The events described in the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments?

"Brothers, We tell you that we seek not war, we ask nothing better than to be quiet, and it depends, Brothers, only on you English, to have peace with us.
"We have not yet sold the lands we inhabit, [and] we wish to keep the possession of them. Our elders have been willing to tolerate you, brothers Englishmen, on the seaboard. . . . But we will not cede one single inch of the lands we inhabit beyond what has been decided formerly by our fathers.
"[The governor of French Canada] who is here present has nothing to do with what we say to you; we speak to you of our own accord, and in the name of all our allies. . . . We are entirely free; we are allies of the King of France, from whom we have received the Faith and all sorts of assistance in our necessities; we love that Monarch, and we are strongly attached to his interests."
Ateawanto, Abenaki Indian leader, speech delivered to a representative of the royal governor of Massachusetts at a treaty conference between the Abenaki of present-day Maine, the Iroquois Indians of present-day New York, the French, and the English, 1752
Which of the following groups would have most opposed the goals of the speech?
British settlers
French fur traders
The king of France
Religious missionaries

Which of the following was a main purpose of Ateawanto in his speech?
To establish commerce between his people and the English
To form an alliance between his people and the French
To seek his people's freedom from French oppression
To protect his people's land from English colonizers

The speech in the excerpt was delivered in which of the following historical situations during the mid-1700s?
The use of Native American laborers in plantation agriculture
The attempts by French settlers to acquire Native American land
Competition between European empires for Native American allies
The founding of the first British colonies in Native American territory

"I . . . longed to see and hear him, and wished he would come this way. And I soon heard he was [to] come to New York and [New Jersey] and great multitudes [began] flocking after him under great concern for their souls which brought on my concern more and more hoping soon to see him. . . .
"Then one morning all of a sudden, about 8 or 9 o'clock there came a messenger and said Mr. Whitefield . . . is to preach at Middletown this morning. . . . I was in my field at work. I dropped my tool that I had in my hand and ran home and . . . bade my wife get ready quick to go and hear Mr. Whitefield preach at Middletown, and [ran] to my pasture for my horse with all my might, fearing that I should be too late to hear him.
". . . . When we got to the old meeting house there was a great multitude; it was said to be 3 or 4,000 . . . people assembled together. . . .
"When I saw Mr. Whitefield . . . he looked almost angelical . . . and my hearing how God was with him everywhere as he came along it solemnized my mind, and put me into a trembling fear before he began to preach . . . and my old foundation was broken up, and I saw that my righteousness would not save me. . . ."
Nathan Cole, farmer, describing going to hear Reverend George Whitefield preach in Middletown, Connecticut, 1740
Which of the following most directly contributed to the ideas described in the excerpt?
The increasing social mobility of colonists encouraged the promotion of religious revivals emphasizing hierarchy and authority.
The widespread production of cash crops contributed to increasing prosperity throughout the colonies.
The large number of enslaved people in the colonies expanded the influence of non-European cultural traditions.
The British colonies became part of a trans-Atlantic print culture that facilitated the spread of European ideas.

The events described in the excerpt most directly reflected which of the following developments?
The exchange of Enlightenment ideas between Europe and the Americas
Concerns about political corruption among colonial officials
The spread of the First Great Awakening from Britain to North America
Efforts across New England to convert Native Americans

The events described in the excerpt resulted in which of the following developments in the British North American colonies?
Protestant evangelicalism furthered the Anglicization of the colonies.
Colonial assemblies attempted to assert more independence from Britain.
Religious leaders in New England expanded support for the abolitionist movement.
Britain enacted mercantilist policies to protect its economy from competition.

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