would be classified as a _____ child.

a) controversial

b) rejected

c) neglected

d) average

c) neglected

According to Kenneth Dodge, aggressive boys are more likely to perceive another child's actions as hostile when:

a) their self-esteem is challenged.

b) the child's intention is ambiguous.

c) their aggressive responses can be exercised discreetly.

d) the child presents itself as a weak and gullible victim.

b) the child's intention is ambiguous.

Which of the following types of bullying is experienced more frequently by boys than girls?

a) Subject of sexual comments or gestures

b) Subject of rumors

c) Belittled about religion or race

d) Belittled about looks or speech

c) Belittled about religion or race

Johnny says he likes his best friend, Andy, because Andy is fun and talks about interesting things. Johnny also says Andy encourages him to do his best and comforts him when he fails. Which of the following functions of children's friendships is Johnny describing?

a) Stimulation and ego support

b) Companionship and social comparison

c) Physical support and intimacy/affection

d) Social comparison and intimacy/affection

a) Stimulation and ego support

The belief that children should be encouraged to explore their world and discover knowledge with the guidance and support of teachers is central to the _____ approach to learning.

a) constructivist

b) social cognitive

c) direct instruction

d) collaborative

a) constructivist

Which of the following results do advocates of statewide standardized testing argue will be positive outcomes of the testing?

a) Increased emphasis on the education of gifted students

b) Increased student performance and more time teaching subjects tested

c) A holistic approach to testing a student's social skills, flexible thinking, and creativity

d) Integration of all learning styles and teaching styles into the curricula

b) Increased student performance and more time teaching subjects tested

Which of the following situations might be true for students who live in poverty?

a) Their schools will have older, more experienced teachers.

b) They will get more scholarship money and grant money for college than their wealthier peers.

c) They are more likely to have young, inexperienced teachers.

d) They are likely to have classes that encourage creativity and discovery learning.

c) They are more likely to have young, inexperienced teachers.

What is the belief that one can master situation and produce favorable outcomes?

Self-efficacy is “the belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes” (Santrock, 2012).

How hard students work can depend on quizlet?

How hard students will work can depend on how much they expect that they can accomplish. If they expect success, they are more likely to work hard to reach a goal than if they expect that they will fail.


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