The ________ displays the columns and rows that intersect to form the worksheets cells.

Excel 2000 – Study Questions for Exam 1  
1. __________, a primary part of Excel, pictorially represent(s) data.
a.  Worksheets
b.   Charts
c.   Databases
d.   Web support

2. A __________, which is the intersection of a column and row, is the basic unit of a worksheet into which data is entered.
a.  cell
b.   window
c.   range
d.   split box

3. The active cell can be identified in all of the following ways except __________.
a.  a heavy border surrounding the cell
b.   the active cell reference displayed in the Name box
c.   the lit up column heading and row heading
d.   a block plus sign displaying in the center of the cell

4. The mouse pointer turns into the __________ whenever it is moved outside the worksheet or when cell contents are dragged between rows or columns.
a.  block plus sign
b.   I-beam
c.   block arrow
d.   two-headed arrow

5. Below and to the right of a worksheet are __________ that can be used to move the window around to view different parts of the active worksheet.
a.  scroll bars
b.   scroll arrows
c.   scroll boxes
d.   all of the above

6. An alternative to sliding one toolbar over another is to use the __________ on a toolbar to display the buttons that are hidden.
a.  More Buttons button
b.   Name Box button
c.   ScreenTip button
d.   Question Mark button

7. The status bar displays __________.
a.  names representing a lists of commands that can be used to retrieve, store, print, and manipulate data
b.   buttons that can be used to perform frequent tasks more quickly than using the menu bar
c.   arrows and boxes that can be used to move the window around to view different parts of the worksheet
d.   a brief description of the selected command in a menu, the function of a button, or the activity in progress

8. An alternative method to using the mouse to select a cell is to use the __________ located just to the right of the typewriter keys on the keyboard.
a.  alphabetic keys
b.   function keys
c.   arrow keys
d.   special keys

9. Excel positions text __________ the cell.
a.  left-aligned, which means the text is positioned at the far left in
b.   right-aligned, which means the text is positioned at the far right in
c.   centered, which means the text is positioned in the middle of
d.   justified, which means the text is spread across the width of

10. If a wrong letter is typed and the error is noticed before clicking the Enter box, use the __________ to erase all the characters back to and including the one that is wrong.
a.  ENTER key
b.   BACKSPACE key
c.   ESC key
d.   DELETE key

11. Excel's AutoCorrect feature makes all the following corrections except __________.
a.  corrects two initial capital letters by changing the second letter to lowercase
b.   adds a final s or es to nouns that should be plural
c.   capitalizes the first letter in the names of the days
d.   replaces commonly misspelled words with their correct spelling

12. Excel's __________ provides a convenient means to add the numbers in a range of cells.
a.  MAX function
b.   AVERAGE function
c.   COUNT function
d.   SUM function

13. A range can be entered by typing the beginning cell reference, a __________, and the ending cell reference.
a.  colon (:)
b.   hyphen (-)
c.   slash (/)
d.   tilde (~)

14. Font size is measured in points; a single point is about __________ of one inch in height.
a.  1/12
b.   1/18
c.   1/36
d.   1/72

15. In the AutoFormat dialog box shown in the accompanying figure, the __________ terminates current activity without making any changes.
a.  Close button or Cancel button
b.   Question Mark button
c.   OK button
d.   Options button

  16. In the AutoFormat dialog box shown in the accompanying figure, the __________ can be used to obtain Help on any box or button located in the dialog box.
a.  Close button or Cancel button
b.   Question Mark button
c.   OK button
d.   Options button

17. In the AutoFormat dialog box shown in the accompanying figure, the __________ allows additional formats to be assigned as part of the selected customized format.
a.  Close button or Cancel button
b.   Question Mark button
c.   OK button
d.   Options button

18. To select any cell, click the __________ located on the left side of the formula bar and enter the cell reference of the desired cell.
a.  AutoSum area
b.   Name box
c.   AutoCalculate area
d.   Scroll box

19. The small __________ at the corners and sides along the selection rectangle indicate a chart is selected.
a.  sizing handles
b.   sheet tabs
c.   block arrows
d.   table formats

20. The __________ identifies each bar in a chart.
a.  title
b.   x-axis
c.   legend
d.   y-axis

21. When a file is saved, Excel automatically appends the extension __________ to the entered file name, which stands for Excel workbook.
a.  .exc
b.   .wbk
c.   .exw
d.   .xls

22. The __________, on the left of the Save As dialog box, displays a list of shortcuts (pointers) to the most recently used files in a folder titled Recent.
a.  Favorites button
b.   History button
c.   Desktop button
d.   Web Folders button

23. A total, an average, or other information about numbers in a range easily can be obtained by using the __________ on the status bar.
a.  AutoSum area
b.   Name box
c.   AutoCalculate area
d.   scroll box

24. The __________ not only deletes the contents from a range, but also copies the range to the Office Clipboard.
a.  Undo button or Undo command
b.   Cut button or Cut command
c.   Delete button or Delete command
d.   all of the above

25. An unsaved workbook can be cleared by clicking the workbook's Close button or by clicking Close on the __________ menu.
a.  File
b.   Edit
c.   Tools
d.   Data

26. Web support allows Excel to save workbooks or parts of a workbook in HTML format so they can be viewed and manipulated using a browser.
a. true
b.  false

27. Inside an Excel workbook are sheets, called booksheets.
a. true
b.  false

28. A new Excel workbook opens with three worksheets, but, if necessary, additional worksheets can be added to a maximum of 255.
a. true
b.  false

29. A cell is referred to by its unique address, or cell reference, which is the coordinates of the intersection of a column and a row.
a. true
b.  false

30. The menu bar, Standard toolbar, and Formatting toolbar display at the bottom of the screen just above the status bar.
a. true
b.  false

31. When a menu name on the menu bar is clicked, a short menu displays listing the most recently used commands.
a. true
b.  false

32. If the arrows at the bottom of a short menu are clicked, a full menu displays that lists all the commands associated with a menu.
a. true
b.  false

33. A hidden command displays in a faint type, which indicates it is not available for the current selection.
a. true
b.  false

34. A dimmed command does not display on the short menu.
a. true
b.  false

35. As data is typed, the data displays in the Name box, and Excel displays the active cell reference in the formula bar.
a. true
b.  false

36. Mode indicators, such as NUM (Num Lock), CAPS (Caps Lock), and SCRL (Scroll) show which keys are engaged.
a. true
b.  false

37. When the mode indicator reads Ready, Excel is ready to accept the next command or data entry.
a. true
b.  false

38. When the mode indicator reads Enter, Excel is in the process of accepting data through the keyboard into the active cell.
a. true
b.  false

39. Keyboard indicators, such as Enter and Ready, display on the status bar and specify the current mode.
a. true
b.  false

40. In Excel, any set of characters containing a letter, hyphen (as in a telephone number), or space is considered text.
a. true
b.  false

41. The insertion point is a blinking vertical line that indicates where the next character typed will display.
a. true
b.  false

42. Clicking the Enter box completes an entry, and clicking the Cancel box cancels the entry.
a. true
b.  false

43. When the text entered is longer than the width of a column, Excel displays the overflow characters in adjacent cells to the left as long as these adjacent cells contain data.
a. true
b.  false

44. When an arrow key is pressed to complete an entry in a cell, the adjacent cell in the direction of the arrow (up, down, left, or right) becomes the active cell.
a. true
b.  false

45. Numbers can contain only the following characters: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + - ( ) , / . $ % E e.
a. true
b.  false

46. Numbers entered into a worksheet are right-aligned, which means Excel displays the cell entry to the far right in the cell.
a. true
b.  false

47. When proposing a range of cells to sum, Excel first looks for a range of cells with numbers below the active cell and then to the right.
a. true
b.  false

48. The range of cells receiving a copy is called the copy area.
a. true
b.  false

49. The cell being copied is called the paste area.
a. true
b.  false

50. If each cell in a selected range is next to a row of numbers, Excel assigns the SUM function to each cell in the selected range when the AutoSum button is clicked.
a. true
b.  false

51. A worksheet is formatted to emphasize entries and make the worksheet easier to read and understand.
a. true
b.  false

52. The font type indicates how characters are formatted, such as regular, underlined, or italicized.
a. true
b.  false

53. A character with a point size of 10 is about 10/72 of one inch in height.
a. true
b.  false

54. Font style defines the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, and special characters.
a. true
b.  false

55. When Excel begins, the preset font type for the entire workbook is Arial with a size and style of 10-point regular.
a. true
b.  false

56. You bold an entry in a cell to camouflage it or make it blend into the rest of the worksheet.
a. true
b.  false

57. When the Merge and Center button is clicked to center a worksheet title across the range A1:F1, Excel not only centers the title but also merges cells A1 through F1 into one cell, cell A1.
a. true
b.  false

58. Most formats assigned to a cell will display on the Standard toolbar when the cell is selected.
a. true
b.  false

59. Excel derives the scale along the vertical axis (also called the y-axis or value axis) of a Column chart on the basis of the values in the worksheet.
a. true
b.  false

60. Excel automatically selects the entries in the topmost row of a selected range as the titles for the horizontal axis (x-axis or category axis) of a Column chart and draws a column for each cell in the range containing numbers.
a. true
b.  false

61. When Excel is installed on a computer, the default chart type, or the type of chart Excel draws if the Finish button is clicked in the first Chart Wizard dialog box, is the 3-D (three-dimensional) Pie chart.
a. true
b.  false

62. If the computer is turned off or if power is lost while building a workbook, the computer stores the workbook in memory.
a. true
b.  false

63. In the list box that displays when the Tools button is clicked in the Save As dialog box, the General Options command allows a backup copy of the workbook to be saved, a password to be created to limit access to the workbook, and other functions to be carried out.
a. true
b.  false

64. Saving a backup workbook means that each time the workbook is saved, Excel copies the current version of the workbook on disk to a file with the same name, but with the words, Backup of, appended to the front of the file name.
a. true
b.  false

65. Case sensitive means that Excel cannot differentiate between uppercase and lowercase letters.
a. true
b.  false

66. If a print area is not selected, Excel automatically selects a print area on the basis of used cells.
a. true
b.  false

67. The Close button and Control-menu icon on the title bar close the workbook, and the Close button and Control-menu icon on the menu bar close Excel.
a. true
b.  false

68. If the entry in a cell is long and the errors are minor, Edit mode may be a better choice than selecting the cell and retyping the entire entry.
a. true
b.  false

69. To delete a character in a cell, move the insertion point to the right of the character to be deleted and then press the DELETE key, or place the insertion point to the left of the character to be deleted and then press the BACKSPACE key.
a. true
b.  false

70. In Insert mode, Excel overtypes the character to the right of the insertion point.
a. true
b.  false

71. In Overtype mode, as a character is typed, Excel inserts that character and moves all characters to the right of the typed character one position to the right.
a. true
b.  false

72. Excel provides the Undo command on the Edit menu and the Undo button on the Standard toolbar to repeat previous actions.
a. true
b.  false

73. The Redo button on the Standard toolbar and the Redo command on the Edit menu can be used to erase the most recent cell entry.
a. true
b.  false

74. Always press the SPACEBAR to clear a cell.
a. true
b.  false

75. With the Office Assistant active, a question, word, or phrase can be typed in a text box and the Office Assistant provides immediate help on the subject.
a. true
b.  false

76. To start Excel, Windows must be running.
a. true
b.  false

77. Excel considers a date to be text and, therefore, displays it left-aligned in the cell.
a. true
b.  false

78. If a formula is entered in cell F3 to multiply the values in cells D3 and E3, Excel recalculates the product whenever new values are entered into those cells and displays the result in cell F3.
a. true
b.  false

79. Cell references in formulas must be entered in uppercase, and spaces cannot be added before or after the arithmetic operators.
a. true
b.  false

80. When more than one operator is involved in a formula, Excel follows a different basic order of operations from that used in algebra.
a. true
b.  false

81. Regardless of the length and complexity of a formula, using Point mode to enter formulas often is slower and less accurate than using the keyboard.
a. true
b.  false

82. When a formula is copied, Excel adjusts the cell references so the new formulas contain references corresponding to the new location and perform calculations using the appropriate values.
a. true
b.  false

83. A function takes a value or values, performs an operation, and returns a result to the cell.
a. true
b.  false

84. When Point mode is used to enter a function, the arrow keys can be used to complete the entry.
a. true
b.  false

85. The MIN function is used to determine the highest number in a range.
a. true
b.  false

86. Excel has more than 400 functions that perform just about every type of calculation that can be imagined.
a. true
b.  false

87. One of the least common mistakes made with Excel is to include a wrong cell reference in a formula.
a. true
b.  false

88. The Trace Dependents command on the Auditing submenu highlights the cells with formulas in the worksheet that reference the active cell.
a. true
b.  false

89. If the Range Finder is used to change cells referenced in a formula, press the ENTER key to complete the edit.
a. true
b.  false

90. If the Trace Precedents command on the Auditing submenu is clicked, Excel displays cells with formulas in the worksheet that reference the active cell.
a. true
b.  false

91. When developing presentation-quality worksheets, different fonts seldom are used in the same worksheet.
a. true
b.  false

92. The font type, size, or style can be changed at any time while the worksheet is active.
a. true
b.  false

93. Borders can be removed by selecting the range and clicking the No Border button on the Borders palette.
a. true
b.  false

94. A background color can be removed by selecting the range, clicking the Font color button, and then clicking Automatic.
a. true
b.  false

95. Left alignment, center alignment, and right alignment are used so often that Excel has Left Align, Center, and Right Align buttons on the Formatting toolbar.
a. true
b.  false

96. When the Currency Style button is used, Excel assigns a floating dollar sign that displays immediately to the left of the first digit.
a. true
b.  false

97. The Cells command on the Format menu or the Format Cells command on the shortcut menu must be used to assign a fixed dollar sign.
a. true
b.  false

98. The Increase Decimal button on the Formatting toolbar removes a decimal place from the selected cell each time it is clicked.
a. true
b.  false

99. The Decrease Decimal button on the Formatting toolbar is used to display additional decimal places in a cell.
a. true
b.  false

100. A floating dollar sign always displays to the left side of a cell, and the fixed dollar sign always displays immediately to the left of the first digit.
a. true
b.  false

101. When a cell is rounded to suit a particular format, while all the decimal places may not display, Excel does maintain all the decimal places for computational purposes.
a. true
b.  false

102. When conditional formatting is used, if the condition is false, Excel applies the formatting.
a. true
b.  false

103. The Add button in the Conditional Formatting dialog box allows up to two additional conditions to be added.
a. true
b.  false

104. 12.75 points is equal to about one-sixth of an inch.
a. true
b.  false

105. When the format assigned to a cell causes the entry to exceed the width of a column, Excel automatically changes the column width to best fit.
a. true
b.  false

106. When a worksheet is printed, hidden columns print.
a. true
b.  false

107. To set a row height to best fit, double-click the top boundary of the row heading.
a. true
b.  false

108. If specialized terms often are used that are not in the spell checker's standard dictionary, the Spelling dialog box can be used to add them to a custom dictionary.
a. true
b.  false

109. If a range of cells is selected before starting the spell checker, Excel checks only the spelling of the words outside the selected range.
a. true
b.  false

110. To check the spelling of all the sheets in a workbook, right-click a sheet tab, and then click Select All Sheets on the sheet tab shortcut menu.
a. true
b.  false

111. Portrait orientation means the printout is printed across the length of the page.
a. true
b.  false

112. Excel sets the orientation for a new workbook to portrait.
a. true
b.  false

113. When the mouse pointer is a magnifying glass, the previewed page in the Preview window can be clicked to carry out the function of the Zoom button.
a. true
b.  false

114. The Print dialog box displays when the Print button on the Standard toolbar is used.
a. true
b.  false

115. The formulas version of a worksheet shows the results of the formulas that have been entered.
a. true
b.  false

116. Because the values version of a worksheet displays and prints the formulas, rather than the results, it makes it easier to see if any mistakes were made in formulas.
a. true
b.  false

117. When a change is made from the values to the formulas version, Excel increases the width of the columns so the formulas and text do not overflow into adjacent cells on the right.
a. true
b.  false

118. To get external data from a World Wide Web site, it is necessary to have access to the Internet.
a. true
b.  false

119. Data returned by stock-related Web queries is real-time in the sense that it is no more than 20 minutes old during the business day.
a. true
b.  false

120. Excel displays the data returned from a Web query in an organized, formatted worksheet, which has a worksheet title, column titles, and a row of data for each stock symbol entered.
a. true
b.  false

121. If, when making a Web query, the External Data toolbar does not display, right-click any toolbar and then click External Data.
a. true
b.  false

122. Sheet names can contain up to 31 characters (including spaces) in length.
a. true
b.  false

123. Longer sheet names mean more sheet tabs will display.
a. true
b.  false

124. The leftmost and rightmost scroll buttons can be used to move one sheet to the left or right.
a. true
b.  false

125. A new feature of Office 2000 is the capability of e-mailing a worksheet or workbook directly from within Excel.
a. true
b.  false

126. To start a new line in a cell, press __________ after each line, except for the last line, which is completed by clicking the Enter box or pressing the ENTER key.

127. The __________ preceding a formula is an important part of the formula, because it alerts Excel that a formula or function is being entered and not text.
a.  at sign (@)
b.   dollar sign ($)
c.   percent sign (%)
d.   equal sign (=)

128. Moving from left to right in a formula, the order of operations is as follows: first negation (-), then all __________.
a.  exponentiations (^), then all percentages (%), then all multiplications (*) and divisions (/), and finally, all additions (+) and subtractions (-)
b.   percentages (%), then all exponentiations (^), then all multiplications (*) and divisions (/), and finally, all additions (+) and subtractions (-)
c.   exponentiations (^), then all percentages (%), then all additions (+) and subtractions (-), and finally, all multiplications (*) and divisions (/)
d.   percentages (%), then all exponentiations (^), then all additions (+) and subtractions (-), and finally, all multiplications (*) and divisions (/)

129. To select the nonadjacent range F11, H11, and I11, select cell F11, and then, while holding down the __________ key, drag through the range H11:I11.
b.   ALT
c.   CTRL
d.   HOME

130. With Excel, functions can be entered using the __________.
a.  keyboard or mouse
b.   Edit Formula box and Functions box
c.   Paste Functions button on the Standard toolbar
d.   all of the above

131. Excel has a function called the __________ that displays the highest value in a range.
a.  MIN function
b.   MAX function
c.   NOW function
d.   SUM function

132. The __________ on the Auditing submenu highlights the cells in the worksheet that are referred to by the formula in the active cell.
a.  Trace Precedents command
b.   Trace Dependents command
c.   Trace Error command
d.   Remove All Arrows command

133. When verifying a formula using the Auditing commands, to change the active cell to the one at the other end of the blue line, __________.
a.  click the active cell
b.   double-click the active cell
c.   click the blue line
d.   double-click the blue line

134. Customized numeric formats can be assigned using the __________ on the Format menu.
a.  Cells command
b.   AutoFormat command
c.   Sheet command
d.   Style command

135. To display negative percents in a column in bold with a red background so they stand out, the __________ on the Format menu can be used.
a.  Sheet command
b.   AutoFormat command
c.   Conditional Formatting command
d.   Style command

136. The __________ in the Conditional Formatting dialog box can be used to remove one or more active conditions.
a.  Add button
b.   Delete button
c.   Cancel button
d.   Format button

137. When Excel starts and the blank worksheet displays on the screen, all of the columns have a default width of __________.
a.  12.43 points and the rows have a default height of 8.43 characters
b.   12.43 characters and the rows have a default height of 8.43 points
c.   8.43 points and the rows have a default height of 12.75 characters
d.   8.43 characters and the rows have a default height of 12.75 points

138. To set a column width to best fit, __________ boundary of the column heading above row 1.
a.  click the left
b.   double-click the left
c.   click the right
d.   double-click the right

139. To display a hidden column, position the mouse pointer to the __________.
a.  left of the column heading where the hidden column is located and then drag to the right
b.   right of the column heading where the hidden column is located and then drag to the left
c.   left of the column heading where the hidden column is located and then drag to the left
d.   right of the column heading where the hidden column is located and then drag to the right

140. If a workbook already has been saved, to save a workbook using a new name or on a different drive, __________.
a.  click Save on the File menu
b.   press SHIFT+F12
c.   click Save As on the File menu
d.   press CTRL+S

141. Rather than click the Next and Previous buttons to move from page to page on a multiple page worksheet in the Preview window, the __________ keys can be pressed.
a.  HOME and END
d.   all of the above

142. The __________ button in the Preview window magnifies or reduces the displayed worksheet.
a.  Setup
b.   Zoom
c.   Margins
d.   Print

143. In the Print dialog box in the accompanying figure, the __________ instructs Excel to print all the sheets with content in the workbook.
a.  All option button
b.   Selection option button
c.   Active sheet(s) option button
d.   Entire workbook option button

  144. In the Print dialog box in the accompanying figure, the __________ instructs Excel to print the selected range.
a.  All option button
b.   Selection option button
c.   Active sheet(s) option button
d.   Entire workbook option button

145. In the Print dialog box in the accompanying figure, the __________ instructs Excel to print the active sheet displaying on the screen or the selected sheets.
a.  All option button
b.   Selection option button
c.   Active sheet(s) option button
d.   Entire workbook option button

146. To toggle between the values version and the formulas version of a worksheet, press __________.

147. Each of the following Web queries is available when Excel first is installed except __________.
a.  Microsoft Investor Currency Rates
b.   Microsoft Investor Commodity Prices
c.   Microsoft Investor Major Indices
d.   Microsoft Investor Stock Quotes

148. To change the stock symbols Excel uses when refreshing the data in a Web query, click the __________ on the External Data toolbar.
a.  Data Range Properties button
b.   Query Parameters button
c.   Refresh Status button
d.   Edit Query button

149. To rename sheets, double-click the sheet tab in the lower-left corner of the window, type the new sheet name, and then __________.
a.  press the ESC key
b.   click the Name Box
c.   press the INSERT key
d.   click a cell in the worksheet

150. If a copy of a worksheet is sent in HTML format, the recipient would __________ able to open it in Excel.
a.  be able to read the worksheet and would be
b.   be able to read the worksheet but would not be
c.   not be able to read the worksheet but would be
d.   not be able to read the worksheet and would not be

Excel 2000 – Answers to Study Questions for Exam 1

1. b (07Excl-1-6)  __________, a primary part of Excel, pictorially represent(s) data.
2. a (07Excl-1-10)  A __________, which is the intersection of a column and row, is the basic unit of a worksheet into which data is entered.
3. d (07Excl-1-10)  The active cell can be identified in all of the following ways except __________.
4. c (07Excl-1-10)  The mouse pointer turns into the __________ whenever it is moved outside the worksheet or when cell contents are dragged between rows or columns.
5. d (07Excl-1-11)  Below and to the right of a worksheet are __________ that can be used to move the window around to view different parts of the active worksheet.
6. a (07Excl-1-14)  An alternative to sliding one toolbar over another is to use the __________ on a toolbar to display the buttons that are hidden.
7. d (07Excl-1-14)  The status bar displays __________.
8. c (07Excl-1-15)  An alternative method to using the mouse to select a cell is to use the __________ located just to the right of the typewriter keys on the keyboard.
9. a (07Excl-1-17)  Excel positions text __________ the cell.
10. b (07Excl-1-17)  If a wrong letter is typed and the error is noticed before clicking the Enter box, use the __________ to erase all the characters back to and including the one that is wrong.
11. b (07Excl-1-18)  Excel's AutoCorrect feature makes all the following corrections except __________.
12. d (07Excl-1-22)  Excel's __________ provides a convenient means to add the numbers in a range of cells.
13. a (07Excl-1-23)  A range can be entered by typing the beginning cell reference, a __________, and the ending cell reference.
14. d (07Excl-1-28)  Font size is measured in points; a single point is about __________ of one inch in height.
15. a (07Excl-1-33)  In the AutoFormat dialog box shown in the accompanying figure, the __________ terminates current activity without making any changes.
16. b (07Excl-1-33)  In the AutoFormat dialog box shown in the accompanying figure, the __________ can be used to obtain Help on any box or button located in the dialog box.
17. d (07Excl-1-33)  In the AutoFormat dialog box shown in the accompanying figure, the __________ allows additional formats to be assigned as part of the selected customized format.
18. b (07Excl-1-34)  To select any cell, click the __________ located on the left side of the formula bar and enter the cell reference of the desired cell.
19. a (07Excl-1-38)  The small __________ at the corners and sides along the selection rectangle indicate a chart is selected.
20. c (07Excl-1-41)  The __________ identifies each bar in a chart.
21. d (07Excl-1-43)  When a file is saved, Excel automatically appends the extension __________ to the entered file name, which stands for Excel workbook.
22. b (07Excl-1-44)  The __________, on the left of the Save As dialog box, displays a list of shortcuts (pointers) to the most recently used files in a folder titled Recent.
23. c (07Excl-1-49)  A total, an average, or other information about numbers in a range easily can be obtained by using the __________ on the status bar.
24. b (07Excl-1-53)  The __________ not only deletes the contents from a range, but also copies the range to the Office Clipboard.
25. a (07Excl-1-54)  An unsaved workbook can be cleared by clicking the workbook's Close button or by clicking Close on the __________ menu.
26. a - true (07Excl-1-6)  Web support allows Excel to save workbooks or parts of a workbook in HTML format so they can be viewed and manipulated using a browser.
27. b - false (07Excl-1-9)  Inside an Excel workbook are sheets, called booksheets.
28. a - true (07Excl-1-9)  A new Excel workbook opens with three worksheets, but, if necessary, additional worksheets can be added to a maximum of 255.
29. a - true (07Excl-1-10)  A cell is referred to by its unique address, or cell reference, which is the coordinates of the intersection of a column and a row.
30. b - false (07Excl-1-11)  The menu bar, Standard toolbar, and Formatting toolbar display at the bottom of the screen just above the status bar.
31. a - true (07Excl-1-12)  When a menu name on the menu bar is clicked, a short menu displays listing the most recently used commands.
32. a - true (07Excl-1-12)  If the arrows at the bottom of a short menu are clicked, a full menu displays that lists all the commands associated with a menu.
33. b - false (07Excl-1-12)  A hidden command displays in a faint type, which indicates it is not available for the current selection.
34. b - false (07Excl-1-12)  A dimmed command does not display on the short menu.
35. b - false (07Excl-1-14)  As data is typed, the data displays in the Name box, and Excel displays the active cell reference in the formula bar.
36. b - false (07Excl-1-14)  Mode indicators, such as NUM (Num Lock), CAPS (Caps Lock), and SCRL (Scroll) show which keys are engaged.
37. a - true (07Excl-1-14)  When the mode indicator reads Ready, Excel is ready to accept the next command or data entry.
38. a - true (07Excl-1-14)  When the mode indicator reads Enter, Excel is in the process of accepting data through the keyboard into the active cell.
39. b - false (07Excl-1-14)  Keyboard indicators, such as Enter and Ready, display on the status bar and specify the current mode.
40. a - true (07Excl-1-15)  In Excel, any set of characters containing a letter, hyphen (as in a telephone number), or space is considered text.
41. a - true (07Excl-1-16)  The insertion point is a blinking vertical line that indicates where the next character typed will display.
42. a - true (07Excl-1-17)  Clicking the Enter box completes an entry, and clicking the Cancel box cancels the entry.
43. b - false (07Excl-1-17)  When the text entered is longer than the width of a column, Excel displays the overflow characters in adjacent cells to the left as long as these adjacent cells contain data.
44. a - true (07Excl-1-19)  When an arrow key is pressed to complete an entry in a cell, the adjacent cell in the direction of the arrow (up, down, left, or right) becomes the active cell.
45. a - true (07Excl-1-20)  Numbers can contain only the following characters: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + - ( ) , / . $ % E e.
46. a - true (07Excl-1-21)  Numbers entered into a worksheet are right-aligned, which means Excel displays the cell entry to the far right in the cell.
47. b - false (07Excl-1-23)  When proposing a range of cells to sum, Excel first looks for a range of cells with numbers below the active cell and then to the right.
48. b - false (07Excl-1-24)  The range of cells receiving a copy is called the copy area.
49. b - false (07Excl-1-24)  The cell being copied is called the paste area.
50. a - true (07Excl-1-27)  If each cell in a selected range is next to a row of numbers, Excel assigns the SUM function to each cell in the selected range when the AutoSum button is clicked.
51. a - true (07Excl-1-27)  A worksheet is formatted to emphasize entries and make the worksheet easier to read and understand.
52. b - false (07Excl-1-28)  The font type indicates how characters are formatted, such as regular, underlined, or italicized.
53. a - true (07Excl-1-28)  A character with a point size of 10 is about 10/72 of one inch in height.
54. b - false (07Excl-1-28)  Font style defines the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, and special characters.
55. a - true (07Excl-1-28)  When Excel begins, the preset font type for the entire workbook is Arial with a size and style of 10-point regular.
56. b - false (07Excl-1-28)  You bold an entry in a cell to camouflage it or make it blend into the rest of the worksheet.
57. a - true (07Excl-1-34)  When the Merge and Center button is clicked to center a worksheet title across the range A1:F1, Excel not only centers the title but also merges cells A1 through F1 into one cell, cell A1.
58. b - false (07Excl-1-34)  Most formats assigned to a cell will display on the Standard toolbar when the cell is selected.
59. a - true (07Excl-1-37)  Excel derives the scale along the vertical axis (also called the y-axis or value axis) of a Column chart on the basis of the values in the worksheet.
60. a - true (07Excl-1-41)  Excel automatically selects the entries in the topmost row of a selected range as the titles for the horizontal axis (x-axis or category axis) of a Column chart and draws a column for each cell in the range containing numbers.
61. b - false (07Excl-1-41)  When Excel is installed on a computer, the default chart type, or the type of chart Excel draws if the Finish button is clicked in the first Chart Wizard dialog box, is the 3-D (three-dimensional) Pie chart.
62. b - false (07Excl-1-41)  If the computer is turned off or if power is lost while building a workbook, the computer stores the workbook in memory.
63. a - true (07Excl-1-44)  In the list box that displays when the Tools button is clicked in the Save As dialog box, the General Options command allows a backup copy of the workbook to be saved, a password to be created to limit access to the workbook, and other functions to be carried out.
64. a - true (07Excl-1-44)  Saving a backup workbook means that each time the workbook is saved, Excel copies the current version of the workbook on disk to a file with the same name, but with the words, Backup of, appended to the front of the file name.
65. b - false (07Excl-1-44)  Case sensitive means that Excel cannot differentiate between uppercase and lowercase letters.
66. a - true (07Excl-1-46)  If a print area is not selected, Excel automatically selects a print area on the basis of used cells.
67. b - false (07Excl-1-47)  The Close button and Control-menu icon on the title bar close the workbook, and the Close button and Control-menu icon on the menu bar close Excel.
68. a - true (07Excl-1-51)  If the entry in a cell is long and the errors are minor, Edit mode may be a better choice than selecting the cell and retyping the entire entry.
69. b - false (07Excl-1-51)  To delete a character in a cell, move the insertion point to the right of the character to be deleted and then press the DELETE key, or place the insertion point to the left of the character to be deleted and then press the BACKSPACE key.
70. b - false (07Excl-1-52)  In Insert mode, Excel overtypes the character to the right of the insertion point.
71. b - false (07Excl-1-52)  In Overtype mode, as a character is typed, Excel inserts that character and moves all characters to the right of the typed character one position to the right.
72. b - false (07Excl-1-52)  Excel provides the Undo command on the Edit menu and the Undo button on the Standard toolbar to repeat previous actions.
73. b - false (07Excl-1-53)  The Redo button on the Standard toolbar and the Redo command on the Edit menu can be used to erase the most recent cell entry.
74. b - false (07Excl-1-53)  Always press the SPACEBAR to clear a cell.
75. a - true (07Excl-1-54)  With the Office Assistant active, a question, word, or phrase can be typed in a text box and the Office Assistant provides immediate help on the subject.
76. a - true (07Excl-2-6)  To start Excel, Windows must be running.
77. b - false (07Excl-2-8)  Excel considers a date to be text and, therefore, displays it left-aligned in the cell.
78. a - true (07Excl-2-9)  If a formula is entered in cell F3 to multiply the values in cells D3 and E3, Excel recalculates the product whenever new values are entered into those cells and displays the result in cell F3.
79. b - false (07Excl-2-10)  Cell references in formulas must be entered in uppercase, and spaces cannot be added before or after the arithmetic operators.
80. b - false (07Excl-2-10)  When more than one operator is involved in a formula, Excel follows a different basic order of operations from that used in algebra.
81. b - false (07Excl-2-12)  Regardless of the length and complexity of a formula, using Point mode to enter formulas often is slower and less accurate than using the keyboard.
82. a - true (07Excl-2-14)  When a formula is copied, Excel adjusts the cell references so the new formulas contain references corresponding to the new location and perform calculations using the appropriate values.
83. a - true (07Excl-2-16)  A function takes a value or values, performs an operation, and returns a result to the cell.
84. b - false (07Excl-2-18)  When Point mode is used to enter a function, the arrow keys can be used to complete the entry.
85. b - false (07Excl-2-20)  The MIN function is used to determine the highest number in a range.
86. a - true (07Excl-2-21)  Excel has more than 400 functions that perform just about every type of calculation that can be imagined.
87. b - false (07Excl-2-23)  One of the least common mistakes made with Excel is to include a wrong cell reference in a formula.
88. a - true (07Excl-2-23)  The Trace Dependents command on the Auditing submenu highlights the cells with formulas in the worksheet that reference the active cell.
89. a - true (07Excl-2-24)  If the Range Finder is used to change cells referenced in a formula, press the ENTER key to complete the edit.
90. b - false (07Excl-2-26)  If the Trace Precedents command on the Auditing submenu is clicked, Excel displays cells with formulas in the worksheet that reference the active cell.
91. b - false (07Excl-2-28)  When developing presentation-quality worksheets, different fonts seldom are used in the same worksheet.
92. a - true (07Excl-2-30)  The font type, size, or style can be changed at any time while the worksheet is active.
93. a - true (07Excl-2-32)  Borders can be removed by selecting the range and clicking the No Border button on the Borders palette.
94. b - false (07Excl-2-32)  A background color can be removed by selecting the range, clicking the Font color button, and then clicking Automatic.
95. a - true (07Excl-2-33)  Left alignment, center alignment, and right alignment are used so often that Excel has Left Align, Center, and Right Align buttons on the Formatting toolbar.
96. b - false (07Excl-2-34)  When the Currency Style button is used, Excel assigns a floating dollar sign that displays immediately to the left of the first digit.
97. b - false (07Excl-2-34)  The Cells command on the Format menu or the Format Cells command on the shortcut menu must be used to assign a fixed dollar sign.
98. b - false (07Excl-2-36)  The Increase Decimal button on the Formatting toolbar removes a decimal place from the selected cell each time it is clicked.
99. b - false (07Excl-2-36)  The Decrease Decimal button on the Formatting toolbar is used to display additional decimal places in a cell.
100. b - false (07Excl-2-38)  A floating dollar sign always displays to the left side of a cell, and the fixed dollar sign always displays immediately to the left of the first digit.
101. a - true (07Excl-2-39)  When a cell is rounded to suit a particular format, while all the decimal places may not display, Excel does maintain all the decimal places for computational purposes.
102. b - false (07Excl-2-40)  When conditional formatting is used, if the condition is false, Excel applies the formatting.
103. a - true (07Excl-2-42)  The Add button in the Conditional Formatting dialog box allows up to two additional conditions to be added.
104. a - true (07Excl-2-43)  12.75 points is equal to about one-sixth of an inch.
105. a - true (07Excl-2-43)  When the format assigned to a cell causes the entry to exceed the width of a column, Excel automatically changes the column width to best fit.
106. b - false (07Excl-2-46)  When a worksheet is printed, hidden columns print.
107. b - false (07Excl-2-48)  To set a row height to best fit, double-click the top boundary of the row heading.
108. a - true (07Excl-2-48)  If specialized terms often are used that are not in the spell checker's standard dictionary, the Spelling dialog box can be used to add them to a custom dictionary.
109. b - false (07Excl-2-50)  If a range of cells is selected before starting the spell checker, Excel checks only the spelling of the words outside the selected range.
110. a - true (07Excl-2-50)  To check the spelling of all the sheets in a workbook, right-click a sheet tab, and then click Select All Sheets on the sheet tab shortcut menu.
111. b - false (07Excl-2-51)  Portrait orientation means the printout is printed across the length of the page.
112. a - true (07Excl-2-53)  Excel sets the orientation for a new workbook to portrait.
113. a - true (07Excl-2-53)  When the mouse pointer is a magnifying glass, the previewed page in the Preview window can be clicked to carry out the function of the Zoom button.
114. b - false (07Excl-2-54)  The Print dialog box displays when the Print button on the Standard toolbar is used.
115. b - false (07Excl-2-55)  The formulas version of a worksheet shows the results of the formulas that have been entered.
116. b - false (07Excl-2-55)  Because the values version of a worksheet displays and prints the formulas, rather than the results, it makes it easier to see if any mistakes were made in formulas.
117. a - true (07Excl-2-55)  When a change is made from the values to the formulas version, Excel increases the width of the columns so the formulas and text do not overflow into adjacent cells on the right.
118. a - true (07Excl-2-58)  To get external data from a World Wide Web site, it is necessary to have access to the Internet.
119. a - true (07Excl-2-58)  Data returned by stock-related Web queries is real-time in the sense that it is no more than 20 minutes old during the business day.
120. a - true (07Excl-2-60)  Excel displays the data returned from a Web query in an organized, formatted worksheet, which has a worksheet title, column titles, and a row of data for each stock symbol entered.
121. a - true (07Excl-2-61)  If, when making a Web query, the External Data toolbar does not display, right-click any toolbar and then click External Data.
122. a - true (07Excl-2-62)  Sheet names can contain up to 31 characters (including spaces) in length.
123. b - false (07Excl-2-62)  Longer sheet names mean more sheet tabs will display.
124. b - false (07Excl-2-62)  The leftmost and rightmost scroll buttons can be used to move one sheet to the left or right.
125. a - true (07Excl-2-62)  A new feature of Office 2000 is the capability of e-mailing a worksheet or workbook directly from within Excel.
126. a (07Excl-2-7)  To start a new line in a cell, press __________ after each line, except for the last line, which is completed by clicking the Enter box or pressing the ENTER key.
127. d (07Excl-2-10)  The __________ preceding a formula is an important part of the formula, because it alerts Excel that a formula or function is being entered and not text.
128. b (07Excl-2-10)  Moving from left to right in a formula, the order of operations is as follows: first negation (-), then all __________.
129. c (07Excl-2-15)  To select the nonadjacent range F11, H11, and I11, select cell F11, and then, while holding down the __________ key, drag through the range H11:I11.
130. d (07Excl-2-16)  With Excel, functions can be entered using the __________.
131. b (07Excl-2-18)  Excel has a function called the __________ that displays the highest value in a range.
132. a (07Excl-2-23)  The __________ on the Auditing submenu highlights the cells in the worksheet that are referred to by the formula in the active cell.
133. d (07Excl-2-26)  When verifying a formula using the Auditing commands, to change the active cell to the one at the other end of the blue line, __________.
134. a (07Excl-2-34)  Customized numeric formats can be assigned using the __________ on the Format menu.
135. c (07Excl-2-39)  To display negative percents in a column in bold with a red background so they stand out, the __________ on the Format menu can be used.
136. b (07Excl-2-42)  The __________ in the Conditional Formatting dialog box can be used to remove one or more active conditions.
137. d (07Excl-2-43)  When Excel starts and the blank worksheet displays on the screen, all of the columns have a default width of __________.
138. d (07Excl-2-43)  To set a column width to best fit, __________ boundary of the column heading above row 1.
139. a (07Excl-2-46)  To display a hidden column, position the mouse pointer to the __________.
140. c (07Excl-2-50)  If a workbook already has been saved, to save a workbook using a new name or on a different drive, __________.
141. c (07Excl-2-53)  Rather than click the Next and Previous buttons to move from page to page on a multiple page worksheet in the Preview window, the __________ keys can be pressed.
142. b (07Excl-2-54)  The __________ button in the Preview window magnifies or reduces the displayed worksheet.
143. d (07Excl-2-55)  In the Print dialog box in the accompanying figure, the __________ instructs Excel to print all the sheets with content in the workbook.
144. b (07Excl-2-55)  In the Print dialog box in the accompanying figure, the __________ instructs Excel to print the selected range.
145. c (07Excl-2-55)  In the Print dialog box in the accompanying figure, the __________ instructs Excel to print the active sheet displaying on the screen or the selected sheets.
146. a (07Excl-2-55)  To toggle between the values version and the formulas version of a worksheet, press __________.
147. b (07Excl-2-58)  Each of the following Web queries is available when Excel first is installed except __________.
148. b (07Excl-2-61)  To change the stock symbols Excel uses when refreshing the data in a Web query, click the __________ on the External Data toolbar.
149. d (07Excl-2-61)  To rename sheets, double-click the sheet tab in the lower-left corner of the window, type the new sheet name, and then __________.
150. b (07Excl-2-64)  If a copy of a worksheet is sent in HTML format, the recipient would __________ able to open it in Excel.

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What is it called when a row and column intersect in a spreadsheet?

Cell: A cell is a rectangular area formed by the intersection of a column and a row. Cells are identified by the Cell Name (or Reference, which is found by combining the Column Letter with the Row Number. For example the cell in Column "C" in Row "3" would be cell C3.

What displays the current cell mode?

The current cell mode is displayed at the far left of the Status Bar.

Where do Sheet tabs display in a workbook?

To do this, For all other Excel versions, click File > Options > Advanced—in under Display options for this workbook—and then ensure that there is a check in the Show sheet tabs box.

What is used to display the contents of a cell on multiple lines quizlet?

The Wrap Text feature enables you to display the contents of a cell on multiple lines within a cell.


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